Monday / Tuesday AM Monday - I woke up again at 4:30am on the - TopicsExpress


Monday / Tuesday AM Monday - I woke up again at 4:30am on the button... I think my body is trying to reset History. I am in our own bed... Our cat and dog curl around me trying to keep me from waking. I call the Nurse taking care of Jim, he had a good night - all is well. I have an early morning appointment, that I needed to keep, for my own sanity. Teaching a Watercolor Class with Seniors @ Tulare Senior Center. Our shower handle comes off in my hand... It has done this before so I have tools right within reach... But it makes me sob... I cant yell out for Jim just to come fix it... I have to figure it out myself... I realize I am going to have many shower handles in the future, and how I handle them will have lasting effects on my whole family. After my Teaching Session in Tulare and before heading back to Fresno I called Ryan, Did the transfer orders go through? He sighed Nothing yet. Okay, so Jims Fresno CRMC Hospital Room comes a waiting room. Bummer. At least they called me to let me know I can pick up his Medical Records we ordered last week, small win. Many of you have asked about the clot... Here is what the Doctor told us: They are making sure the clot does get any larger by giving Jim medicine so more clots dont attach. The body will absorb the clot but it is a slow process... weeks, maybe a month. They will not take more X-rays or CT Scans of the clot, Jim has had enough radiation thru him already- they dont want him to start glowing. Meanwhile, he can have physical therapy to recover from the stroke effects. 3 trained physical therapist came at 1pm to work with Jim, with Ryan help they had Jim standing briefly. They monitor his blood pressure the whole time. Right before shift change we asked for a status of the transfer... Our Nurse Rochelle say our Caseworker has filed the paperwork with the insurance company for approval ... Paper pusher not Doctors are the delay. Visiting Hours close for the day, I kiss Jim goodnight - and I can see his worry. Tomorrow sweetie, tomorrow. Now, Tuesday Morning very early, I have called his RN - Jim is still sleeping. He was able to get some sleep. Good... We all need our strength today! My prayer, hope and wish for today is for continuing positive progress... In his physical recovery, in his personal space and setting, and in his mind - I want Jim to feel the PEACE and Encouragement your prayers are sending. May PEACE find you as well, and may all of you know how much I appreciate you reading my ramblings, and thinking of Jim... I know it is helping the family handle life much better than we thought we never could.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 14:24:25 +0000

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