Mom, way to disappear on us for two days! What the hell? Betsy - TopicsExpress


Mom, way to disappear on us for two days! What the hell? Betsy yelled the moment Doreen entered their trailer. I know, I know.....Im a horrible mom. Betsy crossed her arms and stomped. We were worried sick about you! I called and spoke to LuEllen and she said everything was okay. Yeah, but you didnt speak to us! I didnt want this argument, precisely. We deserve better, Betsy replied coldly. So do I and thats why I was out there trying to find my present! I cant live in the past and the future is beyond my control so I was out there living in the present! I found this really nice guy named Anthony and hes outside in the car, as a matter of fact. He wants to come inside to meet you all but Im not bringing him in if youre going to act like a total coochscrubber! Betsy licked her lips. As long as hes not almost my age, you can certainly bring him in. Hes a gentleman. Well, I should hope so but its highly unlikely. You only attract a certain kind of men. Which kind would that be? Doreen seethed. The kind that want to use you and abuse you and then run out of here before you even know their name. Well, this ones name is Anthony. Welcome him in, mom, Crystal came out and stood behind Betsy. She placed her arms on her sisters shoulders and whispered, Give him a chance. Scarlett joined her sisters as Doreen retrieved her date from the car. He brought her all the way out here. He must either be into her. Yeah, he was into her all kinds of ways, Betsy mumbled. Be nice. Ill try, was all Betsy could promise. Girls, Doreen shot a stern look. This is Anthony. Hes from New Orleans. But originally from Lafayette, he said warmly. Nice to meet you all. Likewise, Crystal countered. Will you be staying for breakfast? I can cook us up some we have anything here, Crystal? Betsy asked. You know we do, Doreen smiled and then went to the kitchen. We have......eggs and toast. No need, Anthony smiled. But Im going into Lafayette for the afternoon. Do you girls want to have a big breakfast at Cracker Barrel and then we can go hang out at the mall, play some arcades? Really? Betsy looked at him suspiciously. Really. Cross my heart and hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye. Of course! Crystal said quickly. Well, then. Get dressed girls. Doreen motioned. She waited until they hurried into their rooms and then spoke. You didnt have to do that. Its my pleasure. Besides, I really want to see you again and they need to approve, right? Right, Doreen nodded. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for one moment to give thanks for her Christmas present.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 11:00:00 +0000

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