More Election Commentary.. (Im still salty...) Ive got some - TopicsExpress


More Election Commentary.. (Im still salty...) Ive got some thoughts to get off my chest. No need for a filter... Yall drank the Kool-Aid... You have somehow accepted that the problems we have are all President Obama s fault. I want to explore this for a sec. When the President took office, this country was a wreck (you remember, right?). Foreclosure crisis, big bank bail outs, Detroit automakers were folding, we were involved in two wars, Bin Laden was dropping exclusive beheading videos every two weeks, no jobs, bridges were falling into the rivers they were constructed to cross, record unemployment, recession, and damn-near $4.00/gallon gas prices. Insurance companies were dropping or denying you coverage on a whim if they found out you so much as had the sniffles (despite gladly taking your premiums), and the country was divided and tired. Congress was like Bookman from Good Times... They werent trying to fix ish around here and were just eating a great government salary with awesome benefits. Our kids were being left behind in the education system. Student loans were ridiculous because tuition was ridiculous. We were so desperate for change that we were basically unified in electing the first Black President in order to fix things. We stood together and high-fived when he won, though everyone expected him to walk on water (without Congressional support). When he took office, things changed. He stabilized the housing markets, save the American auto makers, ended the wars, killed Bin Laden, stopped the downward spiral of the economy, established special provisions for financiers of higher education, fought to give you universal healthcare, while simultaneously saving us from the brink with no Congressional help. As a matter of fact, these folks (whom you just voted for to represent us) took us hostage and SHUT THE GOVERNMENT DOWN just to disagree with his measures. Meanwhile, they still got their checks.... And despite all of that, Obama stayed classy and fought through. Of course, he had hiccups along the way. What President doesnt? Bengazi, Not understanding the significance of Isis early enough, and the fast and furious program (which you are smoking crack if you think that was just him... Research Oliver Northor Iran Contra Scandal). But the economy improved, your highways improved, homeowners had more relief provisions and remedies to prevent foreclosure, folks got tax incentives to buy homes, cash for clunkers was a hit to get more fuel-efficient American-made cars of higher quality and gas mileage. We were creeping back into normalcy... ...then, yesterday happened. Somehow, the GOP... The Get Out Party... Convinced you that The President is to blame for their decisions to shut the government down... You know... The decision THEY made. They blamed him for everything and anything that went wrong as a failure of the administration despite the fact that when he asked for Congressional help, they gave him nothing!!! They did everything they could to prevent success. Even Obamacare in its current form contains only a modicum of what the President initially asked for, but was what he conceded for the sake of having something instead of nothing. They shut the government down!!! But whats worse is that Democrats in Congress ran with this rhetoric. Yall were so focused on winning re-election and picking up swing voters that you alienated the large base of folks (especially minorities) who still support President Obama. Yall seemed to have forgotten that but for Obamas name on your initial campaign flyer, you wouldnt be in office...PERIOD!!! He held up his end, and for that you stabbed him in the back. But we should forgive you, right? I mean, even Peter denied Jesus three times when ish got real... And though Obama is certainly not the Messiah, yall MFers were surely saddling up on jock for salvation when it was beneficial to you and your lofty goals and expectations. Now you run from him like the plague, seemingly providing legitimacy to the Republican argument that he has somehow failed the people...side note- HE HASNT!!!! And thats why your @$$ lost and is right back in the spectator section with us watching Rome burn as the new power in charge fiddles with glee over their new takeover. Before they get started, Id like to do some preliminary liquor pour-outs, because I know some of these programs, agencies, and legislation are Finna be dead real quick... In memoriam: Affordable Care Act, Department of Education, Making Homes Affordable Act, Brady Bill, all credit card regulations, all those proposed changes to the drug laws, Gay marriage, Roe v. Wade, Equal Pay Act (again!), Clean Energy Act, Environmental Protection Agency, OSHA, Public Benefits, and any hope of getting justice at the SCOTUS... #IllegalSearchAndSeizure? ##Yeah,WeveGotThat ###PricedOutOfEducation? ####WeveGotLoansWith10%Interest ###LiftingYourselfUpByYourBootstraps? ##Well...ItsGonnaCostYou #GuessTheSayingIsTrue... #YouGetMoreOfWhatYouWantActingLikeABratThanYouDoBeingResponsible
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 13:41:25 +0000

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