Mom calls me to tell me that My seun van 16 hou nie van meisies - TopicsExpress


Mom calls me to tell me that My seun van 16 hou nie van meisies nie. Jy moet my help want as sy Pa uitvind sal hy hom te lyf gaan. I ask what help she wants me to provide, and specifically I said What do you want the result of any help provided to be? Hy moet straight word, anders gaan hy seerkry. Jy ken nie sy Pa nie. I ask her if she has ever heard of a magic potion, a pill, a medicine approved for use to make someone that isnt whatever it is we want them to be, be that person. She tells me she has been to the Church, and to the Welfare, and she took him to a Hospital, but nobody could help. They all recommended similar help, and said that she and her husband should make an appointment with a Psychologist - FOR THEMSELVES, to deal with their own feelings, and to better understand the genetics. She tells me Ons kan nie so n seun he nie. I tell her I would be happy to come and sit with her and her husband and talk. Hel nee, she says adamantly. Ons wil nie so iets verstaan nie. Ons wil he die jongetjie moet van meisies hou. I try again, from another angle, to get her to see things a little differently, but she is having none of it. I ask if I could speak to the Son. Nee, dit lyk vir my jy is ook die verkeerde man om mee te praat. Klink vir my jy dink ook om moffie te wees soos hy is okay. I ask her how long she has known her Son doesnt like girls. She tells me that she has alway found him to be anders (different), but she thought by forcing him to play rugby (which he excels at I am told), he would become meer manlik. This has not happened. I ask her about his friends, who they are. She tells me this is what confuses her. His friends are mainly girls. So I get to the crunch and ask her if she has discussed what she sees as a problem, with him, directly. Ja, voor ek hom hospitaal toe gevat het. She says that he has denied he is anders, maar ek weet hy is net te bang om te se want hy weet sy Pa sal hom uitsmyt. Asked what it is that makes her so sure he is anders, she says she looked on his computer, and saw pics of men niks kaal fotos nie, maar die fotos is net mans en nog mans! I try again to set a time to see her alone then, and then meet her Son, and then see the family together, if that is needed. A deep sigh from her, and she tells me that she will get her Son to call me after school, Maar ek waarsku jou. Dit is NIE wat ons wil he nie. Die laaitie moet nou oor hierdie nonsens kom, al moet sy Pa hom na n club toe vat. (Asking for detail, I realise she speaks of a place like a strip-joint, which she clearly sees as a cure.) I ask her how SHE feels about it, excluding the Father from the equation. She tells me ‘Ek sal seker nie te veel omgee nie. Maar ons is albei bang vir my Man.’ (And this I believe is the REAL problem here, HER fear of her Husband). A work in progress. First a chat with the ‘different’ Lad, and then we see……….
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 07:32:59 +0000

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