Moral Stories ----------------- Vishnuchitta -2 (continuation - TopicsExpress


Moral Stories ----------------- Vishnuchitta -2 (continuation of this story) Nirantara Bhagavanaama-smarana and Shrimanaaraayana puuja was Vishnuchitta’s Nitya-krutyam. He used to do Maanava-seva believing Maanava-seva is Maadhava-seva. He used to do Anna-daanam to many in Shri Valli Puttuur everyday, with whatever he earned without deviating from Dharmam. In every season, according to the climate, he used to serve what pleases the Atithi. In rainy season, he used to serve rice made with paddy, Daal, 4-5 curries, many kinds of Appalams, curds etc. In summer, he used to first offer Shrii-chandanam to apply on their body. Then he used to serve hot rice, Sweet rasam, Sambar made with curd, Sugar-cane juice, coconut water, Bhakshyas, Phalas, sweet smelling water, Buttermilk. In winter, he used to serve rice made with grains that smelled like a sungandha Dravyam (punugu), pickle with pepper powder, hot curries, Paayasam, many kinds of pickles, ghee, milk etc. In his house, all the while there used to be Vishnu-bhajans, Hari-kathas. Even though he used to take so much care while preparing the bhojanam for Atithis, he used to say “there are only a few curries, no special items. Please show your Krupa on us and eat in our house“. Saying this he used to invite Atithis. Thus Vishnuchitta showed us the nirvachanam for the suukti “Abhyaagatah svayam Vishnuh“. Search Terms: Abhyagatah, Periyalvar, Periyaalvaar, Bhattanaatha PUBLISHED IN: ATITHI SEVA ON OCTOBER 3, 2006 AT 11:59 PM COMMENTS (1) Vishnuchitta -1 In Paandya-desham, there was a Nagaram by name Shri Valli Puttuur. It had very tall Bhavanams which touch the skies, all people used to follow their Sva-dharmam. There were many Pushkarinis and Udyaana-vanams (huge parks). The Sarovaras were filled with big Padmams and had many Hamsas. All the Nagara-maargams (roads) were wide and straight. Words are not enough to describe the Soundaryam of the Nagaram. After Jala-kreeda in Sarovaram, the women used to take Shuddha-jalam in pots for Shri Hari Abhishekam. The also used to take Kamalam and other Pushpas for Vishnu puuja. Later they used to do adhyayanam of Bhaagavata-aadi Puraanas. Ducks sleep with their heads covered in their feathers. Seeing them, some used to think they are the Vastrams (white clothes) of the Vipras who did snaanam in the Nadi before Suryodayam and enter the water to return them back to the Vipras. The ducks, disturbed from sleep, used to then go away from them. Instead of praising them for their honesty, the Baalikas who saw all this used to laugh at them. The main Devaalayam of the Nagaram was that of Mannaaru Krishna Svaami. It is on the Northern side of the Nagaram. There were two huge Rathams for Krishna Svaami which resembled Meru and Mandara Parvatams. The Gruhasthas in the Nagaram, on seeing an Atithi, used to do Saashtaanga-namaskaaram. Then they used to take them to their Gruham, wash their feet, always remembering that “Abhyaagatah Svayam Vishnuh”. After the Atithi took some rest, they used make him sit on a mat made of Naarikera-patrams (coconut leaves) and put aahaaram in a Vishaala Kadalii-patram (plantain leaf). They used to serve rice (Odanah) made from best quality grains (tandulaah), Daal, Go-ghrutam (Cow ghee), many varieties of Vyanjanams (curries), Go-ksheeram (Cow milk) and Go-dadhi (curds). After the Bhojanam, they used to give the Atithi Taambuulam and do their Paada-seva. As soon as the Atithi says “ok, I must go”, they used to do satkaaram to the Atithi according to their Sampada, go along with him for some distance and come back sad to have got only that much chance of doing Atithi-seva. In such Shri Valli Puttur Nagaram, in the 46th samvatsaram after the start of Kaliyugam (that is around 5000 years ago, see this too), Svaatii-nakshatram, was born the great Bhaagavatottama Bhattanaatha (Bhaṭṭanātha), with the amsha of Shri Garuda Bhagavaan. For him, Kashtam and Sukham were both same. Before doing Vidyaabhyaasam also, he had Gnyaanam and Vairaagyam. He was a parama-Vishnu-bhakta. Impressed with his Bhakti, Mahaavishnu started to make Bhattanaatha’s hrudayam as His nivaasam! Hence everyone used to call Bhattanaatha as “Vishnuchi Morals in the Story --------------------- The Atithi-seva tattvam of Bhaarateeyas is well shown in the story. They consider Atithi as Vishnu. The unnata-samaajam of Bhaarata-desham is well shown in the