Montpelier Hill, More commonly known as The Hellfire Club. This - TopicsExpress


Montpelier Hill, More commonly known as The Hellfire Club. This Ruin perched atop the Hill Over looking Dublin was built by William Conolly in 1725 as his Hunting lodge. Conollys main residence was Castletown House in Celbridge, Conolly did not live long after the construction of his Lodge and died in 1729. Little is know what happened to the Lodge from the time Conolly died in 1729 to when it was taken up again in 1737 By Richard Parsons 1st Earl of Rosse and James Worsdale when The Hellfire Club was founded in Ireland. The Hellfire Club. The Irish Hell Fire Club was founded around 1737 by Richard Parsons, 1st Earl of Rosse, and James Worsdale. Lord Rosse was probably the president of the club. Evidence of the identities of other members comes from a painting by Worsdale entitled The Hell Fire Club, Dublin, now held by the National Gallery of Ireland, which shows five members of the club seated around a table. The five men are Henry, 4th Baron Barry of Santry (who was tried and convicted for murder in 1739); Simon Luttrell, Lord Irnham; Colonel Henry Ponsonby; Colonel Richard St George and Colonel Clements. Most of their meetings occurred in Dublin city centre at the Eagle Tavern on Cork Hill, near Dublin Castle. Accounts of the clubs meetings claim that members drank scaltheen, a mixture of whiskey and hot butter, and that they left a chair vacant at each gathering for the Devil.The clubs mascot was a black cat. Another story tells of a priest who came to the house one night and found the members engaged in the sacrifice of a black cat. The priest grabbed the cat and uttered an exorcism upon which a demon was released from the corpse of the cat. There are many Tales of Black Masses The Devil appearing just like what Happened at Loftus Hall (Wexford) and sacrifice one story goes, That following a black mass, a footman spilled a drink on Burn-Chapel Whaleys coat. Whaley retaliated by pouring brandy over the man and setting him alight. Maybe because of this the Lodge was badly damaged by fire and many members were killed in the fire, Thus putting an end to this Group of Club members. The Irish Hell Fire Club was revived in 1771 and was active for a further thirty years. An ancient Cairn, Passage Grave. Originally there was a cairn with a prehistoric passage grave on the summit. Stones from the cairn were taken and used in the construction of Mount Pelier lodge. Shortly after completion, a storm blew the roof off. Local superstition attributed this incident to the work of the Devil, a punishment for interfering with the cairn. The remains of the prehistoric monument that originally stood at the summit can be seen to the rear of the Hell Fire Club building. The Investigation. I was delighted to have been asked up to the Hellfire Club on the 10th of October by CAPRA so many thanks Kieran and all the Team, It was an amazing night clear and beautiful views over Dublin and I was delighted to be part of it... Although it seemed quiet and not much happening throughout the investigation there were some personal experiences and some audibles. I reviewed my recordings and there are 3 EVPs that are questionable that I just cant explain so they will need further review and when I talk with Kieran I hope that we may be able to cross reference with what he finds. The Hellfire club can and does conjure up in your mind a place of extreme Horror and depravity even down to its name sake and all that happened within its Walls all those years ago. I hope you enjoyed the little History on This Fascinating Place, But beware when planning a trip up the Hill as there are dense Forests and you never know what might be lurking in those Woods... Many Thanks Ally (HIT)
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 09:18:24 +0000

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