Monday training 14/7/14 Mary went bankrupt!! A note to you all, - TopicsExpress


Monday training 14/7/14 Mary went bankrupt!! A note to you all, if you dont understand something I have said then ask or just say I dont understand what you mean. I have all the time in the world to repeat as many times as it takes so you are sure of what your doing rather than you try and bluff it then get stressed with dog when its not going right ;) That aside, the progress is really coming on steadily and we can now raise the training bar. Your all at different stages so some will be doing other things but dont worry, take your training at YOUR pace :) Teresa and Rex - Brilliant work from these 2 last night. Started them off with follow then brought Fran and Saxon into the middle and got Teresa and Rex to do circles round them finally going tight around them and not once did Rex take his attention off of what he was doing. A very big well done to you both. Mary and Honey - Slow down and take your time Mary, your rushing everything but not giving Honey a command until your a few steps into it, she really is trying her best and the attention is great but when I told you to slow down, you went into slow pace lol. We have to find a middle balance with you and also in your hand position as you do have a perfect static follow occasionally. Chris and Bella - Bella is slowly coming out of her shell and I can see progress over last 2 weeks. Bella knows what she has to do but needs the confidence when around other dogs. Keep doing your technical stuff when your on your own to keep the show level going but when in group, really work on getting Bella with youand you will go from getting 4th places in pre-beg to 1st. Ben and Bella - Bella strutted her stuff with ease as usual. She is so eager and happy to work. Just got to fine tune Bens hand position as he has gone from one extreme to another by having them too low now lol. Alyson and Harley - We got Harley doing heelwork round chair. As you noticed you lost his head position and thats because he is not using his back end as much as his front so lots of doing this (this is an exercise I hate doing). Right hand round chair/cone etc you will need to really encourage him up and left hand round will need to slow him down and tuck his back end in. Fran and Saxon - Saxon was not in sync with you at all last night, hindsight you could of said ok if your not going to play with me ie train then go and get tied up You put a lot of effort into getting him going and he didnt really want to know. Even when he only had to do set up while Teresa was circling you, his mind was elsewhere. However once you had a chat with him, he done a lovely retrieve, I know it wasnt as fast as you would of like but it was still a respectable pace, instant pick up and return and sitting straight on present so at least you finished on a good note. Every dog has a off day and that was def Saxys, onwards and upwards hun. Tina and Kira - Lovely attention from Kira and regardless of her coming into class with strange dogs, she wasnt phased and put her all into it. If your coming into my class, I will show you on thurday some little behaviours for you to do where you dont give a command and its more a game for the 2 of you but you MUST still continue with Mums first class. Well done though. Barbara and Shendi - Where was you?
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 16:54:21 +0000

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