Moorish Holy Koran Chapter 1 The 4 Kemetian Planes of - TopicsExpress


Moorish Holy Koran Chapter 1 The 4 Kemetian Planes of Manifestation Before and after the fall of Man Nu/Nut --- Nu both Biblical & Quranic scripture refer to this watery mass of the Celestial Nile as the origin from which all melinin enched life is extracted deriving from the very Essence (Force) of that vast space of Darkness we call (Universe), The Kemites entified this Realm most certianly. Understanding the Arabic letter Nun requires that we look at the Kemetian principle Nun and his estial wife Nunet who are also known as Nu and Nut. When the Pert em Hru was compiled Amen was not yet considered a Kemetian nciple. Amen was brought to Egypt from Ethiopia(Saba). The Amen position was held by Nu. Nu was, metaphorically, an infinite panse of water. But water, as shown by the wavy lines of Nus hieroglyph, meant energy. Nu was infinite energy. His opposite larity, the goddess Nut, symbolized infinite matter. So Nu/Nut represented undifferentiated energy/matter. Nu (infinite energy) ired with Nut (infinite matter). Though fused they formed the basis for the eventual Yang & Yin polarities famous in Chinese Taoist ilosophy.Hehu (temporal infinity) paired with Hehut (spacial infinity). Kerh (darkness) paired with Kerhet and Kekui (inertia) paired th Kekuit (stillness). Khu/Khut— Khu One of the “creative organs of being.” The will is the faculty of potential action. This is the Halo (Arura) rrounding the physical after the Original (Mind) is the raised back to its true estate of (Supreme Being) “Intelligent” that once reign er the Physical & Mental person; This is the Light shinning forth from the (Forelock) of the Rightly Guided Seal of the saints. Khut/at is the state in which one Ascends even beyond the throne of RA to becomeof Oneness within the presence of the Great Company the Neteru being encircled by thereby thus becoming enthroned upon the seat of seat of “Neter” by his Oneness. Ab/Ka --- Ab This is “Heart” of ones (Inner Sight); That shade of the (soul) being the seat of ones dominion over life as well being e “Tree of Knowledge”, That of (Good) as well being (Evil) thoughts. It is the home or dwellilng place of the inclination within Man/oman. Ka is the essence of of man known as the (Spiritual Body) by which he may contact on the Mental, Psychic & Spiritual Plane. If ese Mental Attributes are mastered, One possesses the Genius to transmute from a base material nature unto Spiritual Gold. Khab/Khabit--- Khab The Physical Body It is here that each manifestation is finally segregated into an individual existence. This is hieved by receiving a physical body which separates each thing in time and space. Khaibit The Senses This division is the “motive wer of being.” It is here that each manifested thing receives its breath of life (if living) or Its electromagnetic force (if non--‐living) to able it to act upon the physical plane. This is the vehicle by which Man is capable of Astral Travel the emanation of the soul ojecting the registry of the Universe from the very core of Mans eternal being to reflect this reality by casting its sublime image as a adow displaying the likeness of Neteru. Mu-Ra-Ka-Ba (The Divine Apparatus of the Moorish Adept) paratus of the Spirit Plane {CHERIBUIM} But man himself is not the body, nor the soul; he is a spirit and a part of Allah.” Creative te gave to man, to spirit-man, a soul that he might function on the plane of soul; So spirit-man as seed of Allah held deep within mself the attributes of every part of Allah. Now, seeds are perfect, yea, as perfect as the source from which they come; but they are t unfolded into life made manifest. The child is as perfect as the mother is. So man, the seed must be deeply planted in a soil that he ght grow, unfold, as does the bud unfold to show the flower. Man cannot die; the spirit-man is one with Allah, and while Allah lives an cannot die. paratus of the Thought Plane {SERAPHIM} “Time never was, when man was not.” If life of man at any time began, a time would me when it would end. “The thoughts of Allah cannot be circumscribed. No finite mind can comprehend things infinite.” All finite ngs are subject unto change. All finite things will cease to be because there was a time when they were not.” The bodies and the uls of men are finite things, and they will change, yea, from the finite point of view the time will come when they will be no more. an is a thought of Allah; all thoughts of Allah are infinite; they are not measured up by time, for the things that are concerned with me, begin and end. The thoughts of Allah are the everlasting of the past unto the never-ending days to come. And so is man, the rit-man. But man like every other thought of Allah, was but a seed, a seed that held within itself the potencies of Allah, just as the ed of any plant of earth holds deep within itself the attributes of every part of that especial plant. paratus of the Soul Plane {ANGELS} So Allah, the husbandman of everything that is, threw forth this human seed into the soil of ul; it grew apace, and