Monday, November 11, 2013 Calling all Prayer Warriors. It is - TopicsExpress


Monday, November 11, 2013 Calling all Prayer Warriors. It is time to form our never-ending prayer circle by the joining of paws to hands and bowing our heads. Our most gracious heavenly Father we come to you in the name of your loving Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We know that you do things in your time not ours and that we should never ever give up. We ask that you give each member of the loved ones’ family peace and comfort in the knowledge that their loved one is safe with you in Paradise. Lord, we ask that you comfort this grieving family as they come to terms with tragedy and learn how to go on without their loved ones. Remember to celebrate their life not mourn their death, for they now dwell with the Lord and his angels. We ask that you give each member of the furbaby’s family peace and comfort in the knowledge that their furbaby is safe with you at the Rainbow Bridge. We know that they are in a better place and we are not to mourn a death but to rejoice and celebrate their life. All of those who have gone on before us, will be forever in our hearts even if your name is unknown to us. To each one that grew their wings, fly free, and know that you are loved. You are forever in our hearts. To all those that died alone in a shelter, or on the streets, we are so sorry we failed you. You carried a little piece of our hearts with you. John Fenlaw Angel Emmitt’s Daddy has asked for a prayer request for his Nephew Steve. His results from his colonoscopy were not what anyone wanted to hear. Steve is scheduled to have surgery next week for colon cancer. Please Lord God in Heaven, send Angels to watch over Steve and keep him safe, and please Lord God in Heaven, reach down, cradle him within your HEALING HANDS and place a miracle on him, please answer our prayers with a YES and let him have a decent quality of life. Be with his family as they come to terms with all of this and a way to help Steve through this. Our friend Juno has asked that we pray for his pal Lucifer who is in the hospital with his temperature very low and is receiving a blood transfusion. Our Lord, Lucifer really needs a touch for your healing hand so that he can fight to get well. The Boys We needs Power od da Paw for uss buddy Earnest! Hims on da way to da dogtor right now, hims not feelin too goods! Lord here is another one of your furbaby that needs your healing touch. Our Father God, we come before you humbly asking that you send your angels to surround our friend Spike Taylor. You have allowed him to stay so much longer than his doctors said he would because you knew this little guy had a lot to do Lord, we thank you for this miracle of letting Spike feel better and stay with all of us for a while longer. Spike’s work must not be completed yet. Amys Justice for Snoop ask if we can plwease saz a prayer for my fursisterz leida her cancer spread and she just hadz surgery. Mommz lost two fursisterz to cancer and she fought hardz herself this past year and a half with cancer. Tanks so much frwiends. Lord, please lay your healing hand on this little one and help her to overcome this surgery and beat cancer once again. All of us here at the House (And Charlie Bear makes 3) are grateful for you - our most dear friends. We havent known you long, but you were all so loving and supportive when we needed you and felt so alone. Love Bella Rose, Charlie Bear, Willow and Mama – Lord, we thank you for bringing Bella Rose through her seizure with no lasting effects as far as we can tell. We ask that you continue to hold her in your loving arms. Bow’s of Paws with a Cause has asked that we say prayer for his brother Tala? He has metastatic melanoma and was given 6 months to live. That was in April. Lord lay your healing hand on this little one. Ease his discomfort and let him have a good quality of life for however long you grant him. Angie Martin ask that we please pray for her little chi, Angel. She is in the hospital with pancreatitis. Lord we ask that you lay your healing hand on this little one and bring her back to good health. Calling all Prayer Warriors! We have an extremely urgent need of a strong prayer chain. As I’m sure most of you have read about Pepsi-Doodles Mama Betty Haley and the extreme rare disease she has. Lord, I believe that this is your way of telling all of us to give you the problem and let you handle it. So that is what we are doing. Turning it over to you. Please keep Miss Betty in your prayers. She has been getting epideral shots and