Monday, June 2, 2014 by Mike At the Horton house, Jennifer - TopicsExpress


Monday, June 2, 2014 by Mike At the Horton house, Jennifer thought about her earlier conversation with Eric as she stared at a framed photograph of them and their significant others. Jennifer tried to call Daniel, but the call went straight to voicemail. Jennifer guessed that Daniel was still busy at the hospital, and she decided not to leave a message for him, reasoning that she needed to talk to him in person instead. Meanwhile, someone knocked on the front door, and when Jennifer opened it, she found Marlena standing outside. Marlena explained that she wanted to have a conversation with Jennifer about Eric, whom Marlena had talked to earlier that day. Intrigued, Jennifer wondered how Eric had seemed when Marlena had seen him. Marlena reported that Eric had seemed really, really happy, and she conceded that a mother really couldnt ask for more than that. Jennifer nodded but remained silent, realizing that Marlena wasnt aware that Jennifer had also talked to Eric earlier. Marlena explained that Eric had asked her to watch out for Jennifer, predicting that Jennifer would need Marlenas support. Marlena wondered if Jennifer knew what Eric had meant. Jennifer evasively replied that she and Eric had forged a friendship with each other. Marlena said that she was already aware of that fact, adding that Eric had told her about Jennifers ordeal with Liam and had also pointed out that Jennifer had just lost a cousin, Nick. Jennifer gushed that Eric was thoughtful to the core and was a generous man that Marlena was surely quite proud of. Marlena agreed but admitted that she couldnt really take any credit for Erics thoughtfulness and generosity, since he had always been a joyous presence. Marlena sighed and added that she was going to miss that once Eric was gone, prompting Jennifer to suggest that he might not be going anywhere after all. Marlena was confused and started to probe for additional details, but before Jennifer could respond, Marlena received a phone call and apologetically announced that she was going to have to cut the conversation short. Later, Jennifer went to the hospital to find Daniel, but a nurse reported that he would be in surgery for at least another three hours. In the garden outside St. Lukes, Eric remained silent as he stared at Nicole, prompting her to ask if he had received a phone call from Daniel earlier. Eric shook his head and quietly replied that no one had called him. Well, then, why are you so upset? Can you explain in the car? We have to go, Nicole reminded Eric, but he remained silent and stationary. What about Daniel? Eric finally asked. Confused, Nicole wondered what Eric was talking about. Eric reminded Nicole that she had told him earlier that Daniel had been acting a little crazy lately. Eric suggested that he and Nicole needed to try to help Daniel, arguing that they couldnt run away from a friend who was in trouble. Nicole countered that Daniel already had plenty of support in Salem, and she added that she and Eric were part of the problem, anyway. Eric suggested that he and Nicole could at least tell Jennifer what was going on with Daniel, but Nicole insisted that was a bad idea. Nicole reasoned that the matter was none of her or Erics business and that it would be best to let Jennifer and Daniel figure things out on their own. Nicole grabbed Erics hand and turned to leave with him, but he refused to budge, informing her that they werent going anywhere. Nicole reminded Eric that they only had one hour left to make it onto their scheduled flight to Las Vegas, but he protested that leaving didnt feel right. Nicole predicted that telling Jennifer about Daniels infatuation would only make things worse, and she urged Eric to trust her advice. Eric said that he had trusted Nicole every minute of his life since leaving the priesthood -- right up until the time that she had started pressing for them to leave Salem together. Nicole reminded Eric that he had wanted to elope, too. Well, I wanted a lot of things -- a lot of things that I wont have now, Eric countered. Confused, Nicole told Eric that he had lost her. Thats right -- I have lost you. How could you do this? How? Eric asked. Nicole reiterated that she didnt understand what Eric was talking about, so he clarified that he knew that Daniel wasnt really in love with her -- she had just chosen to trash Daniel so that Eric wouldnt believe the things that Daniel had been planning to tell Eric. Nicole tried to deny the accusation, but Eric told her to stop lying. Nicole countered that it seemed like Eric was the one who was lying, since he had suddenly conjured up an elaborate story despite his earlier claim that he hadnt talked to Daniel. Eric maintained that he hadnt received a phone call from Daniel, prompting Nicole to wonder who was filling Erics head with nonsense. Eric explained that Jennifer had gone to Nicoles hotel room earlier that day and had overheard Nicole and Daniels