man became a living soul, and he became the Lord of all the kingdom of the soul. Hark, now, let every creature ar, the plane of the soul is but the ether of the spirit plane vibrating not so fast, and in the slower rhythm of this plane the essence life are manifest; the perfumes and the odors, the true sensations and the all of love manifest. And these soul attributes became a dy beautiful. A multitude of lessons man must learn upon the plane of soul and here he tarries many ages until his lessons are all rned. Upon the boundary of the plane of soul, the ether began to vibrate slower still and then the essences took on a final garb; the rfumes and odors and the true sensations and the all of love were clothed in flesh; and man was clothed in flesh. paratus of the Manifest Plane {MEN} “Why did Creative Fate give to spirit-man a soul that he might function on the plane of soul? hy did Creative Fate give to soul a body of flesh that he might function on the plane of things that are made manifest? Man is the Lord all the plane of manifest, of protoplast, of mineral, of plant, of beast, but he gave up his birthrights just to gratify his lower self. But an will regain his lost estate, his heritage; but he must do it in a conflict that cannot be told in words. Yea he must suffer trials and mptations manifold; but let him know that cherubim and seraphim that rule the stations of the sun and spirit of the mighty Allah o rule the solar stars are his protectors and his guide and they will lead to victory. Man will be fully saved, redeemed, perfected by e things he suffers on the plane of flesh, and on the plane of soul. When man has conquered carnal things his garb of flesh will then ve served its purpose well and it will fall; will be no more. Then he will stand untrammeled on the plane of soul where he must full mplete his victories. Unnumbered foes will stand before man upon the plane of soul; these he must overcome, yea, overcome them ery one. Thus hope will ever be his beacon light; there is no failure for the human soul, for Allah is leading on and victory is sure. an cannot die; the spirit-man is one with Allah, and while Allah lives man cannot die. When man has conquered every foe upon the ane of soul the seed will have full opened out, will have unfolded in the Holy Breath. The garb of soul will then have served its rpose well, and man will need it never more, and it will pass and be no more and man will then attain unto the blessedness of rfectness and at one with Allah.” The Moorish Kaba of Allah QUESTIONS FOR ADEPTS: Q. What Does The Morning Star Symbolize? A. It Symbolizes The Great God Allah In Man, As Above So Below. And “The Spirit Of A Nation, Both In Moral Rectitude And Physical Achievement. Q. When Did This Banner Come Into Orbit? A. After The Circumnavigation Of Africa By The Moors; Over 100,000 Years Ago. According To The Kemetian Adepts Of Sufism.....The Shahbaz-I-Ruh {The Noble Spirit}; “Shabazz Heru” Is Said To Soar Higher Into Oneness With The Great God Allah.....In The Grand Quran Of Mecca Sura 70. Al-Maârij Ayats 1- 6 It States That The Angels & The Spirit Ascend To Allah In A Days Period Seeming As If It Is 50,000 Years Ago To The Finite Mind; Yet To The Infinite Adept Mind The Vibration Is So Fast That It Is As The Blink Of An Eye ..... 50,000 Years In A Day Of Descending “The Fall Of Man” (The Moroccan Flag Displayed With The Pentagram Inverted Or “Up Side Down”) + 50,000 Years in a Day of Ascending “The Resurrection Of Man” (The Pure White Banner repesents “The Great Pilgrimage Of Return To The Beginning Before The Fall Of Man”) = 100,000 years in totality….. 50,000 Years Ago The Great Pyramid (Temple Of The Perfected) Man Was Said To Be Constructed.....Noble Drew Ali In The 102s Taught That The Moorish Flag Was Over 50,000 Years Old.....The Wise Know This Is Not Referring To The Flag Of Morocco Because It Was Adopted In 1915 By Moulay Yusif However The Principles Of Love Truth Peace Freedom & Justice Extend Into The Ancient Kemetian Principles Of Maat….. {Harmony,Truth,Balance,Right Order & Justice}….. There Is A Reason The European Adopted The Great Pyramid As An Emblem. This Is The Same Pyramid In Which Noble Drew Ali Received His Adept Degrees There Are 5 Exalted Chambers Within The Great Pyramid Unknown To Many .....The Ground Floor Of The Kings Chamber Consists Of 21 Stones 7+7+7 =21 {The Logos Circle 7-7 Degrees & 7 Acts}.....The Walls is said to Consist Of 101 Stones There Are 7 Chambers (King & Queens/5 Exalted Hidden Chambers) Corresponding To The 7 Chakras (The 7 Churches Of Asia) Asiatic (Asia) Meaning This Earth Bound Body Of Flesh.....(Attic) Being “The Mind” In This House Of Allah Permitted To Be Raised As Ka (Soul) & Ba (Spirit) Of Ancient Kemet This Is The True Kaba Of Allah (Ka-Ba-Allah) Kaballah (QABALAH) The Tree Of Life Veiled In Chapter 1 Of The Circle 7 Koran .......Hotep & Love .....Islamism!!!!! “We Are Today What Our Forefathers Were Yesterday Without Doubt Or
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 21:51:26 +0000

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