they seem to be helping some. Lord, we ask that you intervene for Miss Betty as she has had to forego her shots because of the insurance company. She is now having to start over. Lord, please give her all the comfort and ease her pain as only you can. For we ask this in your Son’s holy precious name. Miss Betty Haley posted this update on PepsiDoodle: just got call from vet, she said grade 1 tumors with spindles good and bad, spindles not good, will have to bring her in for regular check ups on it as can re-occur but small perimeters, vet said good/but must keep eye on it, best outcome right now! vet said need to watch close as the spindle part is concerning and can grow like fingers, if this happens will not be good at all, just have to keep eye on her an bring her in, will do it every month if that is what it takes but was early stage sarcoma We give you all the honor and praise for this miracle. Diane Foster ask that we please add please add Dawn Ross Benji back on the prayer chain. He is still trying to recover from his blindness and other problems. Lynn Jovick ask that we please include her fur- nephew Bullet Chinoski in our prayers -he was diagnosed with cancer of the spleen today -they say he has about 1 month.. His momma and everyone who loves him is so sad. We all need strength to get through this difficult time. Caju the Warrior Dog (Nov. 10, 2013Okay, I am so grrrrr at mom. Yesterday she left at 9:30 am and wasnt back until 8:30 pm. Did I get my dinner on time? NO! And man, I wuffed her but good. Well, too bad I dont know how to stay mad...but I do know how to stop her from doing that again. I am sleeping with all 85 pounds on top of her feet! Bad mommy. Happy Sunday! xo Caju Kuma-chans mom here: Unfortunately, Kuma had to stay at the vet until tomorrow. Turns out he has apparently either a)a fungus b)a really bad allergic reaction or c)infection. They gave him a shot with antibiotics and tomorrow really early in the morning, they will make some tests to find out what caused this. Thank you all for your prayers! He was really scared at the vet. He even threatened the doctor... my baby NEVER does that!!! He really was acting strange which shows he was in pain but acting brave for me not to worry. Hope he spends the night ok. Thorne aka Wooferstilskin posted. Momma had an ultrasound on her eye today, herz said it was weird bol Nothing else was reported about Momma. Thorne aka Wooferstilskin ask that we pweeze keep Holly the Elderly Terrier in youz prayers!!! With her being 17 and having chronic renal failure, this is very concerning. Thorne also ask Pweeze keep Buster Brown and 365 Days of Dog Wisdom in youz prayers!! Himz has osteosarcoma, the tumor is in his right front knee. Pray for Busters comfort and know how much you all mean to us...we will post when we can, if we feel like it but we will definately keep you updated. Also, pweeze keep my furiend Milos World in youz prayers, himz isnt feeling well! Together with Trevor FOREVER! PUPDATE: (Nov. 9 posted) friday night into saturday morning now... HELLO MY FURIENDS: i had to take a lil time off!! my GPAW was in haus spittle and mommy had to find out what was going on. tinkinz he may get out dis weekend if tinkz keep going good for him. praises be!! i really habs not been eating bery much dese lass few days. mommy habs been BEGGIN ME!!! bol..... so she could not gibs me my meddy sin wif out foods and i wanted nuttin!! so i habs been laying around a lot. butt..... today.. mommy said... DAz IT!! yous gonna do SUMTINZ!! so she put me out some can food... nose wnet stright up... more food and more food and another kidn of ood. FOUR bowls or plates of food and so i ate a lil ob each...FINALLY!! so she decided i ate enuff. she said IF i ate enuff to take my meddy sins dat we would go fur a walk. sigh... i forced myself to take enuff bites fur herz to beleebs i ate enuff. wif a pawrayer in hand, she gabes me dat meddy sin. i laid quietly for hlf an hour fur it to get in my system some and off we went! oh how nice. da sun was still up and it was only chilly. so mommy put my old sweater on me and ouat da door we go!! sure was glad tohabs my sweater. it keeps dis old man kinda warm. so guess what... me and mommy did my formerly usual walk today! we wented slowed and got to rest when i wanted to. but honestly, getting up and down is most difficult!! woof!