Monday evening - as good a time for a ferret message as any - TopicsExpress


Monday evening - as good a time for a ferret message as any :-) Sati says: “When I try to accomplish something, did my very best, and have succeeded, it is a really nice feeling. It seems, however, that we often expect from ourselves that we should be successful. Molly expects from herself to succeed in climbing on top of a shelf she has never reached before, Soso expects from herself to accomplish whatever her job throws at her, not matter if she has done it before or not, and I expect from myself to be a good pack leader, although this is far beyond anything I have done before, or earlier expected to do. It is a good thing to challenge yourself to become better, learn new things, and try things you haven’t done before. It is what makes us grow. However, it is also important to reward yourself enough, when you have succeeded! Thus, we have a rule in this house: if you accomplished something, you should celebrate and allow yourself to be happy about it AT LEAST AS LONG as you would be sad and disappointed if you had failed in the task! And since I just accomplished to make Soso type this up for me, I will now go and celebrate! Cheers!” Dear friends; no matter if you accomplish something new or not, be kind to yourself!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 18:50:24 +0000

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