Money! cant live without as it is deeply rooted into our culture - TopicsExpress


Money! cant live without as it is deeply rooted into our culture and our thinking. Yet, if we allow it too, it can consume us, drive us, and distort our perception of reality. If you let money get a hold on you, brother you are now sleeping in the devils bed. You and I become slaves to money when we rely upon it for the fulfillment of our existence. Just think about your life and what it would be like if you were not dependent upon money. How would it impact your living style? How would it impact the things that you do for entertainment and recreation. Think about the debts that you have and the control they have on you. If we are living a life that is centered upon money, (as many of us are if you want to be honest) then we become slaves too it. In slaved to money also nurtures certain behaviors that limits our ability to follow Christ. One of the big problems is when money drives us to be greedy, at this point we have taken the position that money is our safety, security, and sense of well-being. Power is another big problem because money can produce a sense of strength and dominance , which is contrary to Christ. So, it is important to guard your heart from these poisons that money can produce in you and your family. It is important to establish Christ as the center of your life, not money. This article points out some of the follies that are so easy to stumble into when we become money focused. If you are honest with yourself as you read through this, can you see areas in your life that could become an opportunity for money to take over? What else is interesting is how religion and money can develop a relationship this is not healthy although it can have the appearance of being well. Christianity has been hijacked by a corporate mentality of business-like growth and power. Therefore, pricing and profits have taken priority over the gospel. The message of Christ has become restricted by our dependence and love for money, and we often don’t even realize it. God help us!, (
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:42:31 +0000

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