argument. Everything -- she told me everything. Now Im giving you a chance, Nicole -- I want to hear it from you, Eric added. Nicole remained silent as she nervously twisted her engagement ring around her ring finger. I know that look. I can see those wheels turning. What does he know? How can I still get away with it? How can I spin it? Oh, I know this can be complicated, so why dont we just stick to the basics -- you had proof that Kristen drugged me. You had hard evidence in your hand that could clear my name, and I could still be a priest. But you destroyed it. Thats what happened, isnt it? Isnt it?! Eric demanded to know. Nicole quietly admitted that Eric was right. Nicole quickly added that, as Eric had just said himself, the matter was complicated. Nicole insisted that she hadnt set out to lie to or hurt Eric. Nicole explained that she had found evidence in a safe in Chykas hideout that had proven that Chyka had helped Kristen drug Eric. Nicole said that she had excitedly rushed back to Salem to tell Eric the good news, but when she had found him, he had repeatedly interrupted her to share his own news -- that he had chosen to be with her. Nicole summarized that Eric had sounded truly happy after weeks of agony, and he confirmed that he remembered how that had felt. I couldnt take that away from you...or us. I know you think that I cant say it, but...I didnt want to lose you. I -- I couldnt let you go. I just thought...This is a moment; let me have this moment, and then Ill tell him. And I -- I did -- I tried -- I tried to tell you. But...we were just getting closer and closer, and you kept choosing our life, and we were getting married, and we made love, and I just kept thinking, Wow -- hes -- hes here. This is what he wants. I am what he wants, Nicole tearfully explained. So what I didnt know wouldnt hurt me, Eric quietly concluded. Eric wanted to know how Daniel had figured out that Nicole had destroyed the evidence, so she explained that Liam had discovered her secret and had blackmailed her with some of the shredded documents, which Daniel had found on Smith Island after Liams death. So -- so this whole mess -- Jennifer almost died. Daniel was shot. Nicole, you put peoples lives at risk to protect your lie, Eric incredulously summarized. Nicole insisted that Eric was wrong and that she had never meant for anything like that to happen. Nicole tearfully added that she had only ever wanted to love Eric. What you did -- what you did to me had nothing to do with love, Eric replied. In Jordans apartment, Rafe and Jordan were lying in bed together, enjoying the fact that they had both managed to get the same day off for a change. Jordan recalled that she had nearly declined Kaylas job offer the previous year -- dismissively reasoning that Salem was too far north -- and she told Rafe that she was very glad that she had ultimately changed her mind. Later, after Rafe and Jordan made love, they joked that they should coordinate their schedules more often -- like for the next month or year. Or for the rest of our -- Rafe started to say, but Jordan stopped him with a kiss. Rafe took the hint and admitted that he should have known better than to say such things to a known flight risk. Jordan reminded Rafe that she was right beside him. For now, Rafe replied. Well, thats all we ever have, Jordan pointed out. Rafe teasingly commented that Jordans observation had been profoundly deep, and she laughed and told him that she was trying but simply sucked at such conversations. Rafe understood and assured Jordan that her skills would improve once she realized that he wasnt going anywhere. Later, as Rafe and Jordan were getting dressed, she thanked him for changing her life. At the police station, a woman entered the conference room and interrupted the stunned silence that had followed Gabis confession, demanding to know what was going on. Gabi started to say something, but E.J. stopped her and advised her not to say another word. E.J. informed the woman that he would be representing Gabi, who would not be making a statement at that time. Confused, the woman said that she had been informed that Sami Bradys son was prepared to sign a confession. E.J. informed the woman that Will was innocent. I gave the report to the assistant D.A. Our evidence points to another suspect, Hope added, prompting the woman to wonder if the suspect in question was Gabi. As Gabi nodded and started to reply that she wanted to confess, E.J. interrupted and reiterated that she had nothing to say at that time. Sonny advised Gabi to listen to E.J., who once again interrupted her when she tried to say something else. Changing the subject, E.J. asked to see the alleged proof that Hope had mentioned earlier, and she promised to show it to him as soon as it was in her hands. E.J. asked for some privacy so that he could confer with his client, so the woman agreed to give him twenty minutes alone with Gabi. Before leaving the room, Hope announced that she was going to call