Moments ago, Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid invoked a - TopicsExpress


Moments ago, Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid invoked a parliamentary maneuver to change the Senate rules and restrict the rights of the minority party. Under normal Senate procedure, it requires a super-majority of 67 votes to change the Senate rules. But the tactic Reid deployed today is so controversial, it is known as the nuclear option. In fact, three Democrats voted with all 45 Republicans to oppose the rules change. But with 52 votes, Reid prevailed. It wasnt that long ago when Republicans controlled the Senate. Frustrated by liberal Democrats who were repeatedly blocking conservative nominees, they threatened to do the same thing. Liberals and their media allies howled with outrage at the GOPs disrespect of minority rights and its alleged abuse of power. My advice to Senate conservatives: Do not allow the Senate to conduct any business until this is corrected! Sure, there will be criticism for shutting down the Senate and blocking votes. But Harry Reid is not allowing votes on legislation he does not like, such as the House-passed bill allowing individuals to keep the health insurance plans they like. This vote is just the latest manifestation of the lefts growing intolerance and its willingness to ignore, bend and break rules it finds inconvenient. Obama didnt like the Defense of Marriage Act, so he just ignored it. He didnt like our immigration laws, so he changed them. When parts of Obamacare started to cause trouble, Obama unilaterally altered them. To the left, the ends justify the means. Harry Reid broke the Senate rules in order to make it easier for Obama to pack the courts with more left-wing judicial activists. The 2014 elections cannot come soon enough! Please, my friends, stand with CWF today so we can take back the Senate and restore respect for the rule of law. * * * * *
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 22:16:30 +0000

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