Monday 29th December, 2014 Aries It’s not that you need to - TopicsExpress


Monday 29th December, 2014 Aries It’s not that you need to try and be careful dear Aries, if you are clear with your boundaries then no one in this world can cross it, and if they do it’s because you haven’t really set your boundaries. I get the feeling that you’ll learn a lot about boundaries today and you’ll come to realise where in your life you had perhaps not been so clear when you had set a boundary. A vision in your heart becomes clear for you somewhere towards the end of the day and this is so joyful for you. Taurus Just keep it real and make sure you are being honest dear Taurus and it’s all so very simple. It’s when you are not being honest that the complication becomes your way and then you’ll start the drama that you just don’t need in your life right now. A few conversations in your day will support you to recognise where you need to be more honest in your life. I get the feeling that you’ll find it so much easier to open you heart at this point. Gemini There is so much more going on than you had realised in your own heart dear Gemini and now that you are opening your heart you are becoming so much more clear on what really does matter to you. It seems that you’ll become conscious of some of your old behaviours and this will really give you the opportunity to create the very important changes that you want to create before the year comes to an end, so go forth only with love. Cancer So much swirls in your heart dear Cancer and what matters is that you allow this swirling to take place and land where it needs to. Please make sure you don’t allow the thoughts in your mind to get involved when it comes to matters of the heart, otherwise you’ll start to go into directions that are not part of what your heart is calling for right now. You have to remain open and allow yourself to follow the flow of your heart no matter what others think, or will think. Leo There is a conversion today that arises and has you asking the very perfect questions of yourself and this is the point where you realise where you had perhaps carried way too much baggage in your life. I can tell you now that you really don’t need this baggage and to slow down an recognise this will truly make a massive difference in your life. Allow me to remind you that there is no rush, just stay in this moment and what you need will continue to meet with you in this moment only. Virgo Something has shifted in your being and it’s almost as though you are a new person dear Virgo, you’ll feel proud of the choice you make today and see where you had been sabotaging yourself for no good reason of late. I get the feeling that you are not willing to take the road of your ego right now and this is what enables you to feel the lightness in your being. A very conscious choice towards the end of your day has you feeling that anything is possible. Libra I can tell you now dear Libra that you do no need to look past this moment, what matters is this moment you are in and nothing else. Your head will want to interfere today and really get to you because of all the thoughts that are swirling around, the best thing you can do is feel your feet on the ground and take a walk or go out in nature. Nature will support you more than you realise and sometimes it’s just as simple as getting out into the fresh air. Scorpio There are some amazing changes taking place in your life and in your mind right now dear Scorpio so please be patient and know that everything is working out perfectly. There is nothing missing and you needn’t worry about anything either, this being the case then simply enjoy the moment you have landed in and allow life to show you what your heart speaks of time and time again. As the day comes to an end you’ll really find peace in your heart again. Sagittarius Someone brings up an old question today that has you realising that you are still hanging on to something from your past dear Sagittarius. All I can say is that perhaps you need to feel what ever you need to feel and then allow yourself to move on without the usual old drama. You need to realise that what belongs to you will always stay with you and there is no effort required in trying to make it happen, just let it flow. Capricorn Slow yourself right down dear Capricorn and make sure you are going at a pace that works for you rather than a pace that seems to work for everyone else. You are bringing others into your business and this is so unnecessary. No one knows what sits in your heart and truth be told it’s not for them to know either, so please go about your own business and don’t allow confusion to get in the way just because others don’t understand your movements. Aquarius Be in this moment and you’ll have so much joy to experience, or be in the other moments that don’t even exist and you’ll find yourself just fighting it all. I get the feeling that there is a great lesson in your life right now and if you can just allow yourself to remain in this moment then this lesson will be learnt with ease and grace. A secret today is revealed and this has you feeling that you can open your heart and that nothing can hurt you. Pisces It’s all unfolding and believe me when I say that you do not need to get involved in the unfolding dear Pisces. Your head will want to know what’s going to happen and it cannot possibly fathom where all of this is going right now so please make sure you don’t spend your day in your head. A very heartfelt message somewhere in your day has you feeling the pressure is no longer on and you can simply breathe knowing that you have made the very perfect move of late. Much Love, Ghazaleh Lowe
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 03:05:08 +0000

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