Monday, January 19 To the King of eternity . . . be honor and - TopicsExpress


Monday, January 19 To the King of eternity . . . be honor and glory forever.—1 Tim. 1:17. King Sobhuza II of Swaziland ruled for nearly 61 years. That was quite a record for a modern-day monarch. As impressive as the length of King Sobhuza’s rule may be, there is a king whose reign is not limited by the short life span of humans. In fact, the Bible refers to him as “the King of eternity.” A psalmist identified this Sovereign by name, proclaiming: “Jehovah is King forever and ever.” (Ps. 10:16) The length of God’s reign makes his rule unlike that of any human. However, it is Jehovah’s way of ruling that draws us to him. A king who ruled over ancient Israel for 40 years praised God with these words: “Jehovah is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love. Jehovah has firmly established his throne in the heavens; and his kingship rules over everything.” (Ps. 103:8, 19) Not only is Jehovah our King but he is also our Father—our loving, heavenly Father. w14 1/15 1:1, 2
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 00:24:28 +0000

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