More Power to You By: Pastor Calvin C. - TopicsExpress


More Power to You By: Pastor Calvin C. Hays September 25, 2014 We all sang it as kids. Do you remember? Oh, we opened our chocolate smudged faces wide open, and half screamed what in our thumping hearts we knew was true: “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so…“Scarce pausing, we ran on into that other wider song: “Jesus loves the little children of the world…all of them, regardless…Now, nearly lost in the sooted halls of memory, a thousand contrary notes having been pushed into our heads, we no longer sing and likely struggle to catch up the tune of those old, rusty childhood songs. Such a loss is incalculable. The absence of the song of love in our hearts reduces us, diminishes us until we seem to come upon the inability to be certain of almost anything, especially that we hold even a slight corner in the majestic space we know as the love of God. And then there leaps before our eyes the awful question: “Does Jesus love me still?” Well, why should he love us> Have we looked lately at the ambiguity and half-heartedness of our effort to shoulder His Name and bear it off into the shadowy regions of outright evil, the blackened world of Christlessness where no light shines? When He spoke, did we listen and gather up the little snippets of understanding gleaned from experience and bravely talk of them in the ears of our children and neighbors? When He pointed outward from the padded pews and picture windows by which our comfort zones are furnished, did we not merely drag ourselves out, fearful, half-embarrassed at how inept we are in spelling out what His love has wrought in us, and do we not hesitate tremble and fumble with our sleeves as we look for some way to sing again that old childhood song about Jesus’ love? The truth is that we are cowards when it comes to the exposure of our hearts. To live “inside-out” is too much for us, we say, and then we let drip, like a faucet, little hints of what we would change the world like a flood if we should open the spigots and let it loose. We must learn again that the power to change our world is not vested in the White House, the Supreme Court, the Congress of the United States; the power to transform the world is vested in the hands of the People of God, that is us who know Him as Savior and Lord. When we were children, we were certain of that. We were brave and unashamed. But now – now fear and propriety coverage to lock us in silence and shut down the lovely songs of the long ago!
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 00:06:41 +0000

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