~after we ent da short paf, we took a break and hung out wif my blanket n bowl fur a while. it felt good to rest and hang out at da field! finally mommuy said.. hey treb... lets wobble around on this flat part only ok? i woofD at her and she let me lead butt.. i lil by lil started down the paf again. bol and low and behold here comes LIL ONE!!! wif his mommy in tow! barking up a storm...jumping around like he was full ob N er G..... and i began to chuckle and so did mommy. it was such a cute sigh. LIL ONE... bouncing around like a kid!! made me feel light and young for a minute. so dey camed and we woofD a bit and did a lil walking togeberz. mommy ebenz gabes LIL ONE a treat or two she had. he was happy lil fella fur sure! so our mommys talked a bit and stoodaround. den dey needed to walk some so me and mommy walked a short distance wif dem! i felt sooo good!!! I FELT LIKE A DOG AGAIN fur a minute!! ahhh life was good !!! YES! i SOOO wanted to run and jump around wif lil one BUT mommy was skeerD. idont blame her but i did whine to get off leash but... short leash it was to be.. sigh.. mommy lubs me yes but..... sometimes i just wanna be da dog no matter what.but she nose better right?! mabye so den wesaid our good byes and camed home. oh yeah.. we did see parker too! and fluffy was in dere somewhere but we didnt cross pafts today but i did see her out. woof! woof!! woof!!! and one more sligtly larger dog but i didnt nose him/her... YET!!! bol...!!! at home, i cameD straight in to da fireplace rug. mommy and me bof nose dats my spot!! i DID EAT SOME!! and de nsome more. and mommy gabes me dat udder pain killer and to da COUCH by mommy i went! snuggled don wfor a couple hours!! got up, took a uummm... baff room break, got water and went back to da LUBS SEAT to stretch out til tomorrow. so today... i had a good day .. if ya wanna call it dat. ididnt do anytinz else. just up and to da field and back and to bad again. i guess dat is good fur a FIFITEEN year old huh? so now ... its good night to all. gonna go SNUGGLE n SNORE wif mommy. BANKS BUNCHES fur all da lubs n cares and pawrayers!! dey mean so much to me!!! dey really do!God and doG bless you all!!! KEEP WARM NOW, YA HEAR?!!!! Scarlett the Southern Pitties family could use our prayers right now, Granite is being rushed to da vet! ATTENTION: GRANITE HAD ANOTHER SEIZURE..AND ON WAY TO VETS! KEEP HIM IN YOUR PRAYERS PLEASE. Scarlett the Southern Pittie shared Baby Jazzy Arbogast, The Happiest Puppys ATTENTION: Prayahs needahed fur Jazzy..herah is in a lotz of pain tuday. Always a happy dahlin thru it all! Its hard to watch Jazzy struggling.... Today is a bad day in a string of good days.... She cant scratch her ears ...stand without great pain, or walk without a struggle. It hurts me when she lays and cries...but 2 seconds later she always has a tail wag and a kiss for mommy.... Lotsa love, cuddles and hip rubs for our baby today!!! Gladys, Glorious Elderbull Hello dear friends, Wanted to let you know that I have been reading all your wonderful posts, seen your beautiful pictures, and all your lovely prayers. It is such an emotional experience to read and absorb such an outpouring of love for Gladys. I keep getting tears when I read and have to stop. Then start again, then stop. Im not articulating very well, but I cannot thank you all enough for your love and prayers for her. I apologize for letting you all down by not posting more updates, but not a lot has changed. She is doing well. Better than expected, in fact. I attribute that to your prayers and positive energy you are sending her way. I totally believe (as dearest Emmitt reminds us to do ♥) that it is everything to believe in the greater power. It was not thought that she might be here after today but she IS! And she is doing well. Long ways to go but she is doing well. Im so thankful that she is still here and that she is doing so well. I wish I could articulate in a better manner my feelings but Im not sure there are words that exist to suitably express our emotions and our appreciation to all of you. Thank you and God bless. G and I send you all love and we continue to pray for our friends in need. Tamy Vermande posted the following My Australian Cattle Dog friend Tank says me had surgery and they removed tumor. Now we wait for biopsy report. Me is home and resting. Me been cancer free for a year. Pray it stays that way. Caution the Gentle Giantsstatus.UPDATE ON CAUTION! KEEP PRAYAHS A COMIN..FUR RIP ALSO..STAYIN OVAHNITE AT VETS... Well me walked up to vet door, tucked tail between and tried to proceed whence I just came from. But only took a second to get my staple out. But my poor brudda Rip. this is mommas velcro dog. If his pain pills kicked in he followed momma eberywhere. If he was in to much pain to move momma