Mondays tip of the day! Diminisher or multiplier? Which one are - TopicsExpress


Mondays tip of the day! Diminisher or multiplier? Which one are you? You have choices on being someone who cares about others, lifts people up, and encourages people to be their best! Or you can worry about you first, belittle others, and stop people from being their best! The first thing that you need to realize is that we ALL have diminishing qualities! Its recognizing them and changing them that matters in the end! Everyone has flaws or weaknesses. Its human nature and ingrained in each of to have our own backs first! I have seen great leaders and I have seen bad leaders! So what makes a great leader great and a bad leader bad? The willingness to realize our diminishing qualities and change them! Here are a list of common diminishing qualities and traps that can bring us down in the end! 1) Managing. No one signed up to do this business to be told what to do! There is a big difference between mentoring and guiding vs. Bossing and managing! You are a mentor, coach, and cheer leader but NEVER a manager! 2) Controlling! If people wanted to be held back they would have stayed in corporate America! Trying to control what your team members do will push them away in the end! Holding people back from becoming their own leader so you can be in charge or take all the glory will get old very quick with your team members! 3) Isolating! Keeping your team members from reaching out to other leaders, uplines, downlines, and side lines is only hurting you! Again, no one likes to be controlled! Not only is this selfish it is also the biggest reason I see people fail! , Team members will end up alienating you or worse yet quitting! 4) Abandoning! Only working with some team members and not others. Ignoring people if they are not doing what you say! Threatening people that you will not help them if they dont follow your program or get help or advice from other leaders. 5) Gossiping. Creating drama in your team! Talking to team members about other team members! Taking sides! Living in a world of drama not dreams! 6) Selfishness! Doing what will be best for you and not whats best for your team! Helping someone promote for your gain when they cant hold it! Using your authority and knowledge to deceive a down line! Holding people back from becoming their own leader. Taking advantage of the vulnerable! Enrolling when you should not be the enroller! Selfishness comes in many forms So be ware and make sure you care! 7) Negativity! Bringing others down! Remember how much power your words hold! When your negative your team will be too. 8) laziness! Talking the talk and not walking the walk! Letting your team do all the work while you reap the benefits! 9) Bragging! There is nothing more diminishing to a team then seeing their leader reaping all the benefits! Acting like they did it all in their own. Constantly putting their life style in the faces off the people that have not seen the rewards yet! 10) Unchanging! The worst kind of diminisher is the kind that refuse to change! They dont want to get better, in fact they refuse to take criticism and would rather be right and be who they are keeping it real! The problem is that great leaders are open and willing to hear their short comings...they want to improve! This is why they will never be great. The bottom line is we are all diminishers and have personality flaws...admitting that is the first step! Once we get real with the personality flaws we struggle with its where change and growth can begin! So how do we change? By reading self help books, being conscious of when we are diminishing, and then taking steps to change! It wont happen over night, but as long as we are trying we are one step closer to growing into that GREAT leader I know each of us can be! Happy Monday, have an AMAZING start to your week!
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 08:40:46 +0000

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