More Research..... What causes a baby to be stillborn? From - TopicsExpress


More Research..... What causes a baby to be stillborn? From the research I have been doing it appears that Its not always possible to find out what has led to the passing of a baby. At such sad and devastating times this is the only thing as a parent you want to know the answer to is WHY? Why has this happened? Why is my baby not alive? Why can I not have the chance to hear my baby cry? WHY? WHY? WHY? Its the one question that parents, family and children want answered. Unfortunately, It appears that in just under 1/3 (28 per cent) of cases, doctors cannot tell them. However, there are many potential factors that can play a huge part in the sad passing of a little precious baby. Some factors that may lead to stillbirth could be: •A baby simply did not grow enough in the uterus. •A genetic or physical defect in the baby. This means the babys brain, heart or other organ has not developed properly. •Heavy bleeding after 24 weeks of pregnancy. (Bleeding throughout pregnancy can contribute) This can happen when the placenta begins to separate from the lining of the uterus. It is called a placental abruption. •Pre-eclampsia, which can reduce blood flow to the baby via the placenta. This condition is associated with placental abruption. •An illness suffered by the mum, such as diabetes, the liver condition obstetric cholestasis, or a blood-clotting problem. •A problem with the way the baby is born. A babys shoulders may get stuck as he leaves the birth canal (shoulder dystocia), severely reducing oxygen flow to him. •Infections, such as listeriosis, salmonella or toxoplasmosis. Many stillborn babies are premature or smaller than they should be for their stage of pregnancy. Despite thinking my precious little boy was going to be small he was an amazing 32cm and perfect in every way. Although this research highlights many factors, every situation is individual and a parent may experience more than one of the above. It is very important that you ask questions. Although Doctors may not have all the answers you must still ask them to help you understand the experience that you been through.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 22:11:59 +0000

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