was by his side. But they are giving him no pain meds so they can see how he acts in the morning. Momma wishes she would of gave him one before they left. It would of wore off by morning. He is gonna be in bad shape and without his momma. Gonna be a long night for both. But vet lady gonna see if she can give him Ace? To help calm him. Guess neck xray you want sedated cuz they can tense up and not get good xray. To sedate him is 75 bucks. She is really nice trying to keep costs down. Especially since me been going since summer. But if xray show nothing talking MRI or cat scan. But momma gonna worry all night about him. So come on morning. Thank you fur all your prayers. Me lubs you. And no more vet visit for me for at least three weeks! That hasnt happened in awhile. Buster The Handsome Pitbulls status. ATTENTION: BUSTAH NEEDS PRAYAHS FUR HIS DADDY..PUHLEASE PRAYAH AN SHARAH. Iz been berry quiet on my page as ob late. Ma momma didnts wants me to say anyfing (shhh donts tell her) but ma daddy iz berry sick. We donts like depression fings so we stayz quiet. Anyways ma daddy was diagnosed wif da Stage 3 Cancer abouts 3 weeks ago. He has startwd da radiation stuffs and all dat stuff. Ma daddy donts wants to be tweated different. Ma moms just asks dat yall pwease habs fun and donts feel bad us . We bees ok ♥♥ Lord, Buster’s Dad needs a touch of your healing hand for his cancer. We ask for your intervention in this awful disease. Jaye Lewis posted this update Thank you all so much for your love, prayers, messages and kind thoughts. Please keep Momma Jaye and Dixie Mae in your thoughts and prayers still as they both recover. Please continue to keep Daddy in your prayers through his cancer treatments, Helen who had an eye injury yesterday, and Jenny who pretty exhausted. Please Lord God in Heaven, send Angels to watch over Dixie and keep her safe, and please Lord God in Heaven, reach down, cradle Dixie within your HEALING HANDS and place a miracle on her, please answer our prayers with a YES. Thank you Lord for this miracle of your healing. One of our faithful followers of this page has asked for prayers. Miss Lisa Tallant needs prayers so I am asking all the prayer warriors to include her in their prayers. We know not why but the Lord does. Lord, we ask that you give Miss Lisa the help she needs and guide her in the way you would have her go. Buster The Handsome Pitbull has asked that we pwease pray for ma personal family dog furends Dudley and Tempe. Dudley habs da Throat Cancer and habs losted 30 lbs in 3 mo. Tempe habs da Lukemia and is losin da muscle mass. Ma mom grew up wif dese dogs and dey are ma furends too. Friends it is with great difficulty that I say the diagnosis for Bruce is not good. Quick update on Bruce~~10/18/13 He was told to get his affairs in order as he does not have long. He is hanging in there! They have told him he has less than 3 months to live! He is in physical therapy so he can walk with a cane to go home! Please keep the prayers coming for him. Thank you and many blessings friends! Please Lord God in Heaven, send Angels to watch over Bruce and keep him safe, and please Lord God in Heaven, reach down, cradle him within your HEALING HANDS and place a miracle on him, please answer our prayers with a YES but only if he can have a decent quality of life. Be with his family as they comes to terms with all of this! April Mixon posted - Now my sweet friend in Rescue her dog has fallen ill. I was hoping we could add Mumbles and Jennifer Hackett to the prayer list. Mumbles is a 6 year old English Bulldog. She was having problems breathing and her momma Jennifer Hackett took her into the vet. Mumbles and her momma need all the prayers they can get. Lord, we lift Mumbles the English Bulldog up to you asking for you to reach down and surround her with your Healing Hands and bestow upon her a healing miracle. Surround Mumbles and her Mom with your angels. Lucy Kay Robinson posted that her ten year old granddaughter has a brain tumor. Please Lord God in Heaven, send Angels to watch over her and keep her safe, and please Lord God in Heaven, reach down, cradle her within your HEALING HANDS and place a miracle on her, please answer our prayers with a YES but only if she can have a decent quality of life. Marj Nelson Hines hates to ask for herself but would like for us to add her to the pray list. She has found out that she has lung cancer. Right now the prognosis looks good but she needs God and prayers to get through this. Her babies need her and she feels like she still has things to do. Lord we ask you to