Monday 17 March Reading: Numbers 21:4-9 Reflection: What is - TopicsExpress


Monday 17 March Reading: Numbers 21:4-9 Reflection: What is so interesting about the complaint of the Israelites in today’s reading is that none of them had actually experienced Egypt. This was near the end of their wilderness wanderings, which had ensured that the entire generation who had refused, out of fear, to enter the Promised Land, had died. So, this was a completely new generation, who had no memory or experience of living in Egypt. Yet, so effective had their parents been in nurturing a spirit of unbelief, that they still harkened back to an Egypt they had never known. How easily the slavery and suffering had been forgotten! The curse of snakes may seem harsh, but the Hebrew word here is strange. We do not know exactly what these snakes were. The word can mean either “fiery” or “winged” snakes. But the word also refers to the angelic beings in Isaiah’s vision (Isaiah 6). So, were they actual snakes, or was this some kind of spiritual poison that was being described as snakes? Also, the idea of winged snakes may be a reference back to the winged snake goddess of Egypt, meaning that the very thing that was destroying the people was their desire for Egypt and its gods, and their refusal to place their lives and trust wholly in God. Once again, what initially looks like a harsh divine judgment turns out to be simply the consequence of the people’s actions. And their healing came through looking at a bronze snake – looking at the very thing that was destroying them. What God reveals here is that, until we are willing to look at our evil honestly and consciously, we cannot be healed. But, if we will acknowledge what destroys us, we can overcome it. What sinful or broken desires or attitudes are hurting you and others today? How can you find healing by honestly acknowledging it? Practice for Today: The work of confession is not about living with an over developed sense of guilt and unhappiness. It is about acknowledging what harms us in order to be healed of it, so that we can live lives of freedom and joy. Faith means trusting God’s ways more than our own ways – which often hurt us and others. It also means doing the honest work of confession to find healing when we do fall into broken ways. Today allow confession to heal and liberate you. Breath-Prayer for Today: As I acknowledge my brokenness and sin, O God, please heal and liberate me.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 06:51:43 +0000

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