Monday 17/3/14. CASSAVA REVOLUTION, (The Machines): YOU ARE - TopicsExpress


Monday 17/3/14. CASSAVA REVOLUTION, (The Machines): YOU ARE THE PRODUCT OF YOUR OWN SELF; ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BECOME IN YOUR LIFE TIME HAS TO DO WITH YOUR OWN PERSONAL DECISION. JOB SEEKERS LOOSE THEIR LIVES! It is such an unfortunate incident to think that in this modern world, we still can loose active youths in the search for jobs. I was shocked at to what is contained in the news that about 17youths lost their lives to unexpected stampede at the Nigerian Immigration Service recruitment exercise both in Edo and Abuja. Do we call this an act of God or lack of proper organization and planning or how do we describe a situation where 500,000 people are invited for a job vacancy of 5,000. About 1% and exams are expected to be taken on open field…What a life? I see a sea of job seekers and I was scared, God just a ministry in the federation required a few workers and we have this sea of job applicants killing and matching over themselves just to gain entry into the venue? Our population is getting larger on a daily basis. Your parent gives birth to you, you will give birth to no less than 2 to 3 kids and the multiplication go on and on and on and when are we going to get all of these people engaged in something? God! How good will it be if our rich people will stop to show off and use their money for some more tangible affairs and projects? Some people even spend their monies on those things they do not need. They just like to show people they can afford to buy anything. What do we call the mentally where a man after a fleet of like 150 cars continue to buy cars for himself every month? Let a new brand of car come out today, he is sent the catalogue by the company and he buys even without thinking, what do I need this for? The most unfortunate thing is that most of these assets go out of fashion in no time. Some he may not ride more than twice before it goes out of fashion. See the issue of hummer jeeps for example. He just acquires these things and put them in his compound, for what? The Managing Directors and Chief Executive officers of these cars manufacturing firms do not even possess as much cars. What Mentality! We have to be kind and have a good spirit to help. We do not say we sprinkle people money every time they come to us for help. There are some people who are naturally lazy. Whether they have money or not, they enjoy begging; we are not talking these people. We talk of people who will approach us for ideas on how to better their lives and teach those means where they will not have to come begging for money again after we must have given them some money or open their minds on how to fund their small businesses, and let them start thinking of how to make their monies too. Do not get me wrong. There are some people who do not need your ideas or so they think. You are a family and as such must have at one time or the other given them money, if you have not you are a wicked and a selfish relative who do not care about his welfare. They don’t think it is right to talk things out first. Once you don’t give money, you are selfish and are therefore in their books of history as a non beneficial relative, friends or family. You are registered in their bad records. I am not talking these people. I am talking those people who will like to share their thoughts and ideas and their views with you. I am talking those who will work with you. Those who will think of what they can give to you first in forms of suggestions and ideas and not those ones who are always job hunting for those ready made soups to lick from. If you have established an enterprise, no matter how little, the multiplier effect is good as it affects those people you do not even know positively. God sees your efforts and will continue for the benefit of these people bless you the more rather than those ones who will not think deep with you on ways of moving your life and theirs forward, they just don’t have time to share ideas. It is all about money. Some people forget that business men go broke too. I am embarrassed at times when I owe very little money to friends and relatives and cannot pay them simply because I have more serious commitments; I fail and I am termed wicked. It is only a few people who know that business men are the most challenged in terms of money. You always have a challenge. That company you have established no matter how little has given you a name. That name begins to gain more attention as the company starts to grow itself in the society where it belongs. The good thing is for your generation to come, more people will continue to appreciate that name and your generation yet unborn who carries that name in their profile morally, directly or indirectly will continue to enjoy some special benefits and recognition in that society even after your death. THAT IS WEALTH. OUR PRAYERS: Lord, put us in the list of those people who never go broke. Let me realize my dreams in no distant time. The more time it takes me to achieve my dreams the more boring and more frustrating life becomes. Lord, LET ME ACHIEVE MY DREAMS IN NO DISTANT TIME. The topic of the day: The cassava processor to me is that person who practically impacts on the less privilege; he has a multiplier and highly positive effect on the economy and the society. He has his impact on the poorest farmer up to the biggest bank in the society as he relates with all persons. Those machines that are needed by the cassava processor are: (a) The Peelers (b) The Graters (c) The Pressers (d) The Flash dryers (e) The hammer mill. (a) The peelers: These are specially and locally fabricated local machines designed specially for the purpose of peeling the cassava roots supplied by the cassava growers. Gone are the days where people go through the stress of manually peeling the cassava roots that require plenty time and labour to achieve.The machines peels reasonable quantity of cassava roots in limited time and it has various capacities, shapes and designs. The cost ranges from between N350,000.00 and N1,700,000.00. (b) THE GRATERS: Just like the peeler does the peeling of the roots manually, the grater crushes and matches the peeled cassava roots into cakes. It works just like the blenders we use in our kitchens and the homes. The peeled cassava is milled into what is called the cassava cakes ready for pressing. The graters go for between N85,000.00 and N150,000. Some could cost about N300,00.00 or more. It depends on the sizes and the machine capacity. Your target market and volumes dictates the choice of the size and type of the machines to be fabricated. ( C) The Presser: The Presser comes often times with a jack. The presser is used to press out the water that come with the cassava roots. Most of the product that come out of cassava either for food or commercial purpose you must dry and rid the product of the water that come with the roots. The cassava cakes are loaded in sacks and placed in the pressing machines to remove the excess water. We have various sizes too. The price range from as low as N15,000.00 to N500,000.00 depending on the capacity. (d) The flash Dryer: The flash dryer further dries the water remaining in the cassava cakes after the product must have passed through the presser. Most of the valued commodities that come out from the cassava roots for industrial use and export purposes require by standards that the water content and the moisture level be reduced to certain specification to work with certain product specification and product formulation. For instance the water content in the cassava flour to be used by the flour mills to produce the flour and the pastas we eat differs from the cassava starch that is used by the soap and detergent factories. The cost of the flash dryer goes for between N1,200,000.00 to N2,700,000.00, this also depends on the volumes and the number of tons you target to run per daily basis. (E) The Hammer Mill: The hammer mill is used to blend the dried products into powder form. The powder has to be extremely smooth before it can be used by some factories and some just need a little blend. All these requirements are dictated in the local Purchase Order (L.P.O) you are given for you to make these supplies. The Hammer mills too come in various shapes, designs and capacity. The price ranges from N150,000.00 to N800,000.00. These machines all are locally available as most of our agric engineers have mastered the trade and can do all of the machines locally. RESEARCHES: We have various bodies in the country where one could go and get these machines constructed to fit your own intended products and product factories. These organizations are in existence in every state of the federation. They will but give you all the required information for FREE depending on the type of products you like to venture into, be it cassava pellets for export, cassava flour for bread and snacks, cassava starch for soaps and detergent factories, ready made powdered and odourless fufu for export purpose just as we have in poundo yam, dry beans for moin moin, plantain flour and the rest of them. NEXT WEEK: We shall discuss the market and the various products that come out from the cassava revolution initiative, our major access and opportunities to financial support, and starting up as a fresher in the trade without money. NOTE: The project is a bit capital intensive, requires attention but is highly rewarding for those who can involve their cash and gather the right persons and practical personnel for the job. This will go from the sales and marketing officer that will gather you all the L.P.O.s as is required to ensure your work chain goes undistrupted, the farm officer who will ensure you are never lacking the regular supply of the cassava roots, the factory manager who will ensure the work in the factory go on smoothly whether you are there or not, and your accountant to keep all the records. Aside all of these, the business is highly viable business. Remember; never envy and hate those who have made it before you. The fact that the man is richer than you today does not mean your own time will never come. You are just starting your life and are still young. Celebrate with him and share in his blessings and joy and your own time will come. Never sell yourself to a rich man because of the money he will give to you. You will be your own boss too one day, Courage is all you need. I do not mean disrespect. Type Business Enterprise with Olonade Abraham Olufemi on your friend’s search column of your facebook wall, like us and mark us your favorite or star friend. You then begin to receive all postings as is done by us even if you have forgotten to log on to the internet on that day or has been too busy to log on to the internet on that day, our postings get to your mail boxes and you are always informed. Further questions and request go to our mail boxes and our yahoo mail; phemolad@yahoo Have a good week ahead. Olonade Abraham Olufemi.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:19:18 +0000

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