Monday: Numerology (Karmic Numbers Contd.) Karmic number - TopicsExpress


Monday: Numerology (Karmic Numbers Contd.) Karmic number 11 Master number 11s reap the greatest karmic rewards by having faith in their intuition as opposed to their rational minds. 11s need to work on their faith and trust in other people as fate has a way of only bringing them what they expect. If an 11 expects the worst then he or she will get the worst . If she expects the best she will get the best, then they are usually blessed. Your biggest fear is that there is no god. Other peoples first impression of you might include words such as flaky or eccentric. Karmic number 22 Master number 22s succeed the best if they learn to control the thoughts that rule their subconscious mind. As they are the ultimate manifestos of dreams into reality,am 22 reaps the greatest rewards by choosing his or her thoughts carefully. Positive thoughts bring 22 positive things. Negative thoughts often manifest as roadblocks to success or prosperity. Your biggest fear is that you will let others down. Others first impression of you if often very positive. They see you as a leader or mentor and they are right. P.S.: That was the last bit of Karmic Numbers. Hope you found the information you were looking for. More information about a new topic in Numerology on Next Monday!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 04:30:00 +0000

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