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Moon Light Educational Academy Bateshwar-1(Dhanusha) 2nd Terminal Examination Class: 10(Ten) F.M:75 Subject: English Time: 3:00 hrs. P.M:24 1. Knowledge 5 Your mind is a meadow “ To plant for your needs your are the farmer with knowledge of seeds, don’t leave your meadow unplanted and bare, sow it with knowledge and tend it with care who’d be a know –nothing when he might grow the seeds of knowledge “ Of stars and show, The science of numbers the stories of times, the magic of music, the secrets of rhyme? Don’t be a know- nothing plant in the spring, and see what harvest the summer will bring. A. Read the above poem and completes the fallowing sentences: - [4x0.5= 2] i) We should ----- our mind with knowledge ----- ii) Our meadow should not be ------ ii) Learning the stories of time is planting the knowledge of ----- iv) It is necessary to know the ----- of numbers. B. Answer the following questions: - 3x1 =3 i) What is our mind compared with? ii) How can we plant our mind? iii) What does “ A know –nothing ” mean ? 2. Read the following text and answer the questions that follow: - 10 Human milk is biologically specific for human babies. Simply put, this means that each species of mammal makes milk that is uniquely suited for its young .cow’s milk is high in protein and minerals because baby calves are up and running within hours after birth rapid muscle and bone growth is necessary for their survival .in contrast. Thehuman survival organ. Is the brain, human milk is high in factors that promote brain growth .this means that children who were breast –fed tend to score higher on IQ tests, due to the beneficial effects of human milk on neuron developments? As a side note: why? Not choose a mammal closer to humans to provide an artificial milk supplement for human infants a primate,perhaps ?Can you imagine a gorilla sitting passively, attached to a milking machine like a cow ?How very likely, but a kind of fun to think about. Human milk contains enzymes, hormones, and immunoglobulin that simply can’t be duplicated in formula manufactures keep trying .they advertise that their brand is ” most like mother’s milk”, but even they agree that breast milk is the best look on the can of formula –it says so right on the table .since breast milks is always raw and fresh , you don’t lose any of the nutrients that are destroyed in formula processing . A. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the text : 3x1 = 3 i) Breast fed babies are supposed to score higher…….. ii) Milk manufactures also confess that breast milk is the …………. iii) Cow’s milk contains high protein and …………. B. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F‘for falsestatement :- 4x0.5 = 2 i) Babies receive necessary elements from mother’s milk as they need. ii) Brain is the survival organ of human. iii) Manufactured milk is letter than breast milk for babies. iv) Breast milk is better than Manu factored milk for babies. C. Answer the following questions: - 4x1= 4 i) What are necessary for cow’s survival? ii) What factors do the breast milk contain? iii) Which milk is better breast milk or manufactured milk and why? iv) That is human survival organ ? 3. Read the following text and do the exercised given below: - 10 On magh15th in 44 BC, Julius Caesar was assassinated on the steps of the capital in Rome. A number of rich and famous roman cantors had plotted his downfall. Some were jealous of this outstanding success as a general. Others feared that, one day, he might accept the crown of Rome which had been offered to his friend-Brutus, cassius, casco and others stabbed him to death on the steps where stood the statue pomlpey , thrusting their daggers again and again into the great leader. What his enemies in many wars had failed to do .then they dyed their daggers into his blood and held them up for all to see. But the success was shoot lived, for mare Antony, Caesar’s true fried, and admirer roused the roman mob to seek revenge . They drove the murder from Rome. Later, in battle they we killed Antony and Caesar’s adopted son august us became ruler of the Roman Empire. A. Find the words/phrased from the passage following words: - 2 i) Murdered ii) defeat ii) presented iv) temporary B. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F‘ for false statement :- 4x0.5 = 2 i) Julius Caesar was a successful general ii) There was possibility that he could be the ruler of Rome iii) mark Antony plotted for Caesar’s assassination . iv) The murderers were admired at last. C. Answer the following questions: - 3x2=6 i) Where did the assassination take place? ii) What two reasons did the plotters have for killing Caesar? iii) What happened to the killers after their crime? 