More TV Presenters Resign From Revelation TV Due to its Promotion - TopicsExpress


More TV Presenters Resign From Revelation TV Due to its Promotion of Heresy Dear Howard, Lesley, Gordon, Lorna, Staff and Presenters at Revelation tv, I am sending this to everyone as a cover so that each person knows what I have written and it lessens the possibility of being misquoted by anyone. This is possibly the most difficult e-mail I have ever had to write. Last week my friend and brother in Christ Jacob Prasch contacted me and asked if Jesse Du Plantis is appearing on Revelation tv. I did a check on the schedule to see when I was next on and noticed Du Plantis was on a Monday. So I told Jacob he was correct and that it was now causing me some concern. I had not done anything or said anything to anyone about it as I wanted time to think, pray, seek the Lord’s will etc rather than making some knee jerk reaction. You have no idea how much Maria and I cherish and love everyone at Revelation tv. You really are so special to us and we intend no ill will or animosity against anyone. I am so grateful to you and to the Lord for all your many kindnesses over the years which I can never repay. We wish you nothing but God’s richest blessing. However after much prayer, sleepness nights, searching the scriptures and chats to between Maria and myself and after Howard and Gordon’s incredible attack on Jacob and their defense of the false tacher Du Plantis I feel I have no other alternative but to pull out of Revelation tv and also will not be appearing on the 10th December as I do not want Brian Gemmell’s name or excellent ministry linked with this in any way. Some may say this is being petty but truth is truth, error is error. With which of these do we want to be associated, even at a distance? I have been told by e-mail Jacob has divided the body of Christ in this. But truth does divide doesn’t it? And who causes the division? The one who speaks the truth or the one who is a false teacher? Romans 16:17â18 17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. 18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. God hates a mixture and in these final days we cannot afford to sound an unclear note to the lost. It is that serious and each of us must make our position clear; draw a line in the sand. To attack Jacob in such a way when we know his request over Du Plantis was a plea from the heart showing great respect to you all, Howard especially, truly shocked, surprised and upset me very much. Some folks do not like Jacob’s manner or his seeming abruptness etc. and this appears to have been the main ammo used in the attack against him. But the real issue on the Late Show was barely mentioned. And that is the false teaching and money/ prosperity gospel of Du Plantis laid alongside the teachings from scripture of Jacob Prasch. Yet when the votes are in bible teaching is thrown out and “I went to heaven in a cable car” wins the vote. How? Why? This is hurting me so much to write this but we are all answerable in the end to Jesus . I cannot dictate to you the way you schedule programmes or who you have on nor would I want that headache, but Du Plantis is at best delusional and at worst a heretic. He says he went to heaven in a type of cable car, had a drink from the river of life with Abraham, saw God on His throne and when God moved His finger the force threw an angel against a wall. He claims to have seen baby spirits in nightgowns flying around begging God to let them come to earth, be born and be redeemed! That is Mormon teaching as is his claim that heaven is a planet. He may speak a lot of good but it is mixed with this unscriptural nonsense. Would Paul or Peter or Jesus have condoned him? Would they have stood on the same platform? I think not. Paul warned: âIn their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.â (2 Peter 2:3) ââ¦Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions.â (Colossians 2:18) But Jacob goes and Du Plantis stays??? Do we take on board the warnings from scripture or not? Obviously not. I have a small ministry but it is one I cherish as from the Lord. I don’t wish to appear more holy than thou at all but I must make some kind of stand as one who claims to follow Christ. Someone could tune in to Revelation to watch myself or Howard or Bible study etc and also return another evening catch Du Plantis and send him money or worse still believe his nonsense and because we are on the same channel think we go along with him in his nonsense. I fear God too much to be associated with that possibility or of being linked with him in any way. It’s like sharing a platform with him in some small degree. So my dear, dear friends we must withdraw with very much heartache and genuine sadness. We shall miss you all so very much. In Jesus. Bob and Maria Mitchell _____________________________________________________________________________ I WAS DUE TO APPEAR ON REVELATION TELEVISION “SATURDAY LIVE” WITH BOB MITCHELL AT 7.30pm SATURDAY 10th DECEMBER BUT THIS WILL NOT NOW TAKE PLACE. REVELATION TV ARE GIVING AIRTIME TO A MAN, JESSE DUPLANTIS, WHOM I CONSIDER TO BE A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING, A DECEIVER AND A BLASPHEMER. BOB MITCHELL FEELS THE SAME AND HAS SEVERED HIS ASSOCIATION WITH REVELATION TV. I AM NOT PREPARED TO HAVE MY NAME ASSOCIATED WITH, AND MY SERVICE FOR THE LORD JESUS TARNISHED, BY APPEARING ON A TV STATION THE GIVES TIME AND SPACE TO FALSE TEACHING, BE IT DUPLANTIS, THE CHURCH OF ROME OR SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. Because we have 3 daughters in the USA we have visited the States many times over the last 2 decades and have watched Duplantis programmes there. We were horrified. In fact our children found it humourous to show us some of these frightful “money preachers” by way of entertainment and to “wind us up”!!!!! We need to be keeping the influence of such ungodliness out of our country not encouraging it with airtime. The lack of discernment within our national church is heartbreaking. Yours in the service of the Lord Jesus, Brian Gemmell
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 02:28:19 +0000

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