Rafe and let him know what was going on, and Gabi didnt object. As Will stood to leave with his husband and parents, Gabi stressed that she never would have allowed him to go to prison for her. Listen to E.J. Let him help you. This isnt black and white, Will advised Gabi before following everyone else out of the room. Sami, Lucas, Will, and Sonny went to Hopes office to wait for a social worker to arrive with Arianna. Lucas assured Will, who was anxious to see Arianna, that Hope had said that the child was in good hands. Sami complained that Hope should have asked one of the many willing candidates in Wills family to take care of Arianna instead, but Lucas reasoned that Hope had simply been following procedure. Gabi had to hand the baby over before she turned herself in. That must have been so hard, Will mused. Sonny admitted that he still couldnt believe that Gabi had killed Nick. Sami interjected that she couldnt believe that Will had been willing to go to prison for Gabi. Will ignored Samis comment as he pointed out to Sonny that Gabi hadnt even known where they had hidden Victors gun. Confused, Sami wondered if Will was doubting that Gabi had committed the crime. Lucas was also confused, and he wondered who Will had been covering for, if not Gabi. He thought he was protecting me, Sonny guessed as he locked eyes with Will. Sami dryly hoped that everyone had learned a valuable lesson that day about not confessing to crimes that they hadnt actually committed. Sami guessed that Sonny had suspected that Will had killed Nick. I knew he was mad enough. I know I didnt do it. Did you honestly think Id let you take the blame for me? Sonny asked Will, who shrugged and admitted that he had hoped so. Sami reiterated that she hoped that everyone had learned a valuable lesson that day. We have -- I have the bravest husband around, Sonny proudly stated as he hugged and kissed Will. A short time later, Hope entered the room and informed Will that he had been cleared of all charges and was free to go. Hope added that Arianna was outside with the social worker. Will was reluctant to leave Gabi behind, but Sami promised that she would call him if Gabi needed him for any reason. Im sorry for your loss, Will told Hope before exiting the room with Sonny and Lucas. Sami stayed behind and watched as Hope picked up a framed photograph of Ciara that was perched on the desk. I watched Gabi say goodbye to Arianna. It looked so familiar, Hope sadly stated as she stared at the photograph. Sami pointed out that Hope was no longer separated from Ciara, prompting Hope to wonder if Sami realized just how long it would be before the same could be said about Gabi and Arianna. Sami nodded sadly but remained silent. Changing the subject, Sami wondered if Hope had spoken to Rafe yet. Hope reported that her calls were being sent straight to Rafes voicemail and that she had left numerous messages to let him know that she needed to talk to him about an urgent matter, since she didnt want to break the news to him in that manner. Sami worriedly predicted that the news was going to kill Rafe. In the conference room, Gabi told E.J. that she was guilty and that she simply wanted to get the whole thing over with. An hour ago, William was saying the exact same thing. He was two minutes away from signing this statement that would have ruined his entire life, E.J. pointed out as he tossed Wills statement on the conference table. Gabi said that Will had been lying, and she reiterated that she was the person who had shot Nick. Okay. Even if that is true, okay, you dont just lie down and let someone like D.A. Jenkins roll over you and lock you away for the rest of your life. You have to do something about it -- you fight it. So let me help you, E.J. told Gabi, who quietly agreed to take his advice. Satisfied, E.J. wondered what Gabi had told Hope earlier. Gabi reported that she had admitted that she had killed Nick but hadnt really gotten into the details. E.J. starting thinking aloud about how he could spin the crime to give Gabi the best possible defense, but she interrupted and told him that she didnt want to lie about the matter. E.J. pointed out that there were plenty of people who would be happy to testify about the things that Nick had put Gabi through. Gabi wondered if that meant that someone else would get blamed for the crime instead. E.J. shrugged and reasoned that crimes often went unsolved. Well, not this one...because I killed Nick. I wanted him dead. I shot him three times. I killed him -- its that simple, Gabi replied. E.J. urged Gabi to think about Arianna. I did this...for my daughter...and now, every time I hold her...I can only see that gun. I thought -- I thought I could live with this, but I cant. I cant, Gabi admitted. E.J. asked Gabi to elaborate on her claim that she had committed the crime for Ariannas sake. Gabi explained that Nick had been trying to take Arianna away from the people who loved the child -- something that Gabi had been unwilling to allow. He