More A human, or any creature that is alive, is much, much - TopicsExpress


More A human, or any creature that is alive, is much, much more than a mere physical body. Much more than a bunch of matter performing electro-chemical reactions. A human is a set of ideas and emotions clothed in matter. The ideas and emotions that you are have an existence beyond your physical form. You were here long before the body that is you came into existence. From where you came, no one knows. And youll be here long after the body you think you are passes on. Where do we go when we die? Back to the idea that is the Universe. Life is an effort at self-organization. The Universe itself is a grand effort at self-organization even though much of the way that self-organization is arranged remains hidden to us, humans are beings that reflect that effort. We are pieces of the Universe that try to self-organize. We are bits of the Universe that are trying to make pictures of what we see. Like the information that is able to form a crystal or a leaf again and again, that self organization is time-persistent and is preserved across succeeding generations. We are more than the semblance of our bodies. We are shining sparks of self-organization able to affect space, time and matter. Your essence is able to carry with it the set of emotions and information that you call your personality beyond the limits of the immediate environment around you and youre able remember it forever. Someday youll be dead, but all the emotions and information that make you who you are will persist and remain. Its empowering, fulfilling, inspiring, exhilarating, and just about every other positive word you can think of to know and understand that there is a part of you, me, your wife, and every other living creature that is absolutely iridescent compared to the simple matter that you see when you look in the mirror each morning and wash your face. It is something that cannot be seen, measured, or analyzed, but only felt. It is something that is completely accepting, totally loving, deeply wise, and tremendously powerful. And it is as real as love and care and intuition. Its as real as cell phones, and pickup trucks, and taxes. In a sense it is more real than all those things because its what inspires us to love, to have care and gives each of us our intuition. It guides us to the ideas that allow us to make cell phones, pickup trucks and governments. It is the part of you that hears the grand song that is life on earth, and guides your feet as you dance to the music. Its the essence, the spark, and the soul found in each and everything that lives from amoebas, to bugs and fish, to cats, dogs, elephants, and people. If that sounds like God in each of us, you need to remember while that its true that we each are a piece of something fantastically larger than ourselves, youd best not go runnin off trying to figure out something so grand as God. Youve got plenty work ahead of you just getting your head around understanding what you are. Dewey Dirks
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 00:18:00 +0000

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