lay your tender loving healing hand on our friend Marj. She has lots to do yet and as she says her babies need her. Surround her with your angels. Update: Wanted to update you on my cancer. I am now almost 1/2 way through the radiation and will start chemo on Tuesday. My doctor still says we are going to beat this. Thank you for the continued prayers. Please keep Dexter from Dexters Bucket List in your thoughts and prayers. Lord, this fellow has had a rough start in life, he needs your tender loving care. We ask that you bring him through this surgery safely and guide the surgeon’s hand so that he gets all of the tumor. For it is in your holy precious Name we ask. Connie Archer Van Houten ask, that we please pray for her family. Her mom is Ruth, brother Bob, my aunt Elton, Verns aunt Fonnie. Lord please ease this family’s sickness. Lay your healing hand on all who need it. Lexi the Biker Dog ask that we please add his kitty brother Acid to our list. Update on Acid. His leg is healing but slow. He has his bandage redone for another week. One spot is not wanting to heal very good. Hopefully this week will do it and he can be a free happy kitty again. Buster The Handsome Pitbull’s mom ask that we say a prayer for their 14 yr old kitty Sasha? She was diagnosed with Lung Cancer with Congestive Heart Failure today. She’s been battling with diabetes for a little over a year and it is tearing them apart. Lord we ask that you ease the suffering of this kitty and give the family comfort in knowing that this is Your will. April Speer has reported that her son, Nicholas, was diagnosed at 16 months old with an inoperable brain tumor. She has asked that the Prayer Warriors pray for her son and they would both appreciate it. I’m saying this with tears in my eyes because it warms my heart knowing so many are praying for my Nicholas. Once again thank yall from the bottom of my heart. Spartacus-the Wonderbull ask that we need some prayers going out for Miss Scarlet the Southern Pitties momma. Debra she just found out she has breast cancer. So let’s keep Debra in our thoughts and prayers please. Bubba Jay and Delilah Jean have asked us to add their friend Miss Margaret and her husband Leo to our nightly prayer. Lord please lay your healing hand on Leo and help him to respond to the new chemo without having a rough time. Surround him and his wife with your angels. We ask also that you lay your healing hand on Keri Roberts Charon’s little man “Chi” who has kidney and bladder stones. They are partially blocking his urethea He is on 2 medications for them and if they don’t work he will have to have surgery as it will then become life threatening. Jacks Journey ask that on our Puppy Prayer Chain tonight we add Emily (his artist that made his beauty-ful portrait) and her mommy Sandra. Miss Sandra is battling ovarian cancer. God, please put your healing touch on Miss Sandra. May there whole family feel your love and healing light. We lift them up for your healing touch and love. Saffy, LNP - Licensed Nurse Puppy she is writing to ask for prayers for her mom-patients friend, Morgan Amanda. This is Saffys mom-patient. I am selfishly asking for prayers for myself and family. Update: According to Saffy’s page Mom-patient is home. Please Lord God in Heaven, send Angels to watch over Mom-Patient and keep her safe, and please Lord God in Heaven, reach down, cradle Mom-Patient within your HEALING HANDS and place a miracle on her, please answer our prayers with a YES. We are asking for prayers for Issa Bella World’s Momma who has Gastroparesis. It is not a fun disease and you feel bad more than you feel good. Lord we ask that you lay your healing comforting and loving hand on Issa_Bella’s Momma and ease her pain and distress. Kathy R Harding Kline ask if we could please add her good friend Rebecca and her little dachshund Eddie to our prayer list. Her little dog had a terrible accident last weekend and is fighting for his life! He has a broken pelvis, nose and swelling in his brain. He has suffered a traumatic brain injury and we need a miracle. Please God heal this little dog back to sound body and mind. Patti Levay ask that we add Timmy the Pampered Pug to our prayer list. He has been having seizures and needs our prayers. May GOD touch Timmy with HIS Healing Hands. Lord, we ask that you guide this family as they go through this trauma with Xan. Xan is a six year old boy who has a rare neurodegenerative disease that is progressively taking over his body and now his mind. Lord, surround this young child with angels and Lord if it be thy will intervene