Monthly Meeting Minutes 9 September 2013 Babylon American Legion - TopicsExpress


Monthly Meeting Minutes 9 September 2013 Babylon American Legion Post 94 22 Grove Place, Babylon, NY 1940 Commander called meeting to order / Pledge of Allegiance / a moment of silence to honor our departed shipmates and active duty personnel / USSVI Creed / Invocation by Carl Lehmann. 39 members were in attendance. Three submarines, Grayling, Cisco and Pompano, were lost during September. Chaplain Lehmann reported that he has sent an eternal patrol letter and certificate to the family of shipmate Leonard Tusa. Executive Board members present: Michael Zemser (Commander), Mike Carmody (X.O.), Walter Oemcke (Treasurer), John Napierkowski (COB), Lenny Sinacore (Past CDR), Murray Lewis (Storekeeper), Carl Lehmann (Chaplain) and Ed Rivoire (Secretary). Binnacle List: CDR Zemser reported that Bill Demarest is recovering from hip replacement surgery. Scholarships: Charlie Hilgendorf reported that four applications have been received. Treasurer’s Report: Walt Oemcke reported that the base is solvent. Treasurer’s reports are available for review by members at any regular meeting. Raffle: CDR Zemser presented the cash prizes to the first, second and third place winners of the raffle, Jim Garvey, Bill Beach and Ed Wylie. A profit of only $170 was realized from the raffle sales due to very limited membership participation. Minutes: A motion was made to accept last month’s meeting minutes as written and published and to dispense with their reading at this meeting. Seconded and passed. Each month’s meeting minutes are emailed to the membership and posted to the USSVI national website. Correspondence: None reported at this meeting. Old Business: License Plates: Anyone wishing to apply for Silent Service plates should contact Base Secretary Ed Rivoire for the applications and instructions. Book Donations: All members are encouraged to bring donations to meetings for the VA home at Stonybrook. Cdr Zemser has advised that he will deliver donated books. Mike Stroud has announced that he will, once again, be collecting tube socks and toiletries for hospitalized and nursing home veterans. Kaps 4 Kids: Ed Wylie reported that there will be a presentation at Good Samaritan Hospital on Monday, 4 November. Volunteers are needed to meet in the hospital lobby at 0915 hours. Ed has also advised that he has established a new website: Kaps4KidsLongIslandBase. New Business: The West Islip Fair will be held on Sunday, 22 September. Approximately 15 members volunteered to support that effort. The Bellmore Fair will be held on Saturday and Sunday, 22 and 23 September. Ed Wylie will be representing Long Island Base on both days with a Kaps4 Kids display. Volunteers to assist Ed are urgently needed. Emil Schoonejans, former president of USS Runner chapter of WWII Submarine Veterans presented a check for $2029.83 to Long Island Base. Former Runner chapter members have requested that this money be applied to maintenance of their Eisenhower memorial. XO Mike Carmody advised the membership of an effective clean-up and speed-up software program, Advanced System Care 6, which is available for free at Download. Mike also offered his assistance in installing and implementing the software. Long Island Base will participate in the Babylon Veterans Day Parade on Monday, 11 November. Following the parade there will be a Tolling of the Boats ceremony at our monument in Bay Shore and a luncheon at Molly Malone’s restaurant. Base Picnic: 67 attended the picnic. CDR Zemser thanked those members who participated in the shopping, early set-up and post clean-up. Preliminary review of proceeds and expenses indicates a net loss of $730 to stage the picnic. 50/50 Drawing: Cash prize won by Anthony Jawarski. Acknowledgements: Thanks to Carl Lehmann for his work in selling the 50/50 raffles and logging in meeting attendees. Our thanks also go to COB John Napierkowski for providing the homemade pot roast collation and pre-meeting fare. John has advised that he will be happy to accept menu suggestions for future meetings. Next Regular Meeting: 1900 hours, Monday, 14 October 2013. Motion made to adjourn, seconded and passed. 2028- Meeting adjourned.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 23:21:19 +0000

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