story. They were always near to the Nature, followed their Sva-dharamam and always did Daiva-chintanam. Message to the present society: ------------------------------------- If we read Amuktamaalyada, from which this series of stories will be taken from, or ShrimadRaamaayanam, or Raghuvamsham, we will find descriptions of how well the cities of those days were developed. Once we contrast with the present “modern” city we will really come to know whether we have really made “progress, development” by leaving our Bhaarateeya Smaskruti and Saampradaayam and copying the West? The great Kushika Maharaja ----------------------------------- Once the great Chyavana maharshi went to Kushika maharaja. Kushika did ghana-puuja to Chyavana maharshi. “Muniindra! Please give us aagnya what to do” said Kushika with great Vinayam. Chyavana maharshi replied “Raja! You and your arthaangi do seva to me”. “Ok. Svaami!” replied Kushika. Kushika arranged for Chyavana maharshi Hamsa-tuulikaa-talpam (bed) and a Manipeetham. “Maharaja! Now I will take rest. Dont disturb me until, I by myself, wake up. Till then do my paada-seva” said Chyavana maharshi. For 42 days, Kushika and his arthaangi did paada-seva of Chyavana maharshi, forgetting Nidra-aahaaram. The next day Chyavana maharshi woke up and said “get me a Ratham. You both must pull it. I will go on it, giving Suvarana (gold), Ratna, Go (cow), Ashva daanams to the poor”. Immediately Kushika arranged for it. The King and Queen started pulling the ratham. Chyavana maharshi started to hit them with the horse-wip until they were bleeding and kept travelling. Finally they reached the end of the Raajyam. He saw that the King and Queen have a smiling face, even though their bodies were bleeding! Chyavana maharshi said “Raaja! Now you both got extremely exhausted. Please go back. I will stay here a do Tapas. Come again tomorrow”. Saying thus, Chyavana maharshi, the Aayurveda-nipuna, just touched them on their wounds and the wounds just disappeared. “Muniindra! Just by your Kara-sparsha we got new shakti in us and all our wounds have disappeared. How do we praise your greatness”, saying this, Kushika returned to his Raajyam. When they came back the next day, Chyavana maharshi was not there, but a Vishaala-sundara-divya Bhavanam was there. “Devi! did you see. Because of Maharshi, we are able to see such unbelievably beautiful Bhavanam, that resembles Svargam”. They went in and saw that Chyavana maharshi was lying down on a Mani-maya-paryankam (bed). But as soon as they came near him, everything disappeared. They saw that Chyavana maharshi was doing Tapas. “Raani! Did you see this Maharshi’s Tapobalam? We can rule many Raajyams. But getting this Tapas is very difficult” said the King. Then Chyavana maharshi called them and said “Maharaja! You have great Indriya-nigraham. You are great. You both didnt even get slightest Krodham even if I inflicted great pain. You always served me with great Vinayam. Please ask me what Varam you want”. “Swaami! Your paada-seva is only what I want. I dont need anything else. But please tell me why did you do all this?” “Kushika! I heard about you from Brahmadeva. I tested you very much and would have given you shaapam if you didnt keep up your word. But you are an Uttama. I was impressed by you and hence showed you both Svargam. But even then you didnt get attracted and said ‘Tapas is great’. Your Pautra (grandson) will be a great Brahmarshi. He will be the Mantra-drashta of the great Gaayatri mantram. There has been no King who attained the Brahmarshi-padavi. Your pautra will achieve with his will power, Satya-nishtha and parishrama. Kushika’s putra was Gaadhii-raaja and his putra was the great Vishvaamitra maharshi. Morals in the story: The sadgunams Vinayam and Atithi-Seva-bhaavam of Kushika are well shown in the story. Kushika and his Raani, did paada-seva of Chyavana maharshi for 42 days continuously without even taking food and sleep. Kushika and his arthaangi had full control of their Indriyas (Indriya Nigraham). Even when their bodies were bleeding, they didnt get Krodham on Chyavana maharshi. Svargam will be at the will of such people. Story shows how doing seva to great sat-purushas like Chyavana Maharshi will give Shubhams. Doing seva to Chyavana maharshi, they got the great Vishvaamitra maharshi as their Pautra
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 05:04:43 +0000

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