Monday 25 November 2013 First Reading: Daniel 1:1-6, 8-20 Psalm - TopicsExpress


Monday 25 November 2013 First Reading: Daniel 1:1-6, 8-20 Psalm Response: Daniel 3:52-56 Gospel Reading: Luke 21:1-4 When Jesus looked up He saw some wealthy people putting their offerings into the treasury and He noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins. He said, “I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.” Shalom semuanya, Kemarin, hari minggu 24/11 kita merayakan Hari Raya Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus Raja Semesta Alam. Apakah Tuhan Yesus Kristus telah menjadi raja didalam kehidupan kita? Didalam Injil hari ini, kita bisa baca bagaimana si janda miskin mempercayakan seluruh keberadaan hidupnya ke dalam tangan Tuhan dengan mempersembahkan seluruh uang yang ada (her whole money) buat Tuhan Todays Gospel reading challenges us to examine how generously we help the ministries of the Church by contributing financially to the treasury of the Church. The consumerism and materialism lifestyle of overspending is part of a culture that sinfully neglects the needs of the poor. Its time that we take seriously the Catholic Churchs teachings on social justice! We need to become more like Christ, oriented toward making sacrifices for the sake of others. Too many Christians have focused on protecting a cushy, comfortable, and even greedy lifestyle for way too long. Can we adopt the same attitude as the widow whom Jesus praised? She made an offering that wasnt easy. In so doing, she sacrificed not only coins but her very self. Coba kita renungkan berapa banyak materi/uang yang kita sumbangkan buat Gereja dan buat orang miskin? Apakah cuma atau cukup 10% saja? atau malah kurang? Berapa banyak non materi- tenaga, pikiran, talenta, kepintaran dsb yang kita sumbangkan buat Gereja dan buat sesama kita? Lets put our faith into action. Didalam bacaan pertama hari ini, Daniel, Sadrakh, Mesakh dan Abedenego memilih untuk hidup sesuai dengan hukum Taurat dengan makan sayur dan minum air daripada makan santapan raja dan meminum anggur yang diminum raja (yang menajiskan atau bertentangan dengan hukum Taurat) Begitu juga banyak sekali tawaran dan godaan didunia ini, Apakah kita memilih untuk tetap setia dan mempertahankan iman kita? Ataukah kita memilih untuk mengikuti arus dan melukai/menyakiti Hati Kudus Yesus? Still https://youtube/watch?v=z3wwWFsSlNQ God loves us, Suhardi, Haryati and Samuel sel dewasa dan sel remaja St Dominic of Holy Rosary, Sydney, Australia Ia (Tuhan) harus makin besar, tetapi aku harus makin kecil (Yoh 3:30)
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 20:42:50 +0000

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