and cure this terrible disease from his body. He is a happy little boy. As most of our prayer warriors know Koko the Sock Chewer. Lord, we ask that you gather your angels to surround Koko and his family as they deal with the matter of Koko’s cancer. Lord, guide the vet in his care of Koko during this time. Give Koko the faith and strength to carry on and fight this. We ask this in your Son’s name, Jesus. We lift up Clan McAdams Mom as she is dealing with some serious medical issues. Amanda May Hurley ask if we would please pray for her family! Satan is trying to destroy our family. Her daughter is in the hospital and her son has epilepsy! Her husband is looking for work and she has been sick for the past month! They just started their rescue and got their state id number. They need prayers BADLY! Lord we pray that you will hear this prayer and send your band of angels to surround this family during this rough time they are having. Mary Hymes ask our prayer chain again for prayers for her aunt/godmother Mary & her adopted dad Jose who both are still in hospice care with heart and kidney failure, and for her lil sis Terri who saw the doctor Thursday and her blood pressure is some lower but still at 189/110,, she had a heart attack several weeks ago and is scheduled for more heart tests, she is too young for all these stress issues, please Lord wrap your healing arms around her loved ones and around all your children who are suffering both physically and emotionally. For we ask this in the Holy precious name of Jesus. From our friend Gail Morgan: My little great nephew Ean Hughes 9 years old was diagnosed with Leukemia on Mother’s Day. He is going through Chemo and bone marrow treatments. His liver is failing and he is swollen so bad. Father in heaven we ask in your loving Son’s name, Jesus that with your healing hands you touch this little boy and cure him ...that you heal his body and with that miracle you bring peace and love and good health to his family and friends. Father we give you all the praise and glory. Archemedes ask that we say prayers for his Momma (She hates asking for herself cause she says there are so many more that need the prayers more) That her back with the Degenerative Disc Disease and Scoliosis gets better and causes less pain and the unexplained swelling gets better. I have an update on my Momma. She went to the spine clinic this past week and they are going to give her shots in her....ummm.....booty in hopes it will stop the pain and restless legs it creates. We hope it doesnt make it worse but makes it much better. Thank you Amanda May Hurley’s son Bobby has seizures! She ask that we pray for his safety and that he doesn’t have any more. Lord, surround this child with angels and let them guide him safely through each seizure if he continues to have them. Please lay your healing hand on him and rid him of this disease. Kirsten Sellards McAdam has asked that we would please add a friends daughter, Sareena, to your prayers. She recently had a kidney removed thanks to complications with MRSA. Now shes having seizures and her spinal fluid has dropped so low she cant walk. Shes having surgery today. She and her family have been through the wringer, and they still have a long, uncertain road ahead. Sareena is just a teenager. Beautiful, tragic. Lord we ask that you lay your healing hand on Sareena and bring her through this safely. Comfort her family during this time. Dianne Kurtz is Bessies mama. She has asked for some prayers for her. Her arthritis and Fibromyalgia stops making her hurt so much. Lord we ask if it be thy will that you ease Dianne’s pain. Sandy Sheppard asks that we pray for her friends 15 year old son, Gabriel, who has leukemia. And for all creatures, great and small, who are suffering in any way. Lord, hear our prayers and grant these request if it be thy will. Give them all the strength and faith to lean on you in their darkest hour of need. Guide them in the way you would have them go. Einstein Smyth friend Sophie needs prayers. Sophie beat cancer once, but it has returned and seems to be more aggressive than the last time. Lord we ask that you lay your loving healing hand on Sophie. Also give her Mommy, Miss Elena Perfillio the strength and faith to see that all that can be done for her is being done. Wanda Huddleston Ventimiglia ask that we please remember her daughter Regina who is still struggling after her knee surgery. Miss Wanda has asked that we please add her brother in law PETE VENTIMIGLIA to prayer list. Shelly Derrow Justice asks for prayers for her cousin Scott