4. Read the advertisement and answer the question given below: - 15 Vacancy Shangri la holiday, a leading travel company under the Shangri- la group of companies invites applications from Nepali professionals for the following position: General Manager The candidate should be graduate in any discipline, with minimum five to seven years’ experience in travel trade business. He/she should be able to work effectively on travel management in an increasingly competitive environment. The candidate should possess skills in computer application and online booking, and should be fluent in executive communication. Responsibilities include sales development, financial and staff management. Interested candidates are requested to send their application and C to PO. BOX 1234 or e-mail at susan@ sangrilla by march 9, 2009. Short-listed candidates will be called for interview . A) Complete the sentences from the given alternatives: - 3 a. The cognitive worth for the given alternatives (under graduation, graduation , post-graduation ) b) The word ‘ online ’ means………………….(connected to a computer, sketching a line, lengthen a line ) c) One who manages a company is …………..( executive, manager, candidate ) B. State ‘True‘or‘ False ‘ to the following :- 4 a)the company claims that it’s a leading company in travel trade business b) A foreigner being graduated in any discipline can apply for the post . c) the selected candidate should perform his job in tough competition. d) State the responsibilities for the selected candidate. C.Answer the following questions: - 4x2 = 8 a) What is the required post? b) How should a candidate send the application? c) Who will be called for the written test and person at interview? d) What should the candidate submit along with the application? 5. Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate sentences in the box given below :- 6 Sujan :----------is this the sale counter ? Clerk : Yes please ---------- sujan : I want a ticket to Beijing ---------------- clerk: No, I am sorry we don’t have direct flight Kathmandu to Beijing ------------ Sujan : I see ---------- Clerk: Yes --------- Sujan: all right. - Could you give me your details please? - Can I book a ticket to Beijing for 18thOctober? - But we have flight to Beijing via Hong Kong. - Do you have direct flight to Beijing? - Excuse me! - What can I do for you? 6. Contract a readable story with the help of outlines given in the box: - 6 An engine driver ----------- his habit of looking at the bright side of everything ------- comfort those in ---- trouble by saying that there was sure to become good in it ---- meets with an accident --- one of his legs cut off ---- visited by his friends --- the take about his mishap --- his remarks: “ I shall only have one boot to buy , and clean , in future “--- moral. 7. Write an essay on “ child rights “ in about 200 words:- 12 8. Rewrite the following sentences choosing the best alternatives given an Brackets :- 12x0.5 = 6 a) Who is --- a best student of your class? (a/an/the) b) A pen is different --- a pencil. ( than / from /and ) c) Everyone will be satisfied with it ---- ? ( won’t he/won’t one / won’t they ) d) You, who --- my friend should not worry about me.( is /are/ was ) e)---- he sing song daily? ( Do/ is / Does ) f) Gita doesn’t – Nepali properly. ( speak / spoke) g) Don’t disturb me.I – my homework. ( do/ did/am doing ) h)My father told me --- so much money on clothes.( don’t spend/not to spend/not spend) i) Our new school building --- now. ( is building/ is being built/is built ) j) If it rained heavily, they --- the match. (Will postpone/would postpone/ would have postponed) k) He has his property ---- in the bank. ( deposite / to deposit/ deposited ) 9. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the text below: - 10x0.5 = 5 Playing game is --- (a/ an/ the) most important part or our life. It is an activity that involves individual and group. It provides us entertainment,----? (doesn’t it /does it / don’t it ) . it makes us strong --- (both / either / neither ) physical and meanly. Where we become mentally fresh, we can do our other works properly. Game helps --- ( for/ to/ in ) keep our body fit and healthy. So the players always --- (looked / kooks . look ) handsome. If we --- (didn’t / don’t/ can’t ) take art in any game or do any exercise, we become monthly tired and can --- ( any / not/ do ) work properly. A healthy man --- (are liked/is liked ) by all. Many people say --- (if /that/why) health