Monday 14th July 2014:: Bath Rangers FC Vs Big Skinners/Winners:: - TopicsExpress


Monday 14th July 2014:: Bath Rangers FC Vs Big Skinners/Winners:: 1-1 ::(7menV7) Its not the win i was hoping for and honestly anticipating but it was a great game and although not the best result it wasnt bad either, it also ends a very bad losing streak. Still to be honest its very frustrating as im sure all seven of us believe we coulda shoulda and on another day really woulda took this win, the fact their goal should of been ruled out as their goal scorer was a country mile inside box too really rubs salt in the wounds, literally but then on the other hand we play to the refs whistle they were a good side and it was a good result, not great but ok.! It started well Bath attacking hard but the Skinners were coping, Jon came on pitch about 5 mins in, then it was 7 on 7, they again as so many times and so many teams have done this season used their experience playing like this, in this league to use 7 men to their advantage. Never the less the Rangers played hard as always and used spirit more than anything to take the lead through Paul Butchers first goal on return to the team, it was a good individual goal, he tackled his man in left back position and went past him in one move like he wasnt even there, with a burst of pace and skill past another opponent he was the other end of pitch in a striker position, left side he shot left footed across keeper ball went over him, great finish 1-0. Now it was a case of doing what we found so hard this season and keeping the lead, keeping the ball and controlling the lead against stronger, fitter and alot more time playing together squad, we did well for about ten mins then Mark who didnt have a bad game but did get frustrated and injured had a clash of knees with a dirty Skinner defender and couldnt stand, had to leave the field for 5 mins. In that time they were a man up and they definately used it to their advantage, getting on far side to ref and having a shot from a tight angle which Phil who had a amazing game making some stunning stops normally would have saved, probably didnt anticipate he had too as the player was at least a yard in Phils box, everyone looked at ref who gave the goal and it was now unfairly 1-1. Mark came back on, injured or not he couldnt sit the rest of this one out, he only had one shot from range, which went horribly wrong, he picked ball up on half volley and turnt one of the /Winners who then grabbed Marks shoulder as he shot pulling him down and making the shot go terribly wrong, Mark frustrated with score and foul not given had words with ref, this only inticed the other team to foul Mark more to try and get him to bite, it didnt work but he wasnt far from saurez mode, only injured himself more in process though, lol. Jayden played a brilliant game through the middle, his normal free-role is hard to use in 7 on 7 but Jay was the man that moved off the ball that allowed moves to start, or pull players out of position, there were times during the game Phil would look up to clear ball and we were all still to our positions and Jayden would move to find that space and try and make something happen, was the silent influence in this game really, very infuentual great performance. Jon wasnt on the form we are used too from him, we all have them days and getting on pitch late rushing never helps, still had a great game at the back, making great tackles and having Asa and Paul there allowed him to take on 1, maybe 2 and move forward, usually with Jay and Mark either side plus Bradley who had a strong performance, supporting it would of worked so well just wasnt our day. Jon made himself two of those brilliant individual chances we see alot of from captain fantastic twice today one where e moved out to the right side and shot with right foot, you expect it to be another heroic moment from Jonno as so many before but this one flew over, the second Jonno linked 1,2 then 3,4 with Bradley through middle of the park it finished with a good effort with left going on target but it was saved and it flew out for a corner, good game just not the best we came to expect from Jon still a spirited performance. Asa making up the 3 at the back had another solid performance on his second Rangers outing, in a team just as strong as the one we played last week he held his own, linked with Jon and Jay down right and also with Brad and Paul down left, he looked for safety rather than putting us in danger by being clever and really is a great signing, even showed he is all about team by shading the other teams opinion with a cheeky little handball un-noticed by ref which was pretty vital, most managers wouldnt like that but situation it was and way their goal was it was even in my mind, great game and looking sharper every week, still saying he aint fit which if were honest i dont think any of us is 100% lol but i cant wait untill he is Asa and Butcher at back will be rocks, really solid game from Asa. Then Bradley who i mentioned earlier had a strong performance, well that is the best way to desribe it STRONG, he felt comfortable turning with ball at his feet even with men running at him like he used to, he wasnt afraid to go in for them hard challenges and made himself a good few chances, was very unlucky not to have broken his drought and got his first of season, he linked really well with Paul, Asa and Jonno from back then looked to create with Mark and Jay going forward. Looked stronger and fitter this week, has done every week since Paul been back really and if he continues this form we will hopefully have that Bradley Blackmore we all became used too who scored goals for fun back again, infact im sure we will. That pretty much was the story of this game a very excitable impressive 1-1 draw, it was end to end and the Rangers had the chances to win it. Jonno was fouled on the right wing just outside box, the caulprit should have been sent off but was let off with a warning, same guy who clashed knees with Mark, coincidence i think not. Mark took free kick rolled a beautiful through ball to Paul who was lining up for a right foot effort but a slight mis-communication between him and Brad didnt allow space for shot and chance was gone.! There was another great opportunity late on in the game with about four minutes remaining Jonno with a stunning interception and great peace of skill picked ball up in midfield and took on two, now in a attacking position he had dragged Marks man towards him, Mark on left acres of space and Jay to his right marked by one, Jon chose Jayden who tried to square it to Mark still completley free but with two big defenders bearing down on him and not much space and coming slightly over on ball couldnt get it perfect and it went out of play, it was a shame but we should all be very proud. All 7 of us put in a very good shift Mark and Phil with injuries to prove as much and sometimes when you have had a losing streak like we have over the last few weeks a strong performance and 1-1 draw is just what we need, lets not look at chances Mark, Brad or Jon maybe should have finished or passes we should have played different, lets look at the things we got right the positives, passing, defending, going in hard and most importantly not losing. Lets keep momentum going next week, Sporting Lesbian at 7.35PM im sure we can because i walked off that pitch Monday proud of all 7 of us, its great seeing it all come together and we really got summin big in pipeline people.!!!!! UP THE RANGERS.!!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 03:13:13 +0000

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