Monday- A- Hang Power Snatch-build to a heavy 2 B- Frontsquat - TopicsExpress


Monday- A- Hang Power Snatch-build to a heavy 2 B- Frontsquat 3,3,3,3,3; Rest 2:00 C- For time: 5 Rounds 15 KBS 10 TTB A- Dont drop bar between reps, spend a little time building up B- Add weight per set C- Moderate KB Tuesday- A- Power Clean 1.1.1 x 4 sets; Rest 1:30 B- 5 sets@90% 10 Push Press 15 Box Jump up and over 150m Row *Rest 3:00 A- Add weight each cluster B- Record time per set Wednesday- A- Kipping Practice; Rest as needed B- OHS 5 reps x 5 sets; Rest 1:30 C- 12 minute AMRAP 4 Hang Power Clean/Push Jerk 8 Pull Ups 12 Airsquats A- Work kips in sets of 10 B- Same weight for all sets C- Unbroken? Thursday- A- Deadlift 2,2,2,2,2 B- Bar Dip 3-4 reps x 5 sets; Rest 1:30-2:00 C- 15 minute AMRAP Row 1000m 75 HRPU AMRAP Double Unders A- Add per set B- Weighted if possible C- Record row time/Double Under rep Friday- A- Push Jerk x 2, Split Jerk x 1 x 5 sets; Rest 1:30-2:00 B- 8 minute AMRAP@80% 12 Walking Lunges 18 Sit Ups *Rest 4 minutes 8 minute AMRAP@90+% 8 KBS 8 Burpees A- Add per set B- 1st AMRAP@80%, 2nd AMRAP 90%+
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 00:16:35 +0000

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