Monday, 04 November 2013 Subscribe|Search Politicsweb: FRONT - TopicsExpress


Monday, 04 November 2013 Subscribe|Search Politicsweb: FRONT PAGE FEATURES ISERVICE COMMENT RESOURCES SUBSCRIBE ADVERTISE TOP STORIES FEATURE: Where the DA stands on employment equity - Lindiwe Mazibuko 02 November 2013 DA PL says opposition will push for various amendments to EE Amendment Bill in the NCOP Read more » Related articles: What is going on with the DA? » The DAs icy silence » Has the DA just put a bullet through its brain? » A FAMOUS GROUSE: Cape Towns effluent society 02 November 2013 Andrew Donaldson on the robust start to the Citys end-of-year looting season Read more » Related articles: Jacob Zuma as a fourth double brandy-and-coke » When the ANC starts eating itself ... » SPEECH: We didnt leave the ANC - the ANC left us - Mmusi Maimane 02 November 2013 Speech by DA Gauteng Premier Candidate during his Believe in Change campaign launch, Nov 2 2013 Read more » Related articles: Register to Win Gauteng in 2014 - Mmusi Maimane » Dirty votes comment: Mokonyanes out of touch - Mmusi Maimane » FEATURE: The myth of the slow pace of land redistribution (II) 01 November 2013 The second in a two part series by James Myburgh revisiting the land question in South Africa Read more » Related articles: The land question revisited (I) » OPINION: Zimbabwe: With friends like the Chinese, who needs enemies? 02 November 2013 Vince Musewe says ZANU-PF is clearly complicit in the further underdevelopment of the country, and is boasting about it Read more » Related articles: Liberation struggle mentality is stifling Zimbabwe » Beware of Malemas Juju! » OPINION: Weak at the knees 02 November 2013 Cathy Buckle says that once again hunger is stalking the land Read more » Related articles: Licking our wounds » Broken promises » DAILY SUN FRONT PAGE: Mzansi United! - Daily Sun 01 November 2013 The front page and lead story of SAs largest newspaper, November 1 2013 Read more » Related articles: Cape chaos! Angry crowds loot Zilleville! - Daily Sun » Pupil speared to death! School horror killing caught on video! - Daily Sun » STATEMENT: COSATU angered by death of six workers at Ingula 02 November 2013 Federation says it is shocking so many lives can be lost in a single accident Read more » Related articles: COSATU welcomes Boeremag sentences » Unemployment down but still far too high - COSATU » STATEMENT: SABs allegations reckless - FAWU 02 November 2013 Union says casuals from hired labour brokering services currently amateurishly attempting to brew beer in Gauteng plants Read more » Related articles: FAWU should call off undemocratic, violent strike - SAB » FAWU distances itself from alleged acts of violence in SAB strike » STATEMENT: Investigation launched into Ingula accident - Eskom 02 November 2013 Company says six construction employees lost their lives, seven injured Read more » Related articles: COSATU angered by death of six workers at Ingula » Cost of Ingula Power Station spirals to R23.8bn - Natasha Michael » SPEECH: 9 farm murders in six months in KZN - Mark Steele 02 November 2013 DA MPP says random slaughter of the provinces farmers should be widely condemned Read more » Related articles: Another shocking farm murder in KZN - IFP KZN » STATEMENT: Public Protectors decision on Nkandlagate report worrying - Lindiwe Mazibuko 02 November 2013 DA PL says referral of report to organs of state within security cluster was a mistake Read more » Related articles: Nkandlagate report must not be brought to parliament to be buried - Lindiwe Mazibuko » Nkandlagate report should be submitted to parliament - ANC » STATEMENT: DA govt treats poor people with contempt - ANCYL WCape 02 November 2013 League says senior DA politician shouldve accepted memorandum from marchers, not a civil servant Read more » Related articles: ANCYL WCape condemns looting and criminality in Cape Town » STATEMENT: Sandy Kalyan apologises unconditionally - ANC 31 October 2013 Office of Chief Whip says Speaker has also rebuked DA for its tactic of walking out of parliament to sabotage quora Read more » Related articles: Stone Sizanis allegations against Sandy Kalyan bizarre - Watty Watson » Conduct of Sandy Kalyan appalling - ANC » STATEMENT: Office of ANC Chief Whips allegations baseless - Public Protector 31 October 2013 Thuli Madonsela says provisional Nkandla report will be submitted to Speaker as well as complainants and respondents this week (Oct 30) Read more » Related articles: Public Protectors Nkandlagate report must be made public - Lindiwe Mazibuko » Nkandlagate report should be submitted to parliament - ANC » FEATURE: Jacob Zuma and the trouble with the ZANC 31 October 2013 Isaac Mogotsi asks whether there is any truth in the insulting EFF characterisation Read more » Related articles: Uhuru Kenyatta, SA diplomacy and international legality » Julius Malemas World War Z » STATEMENT: No debate allowed on Financial Services Laws General Amendment Bill - Watty Watson 31 October 2013 DA Chief Whip says NA Programming Committee overrode opposition objections Read more » Related articles: Stone Sizanis allegations against Sandy Kalyan bizarre - Watty Watson » Stone Sizani scores hat-trick of own goals - Watty Watson » STATEMENT: Shabangu fails to visit a single mine in 2013 - Hendrik Schmidt 31 October 2013 DA MP says minister should lead the charge from the ground to resolve current crisis, not from her cushy office in Pretoria Read more » Related articles: Shabangu has lost touch with reality - James Lorimer » STATEMENT: Health officials arrested for selling free ARVs to desperate patients - DA Gauteng 31 October 2013 John Moodey commends valiant efforts of police in stong operation, as