Monthly Newsletter of the Dowsing Society of Kansas City Learn - TopicsExpress


Monthly Newsletter of the Dowsing Society of Kansas City Learn About the April ORI Convention from the Osbornes At The DSKC July 2014 Meeting - Thursday, July 17, 2014 - 7:00 p.m. - Prairie Village Community Center 7720 Mission Rd, Prairie Village, Ks Dowsing Society of Kansas City 11409 Richmond Kansas City, MO 64134-3552 A Not-For-Profit Organization Dues (Single $27, Family $32) Have You Paid Yours, Yet? Our Speakers: Chris and Denise Osborne DSKC members Chris and Denise Osborne attended the Ozark Research Institute’s Dowsing Convention in April and had a blast! They will give us a report about it at the July 17th DSKC meeting. You may have remembered hearing Denise speak before at meetings. I was lucky. At my first Dowsing Society meeting Denise made a presentation about Feng Shui, the Chinese system of arranging our environment in harmony with the Universe. She hooked me, and I have been coming to meetings ever since. Denise and Chris are very busy people, but, since we haven’t recently had anyone report on an Ozark Dowsing Convention, AND since they were the only members able to go this year, they accepted the plea to talk with us. I am especially interested in this convention because it is the most affordable one we can go to, and I plan to go ASAP. Still, I wanted to know more. I caught up with her by email and this is our interview. Read on to see a radical suggestion she throws out to us, too! Lianne: Who was your favorite speaker? Denise: That is hard to answer as every speaker I experienced had a unique perspective on healing and sounded credible. Some were more compassionate than others—I’m talking about Rudene Wible from Texas who taught us how to use the harmonica for relaxation and meditation. She exemplifies what the Dalai Lama professes—“Kindness is my religion.” Overall, I would have to choose the keynote speaker, Adhi Moonien Two Owls, as my fav. She exudes a sense of her craft—she’s a shaman—that stimulated all my senses and frankly, left me pretty well mesmerized. I’ll bring a piece of jewelry she made to the meeting. Her ‘niche’ is Global Shamanism: Working with Ancient Knowledge and New Technologies. Lianne: Can you give me your over-all impression of the convention and if you would recommend going to others? Denise: Actually, I spoke with Gladys McCoy, She Who Must Be Obeyed, who with her husband, the late Harold McCoy, started ORI, about putting on a joint convention with the Kansas City Dowsing Society. We can discuss this further at some point. She also expressed willingness to come up here and teach a dowsing class. That said, the convention was very well organized, mostly due to Gladys’ efforts. I would recommend that everyone go to ORI conventions. The incomparable Raymon Grace will be there in September. Lianne: Can you tell me about other dowsers you met? Denise: I hung out with my husband and mostly talked with presenters and Gladys McCoy. Lianne: I don’t want to delve into what you are going to say at the meeting, but can you give us tidbit of what you learned or enjoyed most? Denise: Learning breathing techniques using the harmonica and having a conversation with a tree shared with seven others. It felt fabulous! Trees are such wonderful Standing People! Ed Note: The ORI Power of Thought School is September 12-15, 2014 in Springdale, AK. More info in the included brochure and at:
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 22:53:32 +0000

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