Monthly Newsletter: I’d love to get started........ I’m just - TopicsExpress


Monthly Newsletter: I’d love to get started........ I’m just waiting for the perfect time The big question isnt whether youre going to make a resolution this New Year—but whether or not youre going to keep it! Although studies have shown that 75% of people keep their New Years resolution through the first week of the year, only 8% of people are actually successfulin achieving that resolution.1 Despite this bleak statistic, the truth is that you can achieve the goals you set out to accomplish, if you really want to. Planning the steps to reach your goal and then fully committing to that plan—rather than just thinking about your goal from time to time—can make all the difference. Studies show that people who make resolutions explicitly by stating their goals clearly and with specific detail are 10 times more likely to reach their goals than those who dont. In addition to giving your goal some necessary focus, you also want to make sure its the right goal. Your goal should be . . . • A bit of a stretch. Youre going to put a lot of focus into this goal, so challenge yourself. Make sure its something youll feel really good about achieving. This will help keep you on track if your motivation wanes. • Reasonable. Does your goal have some wiggle room to accommodate all of lifes emergencies? If not, adjust it a little to be more realistic. Move your launch date back a month to give yourself some breathing room. If youre starting an exercise regimen, start out by doing 2 or 3 fitness sessions per week –not trying to fit in all 7 days. Keeping your goals reasonable will keep you from getting derailed early, which often disrupts New Years resolutions for good. • Measurable. If you dont measure your goal, how will you know when youve achieved it—or, more importantly, when to celebrate? Define a concrete finish line and the milestones youll hit along the way, and assign dates to each. Consistently rewarding yourself along the way will provide some pleasurable incentives to keep going, even when times get tough. There is no perfect time to start…. There never will be. Were always “waiting for the perfect time”. But why? For many, it’s a great distraction and justification. It helps us avoid the real — and risky – work of doing. For others, perfectionism and avoidance serve as strong armor against potential embarrassment, criticism, and failure. “I could ___ but ___” ………..keeps us safe from pain. Unfortunately, it’s also what keeps us from growing, thriving, being who we know we have the potential to be. That’s why all-or-nothing thinking — If I don’t do this perfectly --then it’s awful – rarely gets us “all”. It usually gets us “nothing”. In the end, if you’re constantly saddled with “waiting for the perfect time”, these tips might help: • Revise your expectations. Recognize that there is no perfect time and there never will be. • Carve out time, even if it’s imperfect. Nobody will give that time to you. You’ll need to take it. • Just start. Find the smallest possible thing you can do right now, in the next 5 minutes, and do it. Now you’ve started! • Do something, anything. Action is a “vote” in favor of a different, healthier, fitter life. Vote early, vote often. • You only have to get through this moment. This moment of starting will be the hardest. Luckily, it won’t last long. • Expect resistance. It’s normal. Push through it. Resistance doesn’t mean this won’t work. It just means you’ve started. • Get support. Whether it’s a friend or family member, workout buddy, or a coach, find someone to fire up your booster rockets until you can fly on your own. The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. —Vince Lombardi Cajun Grilled Sweet Potatoes Ingredients & Directions: 1 lg sweet potato raw, sliced into 1/2 slices 2Tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2 tsp Chili powder 1/4 tsp Cajun Seasoning Cover the sweet potato slices with the Extra Virgin Olive Oil, sprinkle the chili powder and cajun seasoning over the slices. Grill on low heat until bubbly on the bottom, flip and do the same with the other side. Serve hot! Number of Servings: 4 • Calories: 107 • Fat: 7 g • Sat. Fat: 0 g • Cholesterol: 0 mg • Carbs: 10 g • Sugars (Naturally-Occurring): 0 g • Fiber: 1 g • Protein: 1 g • Sodium: 101 mg Finding time is a myth. None of the entrepreneurs we know have ever stumbled upon an extra half hour in the day. If you really want to get something done, you need to make time for it. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. —Aristotle (This was from another website –those of you who know me–know that I’m a stickler for spelling –so, in the third commandment “Loosing” is not spelled correctly) Pesto-Zucchini Quesadillas Ingredients & Directions: 1 tortilla 2 tablespoons pesto sauce 1/2 zucchini 1/4 avocado Cut zucchini into 1/2 cm wedges and saute until outsides begin to get slightly crispy. Meanwhile, spray a large skillet with Pam, turn the stove to medium-low heat, and lay down your tortilla. Coat the entire tortilla with a thin coat of pesto. Sprinkle with grated cheese. When zucchini is done, spread pieces over one half of the tortilla. Cut avocado into slices and spread evenly over zucchini. Fold over quesadilla, and turn heat up to medium-high. Flip occasionally until cheese is melted. Serve with Light Sour Cream (All Natural) and salsa. • Calories: 154 • Fat: 6 g • Sat. Fat: 1 g • Cholesterol: 0 mg • Carbs: 21 g • Sugars (Naturally-Occurring): 2 g • Fiber: 3 g • Protein: 4 g • Sodium: 228 mg
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 16:51:27 +0000

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