Monkey Business powers hundreds of small businesses... With - TopicsExpress


Monkey Business powers hundreds of small businesses... With over 10 years of proven technology, hosting and expert support! Our Style Wizard is simply powerful Launch the Style Wizard to craft the exact look you need for your business in one hour! Your custom design in 6 easy steps! 1 Layout Template Choose a layout for your design from our library of professionally designed layouts 2 Your logo Upload your logo, crop and resize it to perfection. 3 Background Select background image and color that allow your brand to shine 4 Design colors Choose background colors for each part of your layout template 5 Custom fonts Install custom fonts that will make sure your text content pops with crisp clarity 6 Style Fine tune every detail of anything and everything to your hearts satisfaction. PUBLISH AMAZING PAGES IN MINUTES You can write what you know best No one knows your business like you do, and no one can write it like you will. Every word and every punctuation matters deeply to effectively communicate what you are all about. Problem is you dont know much about HTML coding and frankly you shouldnt have to. You have a business to run after all, you dont have much time to spend learning alien techno babble. And we agree. Our PageBuilder app is a powerful drag and drop editor, infused with all the tools you need to get the job done, get it done extremely well and get it done fast! Design professional grade content Fast 1 click publishing Create brand new webpages fast, with a single click! Intuitive workflow Updating your webpages is as easy as selecting Update this page Content Templates Speed up your publishing 1000% using prebuilt content templates. You can even create your own! Fast prototyping Use our built-in Lorem Ipsum text generator speed up your prototyping workflow. Full screen editing You will feel right at home in our clean, minimal but very familiar editor. Pixel perfect styling The power to design the exact look you want to the tee! Text editing Not much to this; just click where you want and start typing. Rich multimedia Embedding rich multimedia is an easy Right-click > Publish to add pictures, music, videos ... DESIGN PIXEL PERFECT CONTENT You have the power to make your content look just the way you want Truth be told, anyone can put stuff on a page, thats the easy part. Making that stuff look like gold, thats the interesting part. Our PageBuilder apps built-in Style Wizard gives you the professional styling tools reserved for Pros! Using it, you can easily and quickly change/set colors, background images, dimensions, paddings, margins, rounded corners and much more. Style Wizard your business content to perfection Target anything Select any content on your page for styling. Presets Style presets speed up your workflow another 1000% Texts Apply site-wide brand styles to achieve uniform look all the time. Colors / Background Easily change text color, background color and image. Paddings / Margins Confront the devil in the details for pixel perfect presentations. Rounded corners Easily create rounded corners for any content. Gradients Apply gradients to your designs for a smoother, natural feel. Dimensions Easily change the width / height of any content. Custom Control-freaks rejoice, be the style master with custom settings, Unlimited email for your business! MONKEY BUSINESS WEBSITE DEMO VIDEOS Build A Website For Your Business In 1 Hour! Publish Professional Grade Content, Fast! Unlimited Email And Email Marketing Blogging And Social Media Marketing Open Your Online Store Today! Publish Professional Forms Easily! Create Business Surveys In Minutes Poll Your Customers, Fast And Easy! Publish FAQs For Your Business! Publish Your Business Documents Your Business Helpdesk / CRM, Integrated! Business Forums / Discussion Boards, Included! Accounts, Registrations, Subscriptions Secure Access To Your Business Information OPTIMIZATION IS ALL ABOUT BALANCE Use the SEO Analysis Report to find the balance for your business content Run the SEO Analysis Report on your webpages and use it to adjust your content to achieve the desired optimization. Run the SEO Analysis Report, and ... Adjust your keywords into the green! OPTIMIZE YOUR CONTENT LIKE A PRO Search engine friendly content as easy as 1-2-3. Making sure your business website content is search engine friendly is important, as it assures that search engines will include your webpages in the list of results shown to folks searching for content you have on your website. Proper content optimization only guaranttee inclusion in search results, not making your website #1 on the list; yet doing it well is critically important in any strategy to get to the top of the list. Monkey Business provides smart optimization wherever appropriate, and you can override all SEO information ( titles, descriptions, keywords, page addresses ) for complete optimization. No SEO voodoo, just 3 simple steps! 1 Provide complete SEO Information You start by providing the basic SEO information search engines need to properly optimize your content, including Titles, Descriptions and Keywords. 2 Run SEO Analysis Report When your webpage content is ready, run the SEO Analysis Report to see how search engines analyze your contents keywords usage and density. 3 Adjust your content Use the information in your SEO Analysis Report to adjust your contents use of keywords you care about and be optimized! And, Monkey Business does the rest! Smart optimization Monkey Business automatically creates default values for missing SEO information! XML Sitemaps Daily build of the XML sitemaps for the website that search engines need to properly find and index all your webpages. Sitemap submissions Daily submission of your XML sitemaps to all the major search engines to speed up website content indexing. Smart builds Because optimizing for the wrong things can cost you, Monkey Business only includes optimized content in sitemaps. SEO Analysis Report Run the SEO Analysis Report on any webpage to get the information you need to properly optimize your webpages.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 22:46:22 +0000

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