Monsoons on my mind. Today in Patagonia the dewpoint is 39 - TopicsExpress


Monsoons on my mind. Today in Patagonia the dewpoint is 39 degrees. " ... During most of the calendar year Phoenix dewpoint temperatures are well below 40 degrees (often in the single digits) and our relative humidities are very low. However, starting in June, our upper level wind, which is typically from a westerly direction for most of the year, begins to shift to an easterly or southeasterly direction. This wind shift is the simple definition of a monsoon: a seasonal shift in the wind. Dewpoint is the temperature to which the air has to drop in order for the moisture in the air to condense. Since the amount of moisture in the air is continuously varying, so are the dewpoint temperatures. Historically, when the dewpoints in Phoenix gets to 55 degrees consistently, the intense surface heat of the desert, coupled with that higher level of moisture in the air generates the type of thunderstorm activity associated with the Arizona monsoon." Tucson dewpoint is slightly lower than that of Phoenix. About Phoenix
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 18:56:07 +0000

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