Monday 27th January 2014- To let is all out or suck it up and keep - TopicsExpress


Monday 27th January 2014- To let is all out or suck it up and keep it in, to hold back or go at things with all guns blazing, to keep the peace or fight back, to rise above or to stoop to the low level of others, to lose your cool or hold your tongue…..? To be the victim or the victor…. may depend upon your choices today. Silence can be golden, powerful in it quietitude…. where as speaking our mind admittedly gets things off our chest but leaves us het-up and steaming…but occasionally satisfied. So knowing when to be passive and inert and when to be pro –active and volatile can change your world and the world of others around you….Do we need anger management or classes to help us be more assertive…Do we say our piece come what may, not thinking or caring how it may affect another…or do we learn that ‘least said is soonest mended….but at the bottom of it all is the need for better communication, having good listening skills and being able to state your case well, in a controlled and intelligent fashion… but only if others will let you. Today decide if your fiery emotions, anger, temper and non-thinking-ness will rule your head or whether your head and your logic, your ability to think things through and to find the right calm but powerful worlds will override your emotions… today may be a day to be hot headed but with a cool exterior…to appear to be in control. Sticks and stones as they say…may break our bones but …should words ever hurt us? ...They can certainly sting…they can do lasting damage…they can be misunderstood, flung with vehemence and thus create disharmony between people. Today notice if you think before you act o whether you let your frustrations fly…simply because it makes you feel better. Personal responsibility is what it all boils down to…today take the higher road if you can… then lay your battle plans if you need one… and approach the dilemma from a different perspective…there generally is one to find if you look hard enough. Do you seek short term gain or long term success…so it’s over to you. Tarot Card: Today’s card is The Emperor. They are the boss the person in charge, the decision maker, the ruler, the law maker, the director, the commander…the thinker, the understanding leader…. So how does your inner Emperor rule your world…? Beware the tyrant, the dictator, the egoist, the abuser, the bully, the overly- loud, the arrogant, the one with the superiority- complex, the little man trying to fill shoes which are to big for them…Decide which role you will play today and then notice how those around about you behave. As the old saying goes ‘You have to be little to belittle.’… So will you be the strong silent type or the one who blurts it all out only to regret it later.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 09:48:16 +0000

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