Mor Titos Paulo Tuza (228) reported an important question: - TopicsExpress


Mor Titos Paulo Tuza (228) reported an important question: Is that baptism is essential and necessary for salvation in Christianity? Its catalog and in the Bible? Is it permissible to re-baptism again? Yes, yes it is the first secret, and necessary and the duty to save the child or human-Kabir, a lieutenant and adjacent to the faith, and will not be separated for ever, and the child Aamz the faith of his parents, just as God commanded in the Old Testament that the child age 8 days and circumcised, with that child, Beloved: noticed how much power and the importance of baptism from the words of Jesus Christ, But the warning {Verily, verily, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he can not (can not) to enter the kingdom of God} U 3: 5 .. What is the meaning of water and the Spirit? Certainly In baptism, and noted how important pillar when the Apostle Paul {or ignorant of all that we are baptized into Christ Jesus, were baptized into his death, Vdvina him by baptism, even as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we will walk .. 6 .. Rowe} My loved ones ..: The Baptism is who fights against the word of the truth of the Gospel and not evangelical, because the verses are clear, as he tried to tear down Christianity .. .. May not be re-baptism at all, which is the greatest sin, which is against the word of the Gospel, who said the words of the Prophet {one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father Wade} F-4: 5-6 .. but if he has another god,, No one Akhaddankm, be steadfast in your faith and Akaúdkm, nor Ttzazawa Kalgosbh driven by the wind, not the body of Christ Tenskhawa about right, and I wish clerics preaching interest in spreading the word and the right to education .. It is a friendly comment or objection as possible to take part, and the Lord will bless your life
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:18:26 +0000

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