Monday 10th November, 2014 Aries You don’t need to fight it - TopicsExpress


Monday 10th November, 2014 Aries You don’t need to fight it dear Aries, when ever there are thoughts that arise and feel uncomfortable allow the discomfort to remain without buying into the need to change it. You’ll discover something about yourself again today that will have you mesmerised with life and how it really works. A very profound message that is loud and clear to you will show up in a way that is quite different to the norm and this is when the norm changes for you. Taurus Some of the ideas need to be left behind right now dear Taurus and I say this because you don’t want to start getting ahead of yourself. It’s important that you remain with the project at hand and make sure you finish what you have started. Otherwise before you know it you’ll be running around with far too many unimportant things to do. A very necessary lesson today reveals itself to you in the more peculiar of ways and this has you laughing out loud. Gemini You needn’t be afraid of the unknown dear Gemini and if there is something in your heart that you wish to express then please do so. No, there won’t be another time to do this because right now your heart has to reveal what this feeling is to you. If you wait for another day then it won’t be able to reveal what is majorly important at this point in your life. You’ll find yourself feeling a little lost throughout the day and all I can say is embrace this. Cancer Someone throws about an idea and this has you pondering on what you are doing and also how you are going about doing it at the moment. Could it be that perhaps this doing of yours right now isn’t actually true for you? I would take some time if I were you to be really real with yourself and make sure you are not compromising who you are for some scraps. Otherwise before you know it you’ll live a life of regret and this is so unnecessary. Leo Of course you have potential dear Leo, we all do and potential is useless if we are not using it. You’ll meet with an opportunity today that will show you something very easy and it will also show you how to use your potential to the highest possible degree. A new foundation is being built right now so you’ll need to be really patient with yourself and how life unravels. It’s not a good idea to rush anything or try and push for anything on the external. Virgo Something just flows today dear Virgo and you find yourself feeling the joy of this flow, it’s as though all the taps have been turned on, all the lights switched on and all the doors flung open. You’ll be a little speechless throughout certain points in your day and it’s best to allow yourself not to find words to express or explain anything. Right now this is for you and for you only so please make sure you honour this sacred silence. Libra The thoughts in your mind will always give you problems, drama and trouble if you make them important, if you give them your attention. You can’t expect these thoughts to become conscious, aware and awake dear Libra, this is very unnecessary. So please go about your moment in your moment rather than thinking about your moment. You’ll be pleased with what comes your way as the day comes to an end. Scorpio There is no damage done at all dear Scorpio and you don’t need to think about it either, I know for certain that right now this event in your life is serving you. This being the case then make sure you are embracing what arises within you and don’t give your attention to the thoughts. If you make the thoughts important then they become important, which then leads them to having complete control over you, they have no significance what so ever. Sagittarius What you implement today dear Sagittarius brings about a new shift in your world and has you seeing some very fast changes take place. You’ll feel so great about what you are doing and where you are that this then leads to a whole new project. I get the feeling that on the work front you are about to meet with the possibilities and opportunities that have for so long been sitting in your heart as a dream and a love. Capricorn You don’t need to define love or try and explain it dear Capricorn, it’s simply for you to feel so quit with trying to work out how to get others to get it. The only reason you need someone else to get anything is because you either want something from them or you aren’t getting it yourself. So do yourself a favour and take the time to feel this love without the need to put words to it or have someone else understand what never needs to be understood. Aquarius You are rising now dear Aquarius and these are the changes that are from the work you are doing right now, the time you are taking to see what’s inside you rather than the outside. I get the feeling that you are in for a flourishing day and this is about the only way I can explain it to you. A conversation in your day shows you how truly free you are and this is the time where you fall for that incredible gratitude again. Pisces You won’t rush anything today dear Pisces as you’ll realise that nothing ever needs to happen, all the things that you once thought were needed are not needed at all. You’ll find yourself in many different conversations today all of which keep showing you how far along you have now travelled on your journey. A feeling of love in the middle of your day has your jaw dropping and this is a moment where you just won’t know what to do with yourself. Much Love, Ghazaleh Lowe
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 20:49:15 +0000

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