is wealth so in school, teachers make their students – ( to do/do/done) different games. “ HappyDashain 2071 “ Moon Light Educational Academy Bateshwar-1(Dhanusha) 2nd Terminal Examination Class: 09(Nine) F.M:75 Subject: English Time: 3:00 hrs. P.M: 24 1. Read the following poem and answer the questions given below:- 5 I pass them on the seashore early .two Spanish boys in the sun ,one ten ,The Other six. They wave and smile at me then bend their ragged back 3 again. To search the driftwood and sort out light dry sticks for bedding their donkey Is small and white .He stands there without moving his eyes and ears are sleepy. Albert Rowe A. find words from the poem that are similar in meaning to the following words: 4x0.5 = 2 i) Lazy ii) for h iii) moisture less iv) Wag B. Answer these questions:- 3x1 = 3 i) Why have two boys come to the seashore? ii) How old are the boys ? iii) What is the donkey like ? 2. Read the fallowing text and answer the questions that fallows :- 10 She is small but very stubborn. She can go on crying for hours if you don’t give her what she asks for .She fascinates as with her silly little acts- her clumsy walk, babbling talk and so on. She is also very clever. She has been able to make friends with tommy, the dog, andtooty, he cat. Like us they are also very fond of her .Everyone who visits our place falls in love with her. She is such a cute little doll that you can’t help loving her. Sometimes I feel jealous of her. I envy her freedom. She can do whatever she likes, sleep for hours , throw what-ever is within her reach tear a magazine or a book , break a mirror, ask anything she likes – and neither papa nor mama would min . Instead, they seem very happy to satisfy her whims sometimes, I wish I were her. Then I wouldn’t have to read all these bulkybooks and worry about theirexams, I would sleep in that little cot or hers and papa and mama A.Choose the best answer:- 4x0.5 = 2 i) The word “cute ” has similar meaning to a) Ugly b) pretty c) friendly ii) The word “fascinates“ means: a) Attracts b) repels c) hates iii) The word “ bulky ” is opposite in meaning to the word: a) Heavy b) fat c) thin iv) The word “ Satisfy ” in meaning is closest to : a) neglect b) fulfill c) observe B. Find words from the passage that have Opposite meaning to the following words: 4x0.5=2 i) Slavery ii) wise iii) flat v) sorrow C. Read the above passage and answer the following questions:- 3x2= 6 i)What does the writer’s sister do when she is not given the things she wants? ii) Who are the friends of their sister ? iii) What act of her sister fascinates her writer’s family? 3. Read the following text and do the exercise given below: - 10 Dr. Ram Barn yadav was born to a simple farming family in sapahi village of Dhanusha district on 4th February k 1948. He grew up to become a medical doctor and later to become the first president of Nepal .dr. yadav completed his school education in dhanusha district . latter , he came to Kathmandu tp pursue his education. He was very interested in studying medicine .he got the opportunity to fulfill his dream when he joined Calcutta medical college from there, he received his MBBs degree he continued his education in Chandigarh and finished his Md degree. Dr. Yadav got elected to the House of representatives from dhanusha district in 1991 elections e held the position of health minister form 1991 to 1994 .he also became the health minister later from 999 to 2001 . after the monarch ended in 2008 , the country decided to elect a president as the head of state Dr. yadav won the election and or 23 July 2008 he was sworn in as the first president of Nepal . A. find words/ phrases from the text that are similar in meaning to the following words: 4x0.5 = 2 i) Finished ii) Campus iii) Nation v) Field B. Write ‘ T ’ for true and ‘ F ‘ fro false statement :- 4x0.5 = 2 i) Dr. Ram Barn yadav was the second president of Nepal. ii) Dr. Ram BaranYadavwa born to a simple farming family. ii) Dr. yadav completed his school education in dhanushadistrict. iv) Dr. yadav was not interested instudying medicine. C. Answer the following these questions:- 3x2= 6 i) Who is the first president of republic of Nepal? ii) When did he become the president? iii) which position did Dr.RamBaranYadav hold before he became the president? 