reported in The Sowetan Read more » Related articles: 4 410 AIDS patients have defaulted on ARV treatment since 2011 - Jack Bloom » ARV shortage on the East Rand - DENOSA » STATEMENT: Solidiarity rejects Lonmins wage offer 31 October 2013 Union says its talks with company regarding recognition are at a sensitive stage Read more » Related articles: Lonmin has become an embarrassment to mining industry - Solidarity » Minority unions at Lonmin considering strike action - Solidarity » STATEMENT: Khuli Chana tried to run over uniformed cops - SAPS Gauteng 03 November 2013 Brigadier NB Malila says attempted murder docket opened against rapper Read more » Related articles: EFF condemns the anti-black shoot to kill shooting of Khuli Chana » Trigger happy SAPS must be demilitarised - Dianne Kohler Barnard » STATEMENT: CFCR paying Glynnis Breytenbachs legal fees - FW de Klerk Foundation 03 November 2013 When centre became aware of Advocates predicament, it did not hesitate to offer its assistance Read more » Related articles: NPA still trying to clip Glynnis Breytenbachs wings - Debbie Schafer » NPA to challenge Glynnis Breytenbach ruling » STATEMENT: Zuma-Gupta mines conduct outrageous - AgangSA 03 November 2013 Party says President Zuma has mortgaged South Africa to the controversial, untouchable family Read more » Related articles: Angie Motshekgas comments astonishing - AgangSA » MEMORANDUM: No to the e-tolls! - EFF Gauteng 03 November 2013 Fighters remind the deaf government that you cannot win against the people! Read more » Related articles: EFF condemns the anti-black shoot to kill shooting of Khuli Chana » In celebration of the anniversary of the Economic Freedom March - EFF » STATEMENT: Investigation needed into Zuma-Gupta mines - James Lorimer 03 November 2013 DA MP says the Sunday Times allegations against Idwala must be taken seriously Read more » Related articles: New mining bill a charter for bribery - James Lorimer » Hawks investigating Mbete and Gold Fields BEE deal - James Lorimer » STATEMENT: Taxpayers fork out R2.3m for Michael Hulley in Spy Tapes case - James Selfe 03 November 2013 DA CFE says Presidents lawyer also appears to be double-dipping from the State Read more » Related articles: Zumas Spy Tapes delaying tactics cost taxpayers R1.3m in legal fees - James Selfe » STATEMENT: Nathi Mthethwa congratulates police in Anene Booysen case 03 November 2013 Johannes Kana sentenced to two life sentences for rape and murder Read more » Related articles: Justice for Anene Booysen - Lindiwe Mazibuko » Why Anene Booysen accuseds guilty plea was rejected - NPA » STATEMENT: SABC COO jumps gun on set-top boxes - Marian Shinn 03 November 2013 DA MP says decision on the matter properly resides with cabinet Read more » Related articles: DTT policy review continues despite SABCs MultiChoice deal - Marian Shinn » Yunus Carrim must explain SABC/MultiChoice deal - Marian Shinn » STATEMENT: ANC using state functions for electioneering - Lindiwe Mazibuko 03 November 2013 DA PL says Saldanha Bay IDZ launch hijack will not be last of its kind Read more » Related articles: Zuma sits on his hands as ANC abuses state event - Helen Zille » MORE NEWS MOST POPULAR The myth of the slow pace of land redistribution (II)» Jacob Zuma and the trouble with the ZANC» What is going on with the DA? » Zuma sits on his hands as ANC abuses state event - Helen Zille» Zapiros Lord Ganesha cartoon highly offensive - ANC KZN» IN DEPTH ANALYSIS The DAs icy silence» Stanley Uys says the opposition is teetering on the brink, and our media hasnt noticed Read more » A response to the neo-liberal Tito Mboweni - Floyd Shivambu» EFF Political Commissar says the political adventurism is not from the Fighters, but rather from the ANC Read more » Has the DA just put a bullet through its brain?» James Myburgh says the partys support for the Employment Equity Amendment Bill will cost it dearly Read more » Jacob Zuma as a fourth double brandy-and-coke» Andrew Donaldson explains the political lexicon of booze Read more » The land question revisited (I)» In the first of a two part series James Myburgh writes on the racial division of the land in 1913 Read more » Our judiciarys becoming a joke» Rhoda Kadalie says the JSCs obsession with race means the bench is being packed with lowest common denominator judges Read more » Helen Zilles dangerous gamble» The DA is single-mindedly chasing after former ANC voters but, Stanley Uys asks, at what cost for the party and South Africa? Read more » ISERVICE Mzansi United! - Daily Sun» Cape chaos! Angry crowds loot Zilleville! - Daily Sun» Pupil speared to death! School horror killing caught on video! - Daily Sun» Goal of death! - Daily Sun» What MetroR, MTN should know about education in Uganda - MarkLives» Whats eating City Press? - Grubstreet» Derby Fever! Who will win the Battle of the Giants? - Daily Sun» VIEW MORE STATEMENTS AND DOCUMENTS ANC using state functions for electioneering - Lindiwe Mazibuko» SABC COO jumps gun on set-top boxes - Marian Shinn» Nathi Mthethwa congratulates police in Anene Booysen case» Taxpayers fork out R2.3m for Michael Hulley in Spy Tapes case - James Selfe» Investigation needed into Zuma-Gupta mines - James Lorimer» No to the e-tolls! - EFF Gauteng» Zuma-Gupta mines conduct outrageous - AgangSA» CFCR paying Glynnis Breytenbachs legal fees - FW de Klerk Foundation» Khuli Chana tried to run over uniformed cops - SAPS Gauteng» DA govt treats poor people with contempt - ANCYL WCape» VIEW MORE About Politicsweb|Contact Politicsweb|Advertise with us RSS feed|Terms and conditions of use|Sitemap|
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 07:41:48 +0000

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