Sherman who is in the hospital and very sick, also her husband John is going through a really tough time and needs prayers. Lord, Michele Diane Radics Sherk just found out today she has the beginning stages of cervical cancer. She asks humbly for your intervention into this. Gail Morgan has asked for prayers for her brother in law Pat Conner and his family. He had a heart pump put in, his pacemaker and defibrillator failed, and they almost lost him, now they are going to have to go in and replace one of the wires as quick as they can get his blood thick enough to do it. Melissa Lopez UPDATE ON My Aunt CINDY AS OF 09/07/213: She had Surgery on Her Knee on Thursday September 05 2013 So the doctors could scrape some of the Fluid And Infection That Built up from her Raging Kidney Infection In Both Of Her Kidneys. Please Continue To Pray Because She Needs A Miracle and So Do We! Ill Update Again When We Know Any New News! Lord, we also ask that you lay your healing hand on Nazzy’s Gma Kathy who is not doing well at all. Her brain tumor has returned and chemo is not working and the tumor has grown and they have stopped treatment. Nazzy has a parasite called Coccidiosis. Kathy is still in hospital waiting for a hospice bed she is less and less herself every day. Our Precious Savior, please be with Teresa Attaway’s daughter who is 36 years old and just had a triple bypass done and is now waiting for a kidney transplant. Lord give them comfort and the faith to go forward as they wait for this life saving kidney. Diane Kimble-Turner ask that we pray for a friend Lisa H. and her family, One of her sisters starts chemo tomorrow, another sister has cancer in her bones, and one sister passed already from cancer. Lord we ask that you lay your healing hand on those who need it and give them peace and the faith to fight whatever aliment they may have. Father, Aletha Anne asked that you lay your healing hand on her and help her with the nerve damage she has. Also please be with Flipper’s Mommy’s Uncle as they have just learned that he has lung cancer. Give them the strength to help him fight this dreaded disease. Lord, Yodi has asked for prayers for his Uncle David who was diagnosed with bilateral renal (kidney) cancer. Uncle David has tumors on the kidneys. Yodi’s Uncle David has to have surgery on both kidneys. Yodi’s Uncle Nick is on standby to donate a kidney to Uncle David, if it comes to that. They will do one kidney at a time. Clan McAdam ask that we send prayers to Mamas doctors wife, Beth. She has just been diagnosed with a very invasive breast cancer. Schultz (dog) has asked if we all can keep his Momma’s Uncle in our prayers his name is Roy. Lord hear our prayer for your intervention into Uncle Roy’s condition. Schultz (dog) has asked that we please put his grandmom on our prayer list. Lord we ask that you comfort this family during this time and show them the way they should go. Give them the faith to believe that you will do what is best for everyone. Here is an update: she is doing better she has good days and not so good days. Her Aortic Artery is severely blocked and she has episodes with her heart beating very very rapid and her BP high. Baylee has a very rare immune disorder called nk cell deficiency. Life expectancy is unknown. There is no cure or treatment. Only you GOD can heal her. That’s why we are praying for your healing touch. Our precious Savior we ask that you be with Steve Lewis as he just found out he has stage 2 prostate cancer. He is Pixel Blue Eyes and Peanut Pumpkin Pies grandpa. Also Lord Jesus, we ask that you put your healing touch on Gremlin. She has been diagnosed with Babesia Gibsoni. Lord we ask that you grant a healing blessing on Gremlin that the 10-day treatment works. We give you all the praise and glory for the healing touch of your hand on Gremlin, doing what the doctors cannot do. Princess Chloe would like us to pray for her human cousin, Ethan, that he would be saved. Also Miss Kathy asks that we pray for her niece Linda and Linda’s Mom as they do not believe in your love. We ask that you deal with them as only you know how. Keep your healing hand on all who are in need of it. Linda Castor asks that we include her for relief of back pain; and all her friends who need special prayers tonight. Lord we ask that you continue to keep your healing hand on Ronda, Yodi’s Mama as she goes through her chemo treatments. Guide and direct her in how to continue her life. Give her the strength, courage, and peace needed to continue to heal. Lord, we ask that you help Shawna Melnychuk’s Dad as he