Monday Blessing & Prophetic Dream-July 21, 2014-I bless you in the - TopicsExpress


Monday Blessing & Prophetic Dream-July 21, 2014-I bless you in the mighty name of Jesus with unhindered momentum, and accelerated divine flow! I had a dream last night and the Lord revealed to me that it’s for many of you in this season. Dream: I was in a vehicle and moving rather slowly. I looked at my passenger door and it was open. A large light brown dog was running toward that side of the vehicle. I tried to close it but it would not close. I was concerned about the dog but he didn’t seem dangerous. I thought about putting the car in neutral to slow down and deal with this, but wasn’t able to put on the brakes. The vehicle continued to roll and sped up. The dog jumped in and sat next to me. We then arrived at a river where my family was on a large boat and expecting me. A police officer in all black was trying to write them a ticket for being out on this fast moving river. He was demanding that they stay in a “stall” at the dock. They had just put a new larger motor on the boat and were ready to launch out. The officer became frustrated because he had no reason to keep them from moving forward. I got out of the vehicle with the large dog and we got on the river boat and sped off. Translation: Vehicle: Ministry that carries others to their destination Dog: A gift that you may have trouble trusting. Man’s best friend. Open Door: Opportunity Boat: Ministry that influences many people. Police: Authority. Pastors, Elders, Angels, Demons River: Movement of God. Flow of the Spirit. The Lord says, “My beloved ones, this is the year of the OPEN DOOR. I’ve opened doors for you that NO MAN CAN SHUT! I’m sending new friends to you that will be a GIFT. You’ll be able to trust them, and they will go with you into this new season. Many of you got burned so bad by so called “friends” in the last season that you are tentative in letting others on board. This tentativeness will keep you neutral and slow you down if you let it. Don’t! Let them in and move forward. There have been many “self appointed police officers” that have been operating under a demonic influence that have tried to keep you “stalled” and have hindered your momentum. The devil has tried to discredit you, but he has NOTHING ON YOU! You’ve proven yourself in secret to Me. I’m bringing you out of obscurity and into greater VISIBILITY. NOTHING, nor NO ONE can stop what I’ve called you to do, but you. I’ve upgraded your engine. It’s time to GET IT IN GEAR AND MOVE ON! This will be the greatest season of divine flow in your personal life, finances, businesses, and ministry!” JESUS I love you all have an UNHINDERED WEEK! xo
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 15:15:41 +0000

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