just -- he wouldnt let me go. And -- and I couldnt stand up to him because, with one word, he could send me to prison. He owned me...and my little girl, Gabi summarized. E.J. assured Gabi that Nicks threats against her and Arianna could be presented as mitigating circumstances. No, not -- not without putting everyone who -- who -- who helped me in prison, too -- Kate, S -- Sami, maybe even Will and Sonny. What, you think that I didnt think that through? No, I looked for every possible angle. He had me...until I got him. And the only way he doesnt win is if I go down alone. I should go to prison. I should. I picked up a gun, and I shot an unarmed man. I did that. I should go to prison, because I killed him. I did. I shot -- I -- I should go to -- I should go to jail, Gabi insisted as E.J. gently tried to calm her down. E.J. said that if Gabi was really determined to confess, he wanted her to at least trust him to use her confession to get her the best possible plea bargain. Later, E.J. left the room, and Gabi stared at an image of Arianna on her cell phone as she waited for him to return with Hope and the district attorney, Jenkins. When the group entered the room, E.J. informed Gabi that the state had agreed not to file her statement until the plea bargain was in place. Jenkins turned on a recording device and instructed Gabi to start at the beginning. Nick was determined to be a part of my life. He said he loved me and that things would be different, but the truth is, he still wanted to control my life, Gabi explained, prompting Jenkins to wonder how Gabi had known that. Gabi recalled and recapped a conversation that she had overheard between Nick and Sonny outside Club TBD a few weeks earlier -- a conversation in which Nick had matter-of-factly stated that he would send Gabi to prison if she ever turned her back on him. Jenkins wondered how Nick could have sent Gabi to prison. Uh, Im advising my client to stop and -- E.J. started to say, but Gabi quickly interrupted him, and he didnt try to stop her. Because in 2012...I hired a man to stalk try to get the attention of Chad DiMera...because I thought that I was in love with him. But he loved Melanie Jonas. And so that man that I hired...kidnapped Melanie cause he thought he was helping me, Gabi tearfully admitted. Hope was surprised to learn that Gabi had hired Andrew. And Nick knew that. And so he used that information to get me to do whatever he wanted -- to take me and my little girl away from everyone we loved. He wasnt gonna let go. I -- I didnt want my daughter to be around him, Gabi continued as Hope listened with a hint of discomfort. Jenkins pointed out that Will had stated in his own confession that he had been the only person who had known where the murder weapon had been hidden. Well, he and Sonny didnt know that I was in my room. I had forgotten my wallet, and I -- I came back for it, and I heard them talking, and it sounded intense, so I didnt want to interrupt. I was gonna go out the back way. But -- but then I heard something fall, Gabi explained. Gabi recalled and recapped the subsequent conversation she had overheard, during which Will had discovered the gun and had talked Sonny out of using it to kill Nick. As soon as they were gone, my -- my phone rang. I had a court date...for a custody hearing I didnt even want. Nick had pushed it along. He wanted my baby and me away from Will, and he wasnt gonna stop until he made it happen. Next, I got a message from Nick...saying to meet him at the park, that he had great news. Thats what he called taking us away from everyone we loved -- great news, Gabi continued. Hope interrupted and somewhat angrily wondered why Gabi hadnt just said no to Nicks request to meet him in the park. Hope, because the last time that happened...before he moved to New got physical. And I was scared. What was I gonna do -- go to the police? I already knew how he was gonna handle that. Nick did not know how to take no for an answer. So I got the gun out of the closet and loaded it. I found the silencer there with it, so I put that on. Then I stuck it inside the diaper bag. I -- I just -- I knew what I had to do, Gabi tearfully replied as Hope silently absorbed the information. So I went to the park, and I saw him there. He was on the phone, and he didnt see me. I -- I went to a path right behind him...and I fired my first shot. And it hit him. And he turned around, and he looked at me. He was so surprised. And so the gun fired two more shots. And it was so quiet -- it was so quiet. And then I -- I got to the square. There were so many people, and I just couldnt get away fast enough, and he followed me. With three -- with three bullets inside of him, he followed me there because he wouldnt stop...okay? He wouldnt leave me alone, Gabi continued, crying and shaking as she remembered Nicks relentlessness. Jenkins wondered where the gun had been at that particular time. Gabi explained that she had placed it back in the diaper bag with the intention