Momentum gaining against Bohner - WND - wnd - Posted By Leo - TopicsExpress


Momentum gaining against Bohner - WND - wnd - Posted By Leo Hohmann On 01/05/2015 @ 1:06 pm In Front Page,Politics,U.S. | 12/Boehner_Crying2   House Speaker John Boehner The momentum against John Boehners speakership appears to be gaining momentum. Americans for Legal Immigration PAC announced Monday it will pull its support from any member of Congress who supports Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, as speaker of the House. Earlier in the morning, Tea Party Nation posted a blog announcing its opposition to Boehner and touting Rep. Gohmert, R-Texas, for the job. Tea Party Nation is one of the nations largest tea party groups. THE FINAL SPRINT IS UP TO US, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, the group posted in one blog on its website. Our mission of electing a new speaker to the House of Representatives and firing Speaker Boehner takes exciting turns. Last week we found a healthy number of representatives working to elect a new speaker that snowballed into an increasing wave of support to achieve that goal. Now this weekend we have 2 challengers to Boehner stepping boldly forward for the speakership position: Louie Gohmert (TX) and Ted Yoho (FL). The new Congress will be seated Tuesday and one of the first orders of business will be to choose a speaker of the House, a powerful position which leads the House legislative agenda and is third in the line of succession to the presidency. ALIPAC is cautioning lawmakers that a vote for Boehner Tuesday for speaker will be considered a vote for amnesty for illegal immigrants and as such will result in loss of endorsement from the national organization that currently supports more than 70 members of Congress .. ALIPAC President William Gheen said a poll by EMC Research finding that 60 percent of Republicans want someone other than Boehner in the speakership should lend powerful traction to the palace coup brewing on Capitol Hill. Sixty percent is a landslide in any election, by any standard, Gheen said.. There is landslide support for Republicans to elect someone other than John Boehner as speaker. To be successful in replacing Boehner, the uprising needs 29 Republicans to support some other candidate. The anti-Boehner coup is led by Gohmert, who has put his name in the ring of challengers for the speakership along with Yoho. Others who have publicly stated they will not be voting for Boehner include Reps. David Brat, R-Va., Steve King, R-Iowa, Walter Jones, R-N.C., Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., Jim Bridenstine, R-Okla., Gary Palmer, R-Ala., Thomas Massie, R-Ky., and Marlin Stutzman, Ind. At least two other freshmen members, Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., and Rep. John Ratliffe, R-Texas, said prior to the November 2014 election that they would not vote for Boehner as speaker. Reps. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., and Justin Amash, R-Mich., have voted in the past against Boehner for speaker but have not announced yet how they will vote this time. Others thought to be leaning against Boehner but who have not publicly announced their positions include Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., Rep. Curt Clawson, R-Fla., and Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C. Gheen said he believes the 60 percent figure in the EMC poll is only going to climb as more Republicans emerge from their holiday slumber and realize they have been sold out by Boehner on the $1.1 trillion budget that fully funds Obamacare while also funding Obamas executive amnesty through Feb. 27, providing billions of dollars in federal subsidies and hand-outs for illegal aliens. He said that if Boehner is elected speaker by his Republican colleagues, the writing is on the wall for the future of the Republican Party. It has no future. This whole thing is about reconnecting people with their government and right now that connection is being broken by Boehner and Obama who are both putting out a steady streams of lies and deception that are killing America and if the Republicans in Congress are not genuine enough to do what needs to be done with John Boehner then a lot of us are going to be leaving the Republican party, Gheen said. A lot of people. And there will be something new, hopefully that is more sincere in its desire to represent the American people. Right now Congress is being run in a dictatorial and oligarchical fashion that is unbefitting of America, or any constitutional republic. Gheen said Mondays announcement is a very big deal for us because ALIPAC does not typically tell its endorsed candidates that they will lose the groups support over one vote, but we feel we have to deliver the message that a vote for John Boehner is a vote for Obama. Obama wants John Boehner to win the vote for speaker tomorrow, he said. John Boehner is the speaker who delivered the big ole sack of money, the $1..1 trillion CRomnibus, to Obamas desk, Gheen said. Conservative organizations expect a dogfight that could come down to the wire Tuesday. Locate your representative in Congress and contact them to give your input on whether Speaker Boehner should be retained or ousted. The list of prominent conservative groups and individuals on record against Boehner continuing at the helm of the House now includes the following: Alan Keyes Ed Dean Jack Furnari, BizpacReview Mr. Conservative Kevin Jackson Dana Loesch Michelle Malkin Joshua Riddle, Young Conservatives Evan Sayet Kurt Schlicter Tom Tancredo Jamie Radtke Campaign to Free America Nashville Tea Party Chattanooga Tea Party Tea Party WDC Joe For America Tony Olivia- Dustin Stockton Western PAC Joe the Plumber Sean Hannity ALIPAC Tea Party Nation Freedom Works Gheen also cites recent revelations from Boehner himself that he finds troubling. While drinking with the notorious liberal Joy Behar he told her he was Obamas best friend, Gheen said. Theres a famous Latin saying, In vino de veritas or In wine there is truth. John Boehner has to get drunk to tell the truth, and I believe he was telling the truth when he told Joy back in September he was Obamas best friend. Gheen said Boehner has exposed himself as the pretend opposition, not the real opposition, and he is doing the bidding of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, not the rank and file Republicans who turned out in the November election to sweep out Democrats. Hes in power due to his willingness to deceive conservatives. And if members of Congress are not loyal enough to the Constitution to replace him then they need to get kicked out of office in the next election, they will be targeted for a Dave Brat vs. Eric Cantor style primary in 2016 and an independent candidate to be placed on the ballot in case our GOP primary fails. Unlike Boehner, Gheen said Cantor at least told the truth about his support for amnesty. If status-quo Republicans are successful Tuesday in re-electing Boehner as speaker, Gheen said ALIPAC will start looking for replacement candidates on Wednesday.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 21:44:26 +0000

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