Moment for Meditation - October 30, 2014 How Long Is Your - TopicsExpress


Moment for Meditation - October 30, 2014 How Long Is Your Forever? One of my favorite Bible stories is about the remnant of the Sons of Korah. Their story is one of rebellion and disobedience swirling around their belief that God was unfair. Their belief led to their act of challenging God and demanding that He rectify the situation in their favor. Gods response to their request was to swallow them alive and whole along with the sons of Dathan and Abiram. Now, if I were there, ANY thoughts I might have had about complaining about the way things were going, would have been swallowed up with my pride. But WE, dont always think like that. We get it in our minds that we are in control and God gets beside Himself from time to time and does things that are not in accordance with our plans. Take the lovely child of God who steps out on faith. The child walks and walks along the path of God and suddenly decides hes gone too far and has walked long enough. Im going to add or take away or turn down another path because this one blows. He gets himself out there in some God-forsaken place and [you know how we roll] blames God for his circumstances. Yet another child of God heads out the door in search of everything hes entitled to. He scoffs at the folks who try to tell him about the gifts of Grace and Salvation. Though he has eyes to see and ears to hear, he refuses to heed the wisdom or read the signs that tell him that hes about three inches away from the point of no return. We have the warnings; we have the Word of God that tells us what happened to the folks who did what we are thinking of doing, yet, we dont believe those things will happen again; not to us at least, we are us after all. In spite of the impatience and disobedience, God did have a plan for the Sons of Korah. They appear again in the Temple, grateful for the opportunity to worship God. They were grateful just to be a door keeper in Gods House. They panted for God like the deer pants for water. They asked God to rescue them from the unjust and the ungodly. They put their trust back in God. They praised God. They sought Him for safety. They evangelized for God. They magnified God... They rejoiced to be back in Gods presence. If only we could all learn to wait on God; to wait our turn to shine for God; to wait eternally even when our moment in the spotlight is fleeting and our friends and Church members miss it. We should let go of the limits we place on the timeless God and worship Him. If only we would praise Him and worship Him and Love Him to the ends of the earth, there would be no time for marking time and no chance of our being swallowed up alive and whole in our sins... If only.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 19:02:08 +0000

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