Monsanto and the other poison monopolies have been falsely - TopicsExpress


Monsanto and the other poison monopolies have been falsely claiming for years about that they need to take over world food production. They claim their herbicide and pesticide laden foods will better feed people than nutritious food resulting time-honored traditional, sustainable, organic farming methods. Their claims of bigger yields, improved nutrition, drought resistance, etc. have all turned out to be false. The research linked in this picture is just one more example of growing evidence that Monsantos claims are the opposite of reality. It doesnt take a genius to understand that when a GMO food crop makes its own pesticide, and the food itself is also sprayed repeatedly with heavy doses of a deadly poisonous herbicide, that such food is not good for any living creature to eat. Even so, nearly all supermarket food is now contaminated with these poisons, and the companies making the poisons are spending a portion of their nefarious profits to prevent the consumer from knowing what they are eating. Their chemical poison monopolies claim of producing more food per acre will end up being a cruel joke if this assault on nature continues. If they get their way and the planet ends up with only a handful of money-crazy poison monopolies owning all the seed supplies with no seed diversity and with all heirloom varieties contaminated by poisonous GMO DNA, worldwide famine will be the likely result. On the positive side, Monsanto and the other poison monopolies may be digging its own graves with respect to their grandiose scheme of controlling the worlds food supply. We know that increased cost of licensing fees, GMO seed and having to use increasingly larger amounts of herbicides are causing GMO farmers everywhere to go back to traditional methods. Organic farming acreage has more than doubled in the past ten years, while GMO acres are dropping due to lower yields and increased costs. People are starting to wake up and understand that just because a depraved monopoly like Monsanto says something is true, it probably is not. With its long history of criminal poisoning of our planet with products like DDT, PCBs, Agent Orange, the truth has always been the opposite of what they claimed. Unfortunately, governments tend to wake up after the damage has been done, and it is always the common people who pay for their lies, both with their money and their lives. In the United States, the taxpayers have had to pay to clean up the damages caused by poisons like DDT and PCBs. The environmental damaged caused by Atrazene, Agent Orange, Glyphosate and other poisons is ongoing. Much of the damage to our environment is impossible to clean up. Further, the poison monopolies are never held accountable for all the people they kill or who have been permanently disabled as a result of their deadly products. Those of us who care about the future of our planet need to keep pointing out to everyone we can how eating poisons in food is not good. We need to write to companies that use HFCS and other GMO ingredients and tell them why we refuse to buy their products. We need to keep spreading the word about how independent research is showing that increases in disease rates are related to the poisons in GMO food. Just as finally occurred with DDT, PCBs and the other poisons they lied about, eventually Monsanto and the other merchants of death will either be forced to stop selling their current poisons and/or customer resistance will cause food companies to start demanding organic ingredients. Hopefully, that will happen before it is too late.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 23:34:45 +0000

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