More Important Than the Death Sentence It was early in the - TopicsExpress


More Important Than the Death Sentence It was early in the morning, but He had already been through a lot. Even if He had had the chance to sleep during the night, He probably would have lain wide awake, burdened by the ever-present knowledge that He was going to die the next day. As it was, He had not slept—after spending time with his followers partaking of that ancient Jewish feast, the Passover, His night had been spent in earnest prayer and agony. For once Jesus’ will and God’s will were different. Christ didn’t want to die, and even asked His Father to let Him skip that step of the plan, if possible. “Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.” (Matthew 26:39) Through the treachery of one of His close companions, Jesus was handed over to the local authorities, and judged in an unjust trial. Everything was set to execute Him, but there was one catch: the Jews didn’t have authority from the Roman Government then in power to carry out capital punishment. But that didn’t stop them—their next destination was Pontius Pilate, the prefect of Judea at the time, a Roman government official. “What accusation bring ye against this man?” (John 18:29) Oh, they had plenty of accusations. Most were false, but at least one was true: that He called Himself “King of the Jews,” a dangerous title in those days, since it could interpreted as rebellion against the Roman Empire and Caesar. “Art thou the King of the Jews?” “Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end have I been born, and to this end am I come into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.” (John 18:37) Even though the Jews were throwing false accusations at Jesus right and left, He didn’t bother defending Himself as a person. However, even after a night of insomnia and mental anguish, He was ready to tell anyone—even the one who had authority to give Him the death sentence—about His mission: Truth. “What is truth?” Apparently Pilate wasn’t looking for an answer to the question, because after asking he just continued on with his business. Maybe it was just an off-hand comment, but it was a good question to ask, and maybe it’s something you’ve wondered about, too. Of course, you probably wouldn’t actually ask “What is truth?” After all, if you don’t know what truth is, just fetch a dictionary! But what about the nature of truth? A lot of people deny its very existence. Do they have a point, or are they mistaken? You see, truth is important. Really important. If it weren’t, why was Jesus talking about it when He was on the verge of being executed? And if you want to find out what truth is, why not go to the One whose mission was to bear witness to the truth? It just so happens that our mission is the same thing, and we want to help you if you’re willing. So what’s the next step? You could go lots of places from here, but click the button below for a good place to start. Come, follow the truth—you won’t regret it. E-mail address: To visit any church of christ withing ur location u can send ur E-mail address The church of christ function entirely on d doctrine of d bible
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 10:44:31 +0000

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