More Page Reader Feedback... Jennifer Bruce Hi Grant, Thought - TopicsExpress


More Page Reader Feedback... Jennifer Bruce Hi Grant, Thought Id give some feedback on my lurcher Vince. Ive came to you for a few things and ur always right anyway. However, my lurcher Vince was an obsessive barker... Bikes, wheelchairs, mobility scooters, scooters, cats (oh my God CATS!), people and dogs. It wasnt an aggressive bark but a Im gonna keep getting louder until u give me attention kind of bark. I should say he was always fine off the lead its only ever on the lead. Anyhoo... I took him to two paid trainers. Both were of the mind set of positive only. Ive never heard anything so impractical in all my freakin life. I told all of them I had 2 other dogs, Id like to manage Vince on a pack walk and whilst I was willing to so some individual walking etc it wasnt entirely practical to do 2 walks separately. So I agreed to do individual training with Vince and then practice this on walks. They had me walk up and down a park, and up and down a busy high street and every time someone with the above passed he was to be given a treat. Every time he barked he was to be told to sit and be given a treat. No aversive because that is reinforcing to the dog that these things are bad and he will bark more. So I go with this training method for about 3 weeks. Every day out with treats giving him one as told. And slowly his barking gets worse - to the point where hes literally barking at nothing. Nothing at all. So now Im having to get him to sit and give him a treat when hes barking for no apparent reason (other than now he knows if he barks he gets a treat!!). It gets to the point where Im not avoiding walks with him because hes like a devil dog in disguise. Then I message u.... Long and the short of your reply put a bark collar on him. I couldnt find an extremely reliable good one within my limited price range so settled on the citronella collar which sprays lemon scent in his nose when he barks. I was a bit sceptical and had told me dad if this doesnt work could we all chip in for a good one! So first walk - collar on. Passed a dog, one bark, he came back to heel. (Holy crap are miracles real?!). Passed a man close by, no lunging no barking. Wore the collar for about 2 weeks straight and stopped his barking. I still put the collar on him incase he gets any notions but hes a pretty cured dog! So what Im trying to say is... Not only is this treat malarkey impractical it actually doesnt even work! Hope u find this feedback useful x
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 11:24:35 +0000

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