More Bill Keller: John McCain may be a war hero, but he hasnt - TopicsExpress


More Bill Keller: John McCain may be a war hero, but he hasnt got a CLUE about basic theology! Just when I think I have heard the dumbest theological statement ever uttered, sadly from the lips of supposed pastors and Christian leaders, along comes a Hollywood star or politician like McCain. Last week, Senator McCain, a Republican or closet Democrat according to many from Arizona said the following, When a Muslim yells allahu akbar, it is the same as a Christian saying, thank God. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!! Let me educate the poor, uninformed, or purposely trying to deceive people, Senator McCain! Allahu Akbar is what a Muslim yells as they detonate a suicide vest in a crowded public place like a market full of innocent men, women, and children with the goal to kill as many as possible! Allahu Akbar is what a Muslim yells as they bring down a sword to chop the head off of an infidel, or someone who rejects the lies of their 1400-year-old false religion from hell! Allahu Akbar is what a Muslim yells as they fly an airplane into a building in a suicide mission designed to kill as many innocent people as possible! Allahu Akbar is what a Muslim yells, when they stand up in their US military uniform and begin randomly shooting innocent fellow soldiers with the intention of killing as many as they can! Allahu Akbar is what a Muslim yells when they carry out a terror plot to take the life of as many innocent people, including children, as they can! ALLAHU AKBAR IS THE CRY OF A MUSLIM AS THEY COMMIT JIHAD, OR HOLY WAR ON THE INFIDELS!!! I have yet to hear or see reported ONE TIME when a Christian yelled thank God as they detonated a suicide vest in a public place! I have yet to hear or see reported ONE TIME when a Christian yelled thank God as they chopped off the head of their enemy! I have yet to hear or see reported ONE TIME when a Christian yelled thank God as they flew an airplane into a building! I have yet to hear or see reported ONE TIME a US soldier yell thank God as they massacred fellow soldiers! I HAVE YET TO HEAR OR SEE REPORTED ONE TIME A CHRISTIAN YELL THANK GOD AS THEY CARRY OUT ACTS OF TERROR DESIGNED TO KILL INNOCENT MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN!!! THE REALITY IS, IT IS MUSLIMS WHO DO THESE HORRIFIC THINGS IN THE NAME OF THEIR FALSE GOD, NOT CHRISTIANS!!! THANK GOD IS WHAT A CHRISTIAN SAYS IN THANKSGIVING TO THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE FOR HIS GRACE, MERCY, GOODNESS, AND BLESSINGS!!! For Senator McCain to equate in ANY WAY the mindset, actions, and ultimate goals of a Muslim to a Christian makes him look like a complete fool and apologists for a false religion with a 1400-year history of terror, aggression, war, death, and domination! It is fools like McCain who also sell the lie to the masses that the allah of Islam is the same as the God of the Bible!!! I have done exhaustive Devotionals in the past making the solid Biblical case that the imaginary allah of Islam is in no way the God of the Bible. What Muslims literally worship at Mecca is a black rock. Here is a link to one of those Devotionals: liveprayer/ddarchive3.cfm?id=3833 . The non-existent fantasy god of Islam has NONE of the characteristics of the God of the Bible. Suffice it to say that first of all, allah doesnt even exist! It is the imaginary god of Islam dreamed up out of the satanically inspired mind of the founder of this false religion 1400 years ago, a Mecca business man named Mohammed who was a historically documented polygamist, pedophile, and murderer! This tool of satan Mohammed, than wrote a book of fantasies that we call the Quran which is little more than poor plagiarism of the OT along with the rest of his satanically inspired writings. Islam is also inaccurately called an Abrahamic religion. IT IS NOT! It has NOTHING to do with Abraham. The only loose connection you could even try to make is that thru his wifes handmaiden Hagar, Abraham bore a child out of wedlock named Ishmael. It was from Ishmael that the Arab race came to be. Fast forward to the year 600AD, 2700 years later, and you have the birth of Islam by an Arab man named Mohammed who was visited by angels of satan in his sleep. While Islam was originally created by an Arab and was made up initially of Arabs, it has NO OTHER connection in any way to Abraham! I love you and care about you so much! I fear more and more each day the words God spoke through me a decade ago when I warned people in a Daily Devotional that God could use Islam as an instrument of judgment on this nation like He used Babylon as an instrument of judgment on his chosen people, is coming to pass. Many scoffed as they have at many of the things I have warned people over the years, virtually all of them having sadly come to pass. With each passing day I see the possibility getting more realistic and we need to not just be vigilant about the growing power and influence of Islam in this nation, but serious about the one and only answer to stay Gods wrath and judgment for a season and replace it with His blessings! That answer is for this nation to turn back to God and HIS Truth! In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 11:22:10 +0000

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