Mon: When I fell pregnant 4 my 2nd child, I wasnt met with - TopicsExpress


Mon: When I fell pregnant 4 my 2nd child, I wasnt met with celebratory messages but rather seeds of corruption were planted in my head by one person after another Once he has his own child he will forget abt danny? Danny is going to suffer now. One person even told Danny that his daddy wudnt love him anymore because hell have his own baby. My son cried 4 hrs. As hard as I tried 2 ignore it, the negative comments played havoc in my mind. So much so that the moment I had Ysabella, Daniel became MY child & Ysabella was her fathers. I got into a combat mode. I found myself getting angry at my husband for everything he did for Danny or didnt do. And God forbid he even attempt to discipline him, all hell broke loose. He was at his wits end last wk n I was frustrated that he cudnt understand. Then a close friend Ugashen reminded me of something: You told me u found the best father possible for your son when you were getting married again. So y r u stopping him from being a father NOW? What changed? Y r u creating a problem when there wasnt one since u married. The truth is since i had Ysabella, the love my husband has for Danielson hasnt altered a single bit or faltered. I was the one creating the divide. Infact he has gone above n beyond to make sure Danny feels secure. He is present at everything in Dannys life. EVERYTHING. So why was it suddenly not good enough. Because I believed theories based on people who wud never know because they were never in the situation. I swallowed my pride, put my tail between my legs & made a heartfelt apology 2 my hubby. And his response shook my core: He said I dont cultivate the poisonous seeds planted in your head by people who dont have your best interest at heart. If I did, Id harvest weeds. Im cultivating my son cos I know Id harvest the best crop in him. WOW. 2 things. We often think our lives R too filled with probs to cope but look again. is it actually u causing a prob where there is none. Secondly its so easy to find ourselves problem laden based on the negativity we take on from ill meaning people. We make their lies our absolute truth & then we become miserable. So this week decide which seeds to cultivate. The weeds or the bountiful crop. That will decide the outcome of yr harvest. ;) Much lovies. Choose Life... Tash
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 13:05:18 +0000

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