of later returning it to the place where she had found it. Jenkins scoffed as she summarized that Gabi had still been thinking clearly enough at the time in question to try to cover her tracks. I thought that if I just put it back -- if I just put it back in the closet, then it would be like if it just never happened, and I could just forget, but I couldnt, because I knew. And I s -- I see him every day and every night. I see him. And sometimes -- sometimes -- sometimes I remember how he used to look at me and think that I was the most important thing in the world. And sometimes...I see how he looked at me the last time -- so, so he didnt know what hed become to me. Like he wanted another chance. Yeah. I took that -- I took that away from him. Yeah, Gabi tearfully concluded. Gabriella Hernandez, just to be clear, you are voluntarily stating that on May 12th, 2014, you met Nick Fallon in the park and shot him three times, resulting in his death? Jenkins asked, and Gabi confirmed that the summary was accurate. Jenkins turned off the recording device and excused herself so that she could get started on the paperwork. E.J. reminded Jenkins that, in addition to the written version of Gabis statement, they would also want to see the terms and conditions of the plea bargain in writing. Jenkins agreed and congratulated Hope on a job well done. After a parting shot to E.J. about her hope that he would one day be the one who was confessing a crime to her, Jenkins left the room. E.J. hoped that Hope wouldnt allow Jenkins deep respect for him to cloud the district attorneys judgment, since everything was dependent on the terms of the plea bargain. Hope confirmed that she understood, and she started to leave, but Gabi stopped her. Hope...Im sorry. Im so sorry. I know Nick had good in him. I just wish things would have happened differently. Im sorry, Gabi tearfully told Hope. It couldve been different. Nick didnt deserve this. He didnt deserve to die, Hope replied before exiting the room. Sami was alone in Hopes office, snooping through some of Hopes files pertaining to Nicks murder, when Lucas returned and startled her. Sami hid the files behind her back as Lucas asked where Hope was. Sami explained that Hope and the district attorney were taking Gabis statement. Changing the subject, Sami asked about Arianna, and Lucas reported that the child had been chattering and playing with a toy camera when he had left her earlier. Sami laughed and admitted that she was glad that the toy couldnt take real pictures, and Lucas agreed, musing that no one was going to want Arianna to remember that particular day. But you know she will, right? This is the day that Ariannas mother was taken away from her, Sami sadly replied. Later, Sami ran into Rafe and Jordan in the town square. Sami wondered why Rafe hadnt been answering his cell phone. Confused, Rafe explained that he had turned his phone off earlier, and he wondered why Sami had been trying to reach him. You -- you still dont know about Gabi. Oh, God, Rafe -- Im sorry. Im so sorry, Sami said as she wrapped her arms around Rafe to comfort him. In Will and Sonnys apartment, Sonny emerged from his and Wills bedroom as Will was holding and talking to Arianna. Daddys so glad hes here. I cant stop looking at you. No, I cant. I wont stop. I promise you that, sweetheart. Yeah. Daddys not going anywhere. Neither is Sonny. Youll understand. Well do whatever we can to fill in the blanks for you. We promise you, baby girl. We promise, Will assured Arianna, who looked at Sonny as he nodded in agreement. Later, Will emerged from Gabis bedroom and informed Sonny that Arianna was sleeping. Sonny had just ended a phone call, and he reported that Gabi still needed to be processed, which meant that he and Will wouldnt be able to see her for a while. Sonny assured Will that they would go to see Gabi as soon as possible. Will, what -- what just happened with us? Never again -- ever, Sonny stressed. No, never -- especially now. Arianna needs us. I cant do it alone, Will replied. Sonny promised that Will would never have to worry about that. Sonny added that in the future, Will had to always tell him -- and feel comfortable asking him -- everything and anything. Will agreed but made Sonny make the same promise. Yeah. Starting right now -- Will Horton, you -- youve got to be the most romantic idiot that Ive ever met. Did you honestly think Id let you go to prison for me? Sonny asked Will, who remained silent as they tightly hugged each other. Back at the police station, E.J. was alone with Gabi. E.J. asked if there was anything that he could get for Gabi. Yes. I want to hold my baby, please. I want to hold her in my arms, and I never want to let go. But I know that thats not in the plea deal that you made. Im going to prison...and Im never gonna see my daughter again, Gabi replied as she broke down in tears.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 10:20:03 +0000

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