Monkeys in My Hair – My First BHS Girlfriend. In 1969 I met - TopicsExpress


Monkeys in My Hair – My First BHS Girlfriend. In 1969 I met Christine, my first girlfriend at Barberton High School. I first saw her in Miss Swinehart’s English Class and I was immediately head over heals in love with her. After a while I worked up the nerve to talk to her and right after Thanksgiving in 1969 we started to go steady. We always had the best time together. When we started to go steady we went everywhere together. I pretty much ditched my unattached male friends because now I had a girlfriend. She lived on the far west side and I lived on the east side. We were both born in the same year at the Weather Seal (the old hospital on Wooster Road north) and we both graduated in 1971 from BHS. In the spring of 1971 we had gone to the Norton Shopping Center. In the courtyard there was a pet shop. Outside of the pet shop they had two spider monkeys chained together and then chained to a stake in the yard. People were coming up and petting the monkeys and often feeding them. I squatted down to pet them just as the bigger of the monkeys lunged at me and landed on the top of my head dragging the second monkey with him. Remember this was sort of a monkey chain gang here. The biggest monkey grabbed my hair and would not let go. As the monkeys were chained not only to each other but also to the ground I couldn’t stand up from my squat position. My hair was a little long and the bigger monkey just wrapped his monkey fingers in my hair and I couldn’t budge him. A spider monkey had long arms and as I would grab his body and try to lift him off my head his arms just telegraphed out. So here was this monkey doing monkey pushups on my head, and every time I lifted the bigger monkey up the little monkey was dangling from my back. Now this would not have been too big of a deal, but Chris was laughing hysterically. I was yelling at her to go get the pet shop owner but she was laughing so hard that pretty soon everyone was laughing hysterically and there were a lot of people in the courtyard that had walked in to see the monkeys. It was the sound of the laughter that finally attracted the horrified pet shop owner, who came running out and had to work the monkey’s paws apart to free my hair. Meanwhile the smaller monkey has been dangling several times and had the wind knocked out of him. I was thinking someone was going to have to perform CPR on the little monkey to save his life. I never saw Chris laugh that hard, then or now. You see despite her failure to save me from an unprovoked monkey attack, we got married in 1978 and have been married ever since. Last Thanksgiving was the 40th anniversary of our starting to go out. We never dated anyone else after 1969. Now tell us your funniest dating story from someone you met at BHS.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:37:00 +0000

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