Monday morning 03 February 2014: FRERE JACOB FRERE JACOB DORMEZ - TopicsExpress


Monday morning 03 February 2014: FRERE JACOB FRERE JACOB DORMEZ VOUZ DORMEZ VOUZ??????? 1. DA - AGANG As expected the break with Dr Ramphele - divorce before the marriage. Now some questions to the leadership to Helen Zille: - Surely this is no good for the DA!. I would not even be surprised you may lose some support within your own ranks. Why?? Not because of the loss of potential AGANG supporters (there was none to start with) but some your existing supporters for not looking for a black presidential candidate within own ranks. Maybe some of your senior black party members warned you against Mamphela Ramphele but you did not listen - you bulldozed yourself in a cul de sac. This happening is good news for the ANC. I think Luthuli House is shaking in its foundations of laughter. About the march on Luthuli House?? Maybe you need to re-think it because another risky high profile media stunt may backfire again. 2. The rise of the EFF - JULIUS MALEMA Nobody can accuse me of good ole Gonzo here- driving out of Rosslyn Industrial Area late afternoon and what do you see!!!! Young people putting on their red berets of the EFF. Time is now to dust off the case of the rise of Adolf Hitler. Some points to ponder: -Serving his prison sentence at the Landsberg Prison for his involvement in the Munchen Incident he wrote his book Mein Kampf. Mein Kampf was the blueprint for what was to become a reality some years later but nobody on the receiving end listened or read. - Adolf Hitler and his NAZI party were elected by the majority of German voters. Why? a. He promised to lead them out of the economic and political quagmire caused amongst others by the humiliation of the Peace Treaty of Versailles, the one-sided notion that Germany and Austria alone were to blame for World War 1 and therefore had to pay crippling war damages to the victors. b. He was fighting the cause of restoring German national pride c. Tipping point was the national pride so wounded that it would go along with the Pride Magician and not asking the critical questions. The case of the EFF and Malema a. Julius promises to lead the disgruntled millions of youth, jobless or stuck in menial labour out of the quagmire by taking from them who have and giving to them who do not have by nationalisation and other ways of disentitlement of the haves . The question here is not the middle or long term futuere but the present now - fix that first then one can ponder and proceed to long term future. b. His imagery is catchy and strike a good defiant pose. The pride of the black majority that was hurt over many decades of exploitation and racism is a fertile ground to exploit and he is doing that - he does not need to be nice and diplomatic about it like the ANC in the steps of reconciliation of Madiba. He does not have to heed the egg dance of a broad church movement such as the ANC. His constituency is the millions of black people that did not benefit one cent after the demise of apartheid. The potential tipping point here is his consolidation of young electoral support. We shall see the first signs now with the coming 2014 elections. If he manages a strong vote from the youth and I believe he will, the rest may come his way in the next decade.Do not get fooled by urban black elites in their fancy little Noddy cars, designer perfumes and trendy bling apparel in the mink and manure belt of Sandton, but look at the unemployed/ disgruntled youth you see walking to industrial centres such as Rosslyn. Some of them are already donning the the EFF berets and the rest will soon. QUESTION TO THE ANCIEN REGIME : THE ANC How you going to deal with it with Zuma as the leader?????????????? Zuma the target of the EFF, Zuma as the focal point of everything that is wrong with the ANC according to the EFF. Do you work out ZUMA and what then???? EFF smelling blood and saying that any replacement leader without the endorsement of the EFF ideals will be a legitimate target of the EFF. This will not work. The other option is Zuma consolidating his power and becoming increasingly totalitarian in order to keep control and keeping dissenting voices and factions at bay. This way is only kicking the can down the corridor for a momentous clash at a later stage. Put Malema in prison just like the German authorities did with Adolf and what then?? The best possible public relations scoop he could think off. What you gonna do ?????? I do not know and neither do you. FRERE JACOB FRERE JACOB DORMEZ VOUZ DORMEZ VOUZ
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 06:29:35 +0000

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