Monday, so soon the weekend has passed and left just the memories. - TopicsExpress


Monday, so soon the weekend has passed and left just the memories. Monday and another cold, dark and clouded day with flakes of snow falling lazily to the ground. Winter does not want to loosed its, all too, tenacious hold. The snow is not steady but falling heavy at times and other times, not at all. It could be a depressing day ---- if we allow it to be. It is cold and dark. Only 12° out there and very still. The Weather Channel says its supposed to get to 34° and be a partly sunny day. We shall see. Ahh --- snow flakes are falling again. I cannot help but wonder and think, what a blessing it is for the Obama administration to have the missing Malaysian aircraft as a diversion. It is certainly diverting the media from so many of the controversies around this president and his administration not to mention the cost of Michelles latest trip with her entourage of Mama, Daughters and a staff of about 76. Staying at a hotel at about $8300 a night. Just how many people would the cost of this trip help in so many ways. Food, Medical, Housing, Staggering and beyond flagrant. In my humble opinion, it is the Obamas trying to be the Royalty they believe is their due. Whats next??? It gives me a terrible and empty feeling in my stomach to see the behavior of this administration and to see our freedoms disappearing as quickly as they can make it happen. I do hope the America people -- as a whole see and understand this --- will take the initiative to vote in November and vote as they know they must. Getting rid of, not the Democrats, but the Socialist Liberals that seem to dominate today. Unfortunately, they call themselves Democrats but seeing what so many of them stand for, I cannot help being convinced of them being much more and much worse. Even with the happenings and non-happenings in my Nation and the World today, I am know and believe the Lord is in control and all is according to what he plans or allows --- to a point. I have no idea what the future will bring but I do know, it will be according to Gods plan and His will. I hope the people that do believe in the Lord and have reached out to Him will again help bring this Nation back from the brink and put it back on that path our founding fathers so wisely spelled out in the Constitution and in our Declaration of Independence. This Nation was founded with its foundation on the principles of being a God Fearing Nation. Not afraid to accept all into its fold -- believers and non-believers. Not afraid to accept any and all people into its fold no matter where they were from. It took a long time to rid ourselves from the chains of bigotry but it did happen and now we find ourselves being divided again with the words of only a few that are fanning the flames of racism. Why????? Why again????? I think Power and Riches for a few. Not for the many. Not for those they say they represent. Enough ----- I truly believe, God will PREVAIL ---- I shout it out. Ohhh !!! Shadows !!! the Sun is shining -- weakly but a promise is there. Good Morning And may the Lord bless you all - Friends and Family - on this day and every day. Duane McClung 24 March, 2014
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 13:18:57 +0000

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