recovers from heart surgery. We pray for healing for Terri Lopez, she had a stroke, and is under doctor’s care. We lift up Richie Ayers as he is on life support waiting for a heart transplant. Precious Jesus, Amy Bridger’s friend Darla has been diagnosed with brain cancer. Laura Fisher has asked for a prayer for Donnie. You know Lord what is needed. Lord we ask that you continue to walk with each of the following fur babies who have long-term diseases or handicaps. Please continue laying your healing on them. They are Emma E of Emmitt’s Place (who has diabetes), Caju the Warrior Dog, Duncan of Sweet Duncan and Furiends, Paisley, Libby, Koko the Sock Chewer, Dexter GSMD, Sparky, Tinkerbell, Anna Banana, Lilly, Trevor, Nazzy, Spike Taylor, Little Girl, Angel, Tom, Koda, Duke, Molly, Mylee, Bruno, Lady, Brandy on the Rotts, Hummer, Harper, Jack on Wheels, Lucky the mixed terrier, Gunther, Murphy the paralyzed pit bull, Wobbie the Pug, Rocky the Boxer, Wildman the kitty, ElliBeans’ friend Jakey Bakey and little Max of Love for Mia (Cleft palate Chihuahua) who has scoliosis, Dante (A paws Baton Rouge) as he also fights lung cancer. Lily who was diagnosed CHF. Lord we ask that you give each one of these precious fur babies the strength and faith to fight each of their medical problems. These are the ones that we know of but we also pray you will heal and walk with the ones not listed here by name. Lord Jesus please continue to lay your healing hand on the following furiends’ parents, sisters, brothers, grandmas and great-grandmas and all the other relatives, who are ill or battling a long-term disease. Tara Comer Baldwin in prayer with her health issues. Heather & Mollie, Bailey Cream Adopt Not Shop’s Mom, Dee Gilbert’s friend Barbara Harrington, Shelby the Rottie’s Dad, Dozer’s Mom’s cousin, Melanie, JoRaye Land asks that we keep her in our prayers, Emily, Scott’s father. Charlie Losinno has asked that we pray for his Grandma, Patrick’s Mom who has just been diagnosed with Stage 1 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Tamy Vermande’s friend Mary (DJ Sparkles), Denise K. Beaudoin asks for prayers for Janet Koch, Diana Abshire ask for prayer for her friend Kimmy, Teresa Fitzgerald-Yarbrough and two other fur babies Mommies have Auto Immune Disease along with other diseases such as Lupus and cancer and we ask that you guide each of these mentioned in the way you would have them go and walk beside them as they continue to heal. Lord we lift up Miss Jenna Jones for your healing as she has been battling Aids for 9 years. Shenna Hiv Jones has asked to be included in prayer. Lord we ask for a special prayer for all the animals that are abused or homeless and in shelters waiting for someone to -love them and give them a forever home. Lord we ask that you bestow a special blessing on the homeless humans and those that are staying in shelters. Lord please keep your healing hand on those that need it. Lord keep our service men and women safe as they continue the fight on foreign soil to keep us free at home here in the United States of America. Lord, we give you all the praise and glory for this day and for all the blessing that you have bestowed upon us. Remember for all of you praying and waiting...He will make a way where there seems to be no way. Keep holding on and looking up and believing His promises. Be ready with eager anticipation for what He is working on your behalf! Our God is an awesome God who answers prayer. Lord we thank you for walking with us this day. Thank you Father God for Your precious Son Jesus Christ who died and rose again so we may live and find salvation through Him. Please bring America to you as a true Nation Under God once again. You know the needs of each, Father. We ask for you to hear the silent cries and prayers. In Jesus holy precious name we pray. Teach us, O God, so to use all the circumstances of our life to-day that they may bring forth in us the fruits of holiness rather than the fruits of sin. Let us use disappointment as material for patience: Let us use success as material for thankfulness: Let us use suspense as material for perseverance: Let us use danger as material for courage: Let us use reproach as material for long-suffering: Let us use praise as material for humility: Let us use pleasures as material for temperance: Let us use pains as material for endurance. Amen [The righteous] are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Psalm 1:3—4
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 01:49:15 +0000

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