Monday Moments for November 17 AND November 24: November 17: - TopicsExpress


Monday Moments for November 17 AND November 24: November 17: CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: MONDAY MOMENT Don’t forget to pick up your child’s age appropriate monthly devotional on the children’s hall. Don’t forget the Preteen Progressive Dinner on November 22 from 6-10pm. Don’t forget to turn in your Turkey Dinner Bottles November 20. We will deliver them on November 23 from 10:30-1pm. We will have a talent show on Sunday, December 22. If you would like to participate in the talent show, please let Mr. Russ know your idea you want to perform. If you would like your child to eat lunch with Mr. Russ please let Susanne know a date, excluding Thursday’s, at [email protected]. Lunch times will be on a first come first serve basis. Have a GREAT week! - Children’s Ministry Team CHILDREN (1st – 4th Grade) November Memory Passage Ephesians 4:32-NIV Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Bible Study: November 17th: God’s Big Plan~ Genesis 37; 50:15-21 Discussion Point Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son. Jacob gave Joseph a coat of many colors, which Jacob’s other sons resented. They became even more jealous when Joseph narrated two dreams. The first dream, Joseph and his brothers were binding grain when suddenly their sheaves bowed down to his sheaf. The second dream, the sun, moon and eleven stars all bowed down to him. Joseph’s father and brothers were skeptical. Jacob sent Joseph to find his brothers in the field. The brothers saw him coming and came up with a plan to kill him; however, instead of killing him they sold him into a slave caravan going to Egypt. They dipped Joseph’s robe in goat’s blood and told Jacob an animal killed Joseph. Years passed and famine devastated the land, so Jacob sent his sons to buy food in Egypt. Joseph has risen from slavery to great power in Egypt, so when Joseph revealed himself to his brothers they feared for their lives. Joseph spoke these words of wisdom and grace: “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You planned evil against me; God planned it for good.” Families have conflict. This week help your child understand God will use the family conflict for His good. Pray with your child to overcome any family conflict and to allow God to work through them for the good of your family. PRETEENS (5th – 6th Grade) November Memory Passage Psalm 133:1-NIV How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! Bible Study: November 17th: Genesis 40-45~ Is There Hope For my Family? Discussion Point Preteens want to know what to do when their parents split up, fathers put work ahead of their family, mothers are short-tempered, etc. Preteens feel hopeless and want answers. Joseph also had a tough situation. Joseph was asked to interpret dreams for Egyptians, save a country, which was not his own, and was confronted by brothers who betrayed him. Joseph put others’ needs first. Joseph didn’t have much control over his life, but repeatedly did the only thing he could, which was to live in harmony with those around him. This week share with your preteens about the importance of putting others first. Pray with your preteen for them to learn to put others first. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: MONDAY MOMENT Don’t forget to pick up your child’s age appropriate monthly devotional on the children’s hall. We will have a talent show on Sunday, December 22. If you would like to participate in the talent show, please let Mr. Russ know your idea you want to perform. If you would like your child to eat lunch with Mr. Russ please let Susanne know a date, excluding Thursday’s, at [email protected]. Lunch times will be on a first come first serve basis. Have a GREAT week! - Children’s Ministry Team November 24: CHILDREN (1st – 4th Grade) November Memory Passage Ephesians 4:32-NIV Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Bible Study: November 24th: John 6:1-13~ Thanking God Discussion Point Traditionally Christian families offer a prayer of thanks before a meal, especially at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Jesus was being followed by a huge crowd of over 5,000 men in addition to women and children. Jesus asked Philip, His disciple, where he could buy food to feed the group and Philip told Him they did not have enough money. Andrew pointed to a boy with a basket of five loaves of barley and two fish, which would not satisfy the massive crowd with only the one basket of food. Jesus saw an opportunity to teach a lesson and performed a miracle of blessing the boy’s basket of food and provided the crowd with more than enough to eat. Before passing out the food, Jesus first gave thanks to God for the food. This week encourage your children to be thankful, especially during this holiday season. Pray with your child to have an attitude of thankfulness not only during this holiday season, but at all times. PRETEENS (5th – 6th Grade) November Memory Passage Psalm 133:1-NIV How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! Bible Study: November 24th: Genesis 50:15-21~ How Can My Family Work Together? Discussion Point Family relations can be complicated. Some people dread the holidays due to family conflicts. Often times when conflict arises we shove it under a rug in order to appear as a happy family. Most of the time those conflicts are never resolved. Family members keep their feeling bottled up and eventually they explode. Family conflict resolution is difficult due to different personalities, personal issues and the other family members’ temperaments. We must also keep in mind the different communication styles as well as the history of conflict. Joseph has many reasons to hold a grudge against his brothers; however, he chose numerous times to forgive them and move forward. This was more than what was required of Joseph. Preteens may just now be discovering the conflict between their extended family. Preteens tend to pick up on these conflicts; where as smaller children may be oblivious. The older the preteen gets the harder it will be for them to forgive. As the holidays are almost here and we will be seeing our extended families and your children will be watching you to see how you handle conflict. Help your preteen learn at a young age one important key to a healthy family is forgiveness. Pray with your preteen for a spirit of forgiveness for those family members with whom you have conflict.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 19:24:18 +0000

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