4. Read the advertisement and answer the following questions: - 15 Carer opportunity A well renewed English medium school is seeking or a dynamic , energetic and qualified secondary level teacher for the flowing post. Post:- A full time English teacher Qualification : Master’s degree in English from a reputed university Experience: At least 3 years Salary : Negotiable Qualified and interested candidates are requested to send their hand written applications to the following address with a copy of their academic qualification, CV and a recent passport size photograph within 15th August 2008 .ladies are preferable. Kumbhakarna secondary school Surya Nagar, kathmandu PO.BOX: - 2125 A. Choose the right answer from the given alternatives;- 3x1= 3 a) The word ‘ renowned ‘ means --- ( gave houn, famous and respected , renewed ) b)Here, candidates are persons who are --- ( applying for a job, trying to be elected taking an exam ) c) ;the word ‘ dynamic ‘ is opposite in meaning to the word ---- (day time, static , move less) B. complete the following sentences supplying appropriate word/phrases from the text: 4x1 = 4 a) The employer is --- b) Candidates should submit their application before --- c) The candidates should send their applications. d) This school gives preference to ------- in the post. C. Answer the following questions:- 4x2= 8 a) What thins should be submitted with the application ? b) What is the required qualification for a candidate? c) How much salary is the school offering? d) Where should the candidates apply ? 5.Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate sentences in the box given below: 6 salesman:- --------- --- customer:- Have you got a story book ? salesman:- --------------- customer:- No, it’s bulky . Salesman:- We have smatter ones, too --------------------- Costumer :- Even this is too big ------- Salesman:- You mean Akaber and Birbal’s stories ? Customer:_ --------- what’s the price, please ? Salesman:- Fifty rupees Customer:- This ‘ll do for me , there’s hundred rupee note . Salesman:- ------------------ Customer:- Thank you sir. a) Who are you? b) Haven’t you got a still smaller one? c) May I help you, sir? d) Here’s the bill, and here’s the change. e) That’s it. F) Please look at this g) That was it h) Yes, with this one suit you? 6. Construct a readable story with the help of outlines given inthe box below::- 6 A village boy, --- daily takes sheep out for grazing --- gets tired of work ---- shouts “ wolf ! ” as a joke ---- villagers rush to help ---- find no wolf ----boy laughs at them --- plays the same joke again --- villagers angry -----at last wolf really comes --- boy shouts --- villagers take no notice --- moral. 7. Writean essay on “ English language ” include the following pints. Importance of English language, its uses, conclusion, etc 8.Rewrite the flowing sentences choosing the best alternative given in the brackets:- 12x 0.5= 6 a) There is --- ewe. ( a/an/the ) b) Our exam starts ---- Sunday. (in/on/it ) c) I had a nice dream,--------- ? ( hasn’t i/didn’t I / hadn’t I ) d) One of the students --- come to school. ( has/ have/is) e) I like sweets its negativeis : I --- sweets . ( like no/ don’t like / didn’t like ) f) The earth --- a planet. ( is// was/ has ) g) He killed a snake .its passive is: a shake – by him ( killed /killed /to be killed ) h) Our teacher said to us,” good Morning class I ‘ itcan be indirect speech as –our teacher --- good morning ., ( wishes us / said to us wished us) i) I go to school—get knowledge, ( inorder/to/ as ) j) Had I been a doctor, I – the poor. ( would help / would A have helped / would helped ) k) People have doctors --- their health. ( check / to check / checked ) l) We get people --- our work. ( to do/ do / done ) 9.Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below:- There – ( is /am /are ) two kinds of sciences oh e is natural science and --- ( a/an/the) other is social science. It is believed that social science is superior --- ( in/by /to ) the natural science. Natural science consists of psychology, love,kindness, social beliefs, etc. some diseases that the natural science can’t treat --- ( can treat/ can be treated / can treated) easily by social science .people have many disease due to psychological , social, cultural problems. Natural science can’t help to cure them, ---- (can’t /can/don’t ) it? Certainly not if natural science was the ultimate solution the would –( will be / could have been/ wouldbe) more me chemical . people believe that Europeans --- ( take /takes/ will take ) actual science as an ultimate remedy and they have been less spiritual .one of the great differences between European and Asian-( is /are/were) this . We have our spiritual aspects ---(lead/ to lead / led ) us whereas Europeansprefer physical Aspects. “ HappyDashain 2071 “
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:43:13 +0000

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