Money Safety Tips for Travelers That little girl who came up to - TopicsExpress


Money Safety Tips for Travelers That little girl who came up to you in Rome looked so innocent -- until you realized that she was just distracting you while her father picked your pocket! Unfortunately, this type of petty crime is all too common around the world, especially in popular tourist areas. Whether theyre fumbling through guidebooks or gawking at new sights, tourists are often unaware of their surroundings, making them easy prey for thieves. Luckily, a little bit of common sense and preparation can go a long way toward keeping this from happening to you. Where to Keep Your Valuables The most important rule of the road is to make sure you keep your money, credit and debit cards, and passport in a money pouch at all times while youre in transit. We dont recommend carrying anything valuable in a purse, which is too easily snatched, or a backpack, which can be opened without your noticing. Even a wallet kept in your front pocket can be taken by an experienced pickpocket. Wearing a money pouch that can be concealed under your clothing is a must. Some pouches attach to your belt, while others are worn around the neck, waist or calf. These are particularly important if youre sleeping on a train, standing on a crowded subway or staying in a hotel that is not very secure. Choose one that is comfortable and practical for where youre traveling. You can buy money pouches at Magellans or other travel stores. Money pouches are certainly not the only way to avoid theft. There are key chains, belts and cases, all of which are available for less than $40. Try not to carry all of your valuables in the same place. If youre traveling with a companion, make sure each of you has some cash and a credit card on hand in case youre split up or one of you is robbed. If youre alone, keep a backup credit or debit card in a separate pouch from the one youll be using most often. Some travelers carry a dummy wallet stuffed with a few expired credit cards and a few bills to toss on the ground as a diversion when confronted by thieves. While most valuables should be safely hidden away, you may want to keep a small amount of local currency in a separate pocket or pouch where its easily accessible; that way youre not flashing your cash each time you want to make a small purchase. Another good tip is to make two copies of your passport, drivers license, credit cards, ATM cards and any other important documents you might be carrying. Leave one copy at home with someone you can reach in an emergency. Keep the other set with you in a safe place separate from the originals. Another option is to scan your documents into a computer as a PDF file and e-mail it to yourself, allowing you access to your documents from wherever you have an Internet connection. HOW to stay safe at ATMs * Make sure that no one waiting behind you can see you entering your PIN number. * Be sure to take your ATM receipt with you. * Be aware of your surroundings. If the machine is poorly lit, or is in a hidden area, use another location. * Dont count your cash or rummage through your personal items while standing at the ATM. * If you are using an indoor ATM that requires your card to open the door, avoid letting anyone come in with you that you do not know. * When using a drive-through ATM, lock your car doors. When walking up, never leave your car running or unlocked. * If you lose your ATM card, immediately contact the financial institution that issued it. When Your Passport Goes Missing More Insider Tips from our Members I cannot stress enough how important it is to always have your papers, cards and money as close to your body as possible. There are several different kinds of small items one can purchase in which to place these valuable items so that they are near to you at all times. The only type of thing you should carry in your daypack is your guidebook, maps, snacks and any other item you might need for the day but could live without should it be taken. ~ Host Bonjour I always wear a money belt around my waist under my clothes when I travel. I have learned to safety-pin it on also, as I had the clasp fail on one and the belt fall off. Luckily for me, my son spotted it right away and picked it up. ~ sunnyflies When on vacation I carry my money and other valuables inside my bra cup. Its the safest way I know -- I even do it at home in the local shopping mall. Usually I dont have pockets and dont like dragging a handbag around. ~ linda 617 My girlfriend and I each use the kind of zippered pouch that hangs inside the pants, from a belt loop, or secured with a safety pin inside the waist seam in her case when shes not wearing a belt. Its easy to yank up and out when needed, and to stuff it back down, no need to go for a private corner somewhere. My girlfriend also has a kids zippered little plastic wallet on a chain for coins and subway tickets, etc. I have a real wallet on a chain but only for minor sums of cash and business cards, etc; my credit cards and airline tix and passport are in the hanging pouch. Works even with shorts in summer. ~ ongmont A friend successfully evaded a mugging by doing the following: He had a few dollars in a throwaway wallet. When approached by a mugger, he tossed the wallet, screamed Take it, just dont hurt me and ran in the opposite direction while the mugger concentrated on the wallet. ~ Pickles47 --updated by Sarah Schlichter
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 05:11:41 +0000

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