Moment for Meditation - December 17, 2014 I Stand - TopicsExpress


Moment for Meditation - December 17, 2014 I Stand De-Mazed How many of you remember the Fun House at Crystal Beach? Remember the part with the spinning things that you had to find your way through? Today, remembering that infused with the story Flowers for Algernon gives my spirit a serious jolt. There I was, bouncing and spinning through those [I dont even remember what they were] things, being tossed about while trying to find the exit. As soon as I made it out, I would head back to the line to go through it all over again. This is us! My spirit shouted. We get ourselves out of the mazes of life and instead of moving beyond that thing, we make our way back to the entrance and go through again. Of course we will tell ourselves that we are going through for a different reason or that there was something else for us to learn or, our friends are in there and we are going through to get them! Whatever the reason, into the maze we go. It has become the unofficial play book for Christian growth. Meanwhile, Jesus is standing just outside of the maze, arms open with a big [a] smile on His face, ready to congratulate you for your continued press toward Him and you turn and run back to the beginning of the maze! I am not knocking the maze, but can we get past it? Perhaps we dont even recognize the maze. It is possible that we are so programmed, like Algernon, that we dont know anything else, what would we do as Christians if we didnt have our mazes? Aha! Here we are, on the last leg of 2014, the light at the end of the maze is in sight; we are celebrating the birth of our Savior and hopefully, telling others what He means to us. Wouldnt it be a wonderful thing to run to Him instead of the beginning of your maze? To actually go with Him on the journey of life? To see and experience what He has been waiting to show you? Did He not say that He would do new things that you have never seen? I dare say that you have seen everything that your maze has to offer, you have been through so many times it should be boring. What might a maze look like? Reaching for the hem of His garment as a show of faith when, unlike that woman at that time, He is extending His arms to you. One would have to believe Jesus is nothing more than a one reach wonder to believe that that is all there is to a relationship with Him. I believe that once she received confirmation of her faith, she wanted more than that. Going through the wilderness. We all know that is was that way for those travelling through it. We also know that it didnt have to be like that. Further more, we know that everybody didnt make it out alive. Will you keep going through it until you die too? Jesus is standing at the exit with a never emptying hand full of promises. Promises that you wont receive because you keep turning and running back to the beginning of the wilderness [maze]. Holding that Mustard Seed tightly in your hands as if it is a symbol of the only faith you will need. If you dont have any Mustard trees near you, look one up, then contemplate the reason that you are holding Mustard seed so tightly. You will hear it saying.... I CANT BREATHE! In case you decide after reading this to hunker down inside your maze and say to me, Reverend, God is with me in my maze!... So were all of the people who were waiting for you to come out of your circumstances and see them; or the people who took all of the advantage they could take of you and decided to move on. The very God who is with you in the maze, leading you out will say to you, You have placed you maze as god over me. You wont have to worry about getting out and running to the beginning then, for without Him, you wont make it out at all. Today, let us lay aside every malfunction, wrong belief, and misguided thought that keeps us from running freely into the arms of Jesus. Let us walk in the light, to the Light, so that we can add to our faith, virